Chapter 280: Not stupid

A few months later, Jing Shirong finally rushed to the capital.

 As soon as he arrived in the capital, he and Qi Yuanming first brought the stolen goods to see the emperor.

The emperor nodded with satisfaction when he saw that they were working reliably and brought over all the stolen goods on the list.

He looked up at the young and promising Jing Shirong and the tall and powerful Qi Yuanming, and the more he looked at them, the more satisfied he became.

If the princesses hadn't all been engaged, he would have wanted to marry the princess to Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming.

However, the title of Prince Consort did not win the hearts of the important ministers, so the emperor had no intention of doing so.

 He was thinking about something else.

Jing Shirong is becoming more and more powerful now. If he is reused for a few more years, he will be able to establish a place in the court.

 At that time, he would definitely not be allowed to dominate, so the emperor had already supported another party member.

 The other two families he supported were the Zhao family and the Zhou family.

The Zhao family and the Zhou family were students from poor families. They were different from the families of courtiers like Jing Shi, Rong Qi, and Yuan Ming, who had been officials for three generations.

It can be said that the Zhao and Zhou families had no foundation in the capital, and they relied on the emperor to support them bit by bit.

The emperor intends to train them to be his right-hand men, so that they can compete with the Jingqi family to achieve the effect of the four families suppressing each other.

Of course, he would not tell Jing Shirong these thoughts.

What he wants now is for Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming to work for him. Even if he becomes a bad guy, he will not end up personally, but let the Zhao and Zhou families appear.

But now is not the time for the Zhao and Zhou families to go against Jing Shirong.

 At this time, the emperor would only ask the four families to work together and work together to keep things in good order inside and outside the court, and then give them promotions little by little.

Jing Shirong is not stupid, and he can see the emperor's thoughts to some extent.

Jing's father had been an official since he was young, and he had seen the styles of the two emperors. He knew everything about the court and could teach Jing Shirong.

Jing Shirong may not be very clever about love, but he is very clear about court matters.

 He will serve the emperor wholeheartedly, but he will also reserve his own self and leave a way out for himself.

  We are all smart people, and he is not stupid either. It is impossible for him to stupidly hand over the knife and let the emperor chop him several times in vain and still be grateful.

 What he has to do now is to strengthen himself so that one day he can say no to the emperor and protect his family.

His father is still an official now. When he becomes stronger, he can make his parents more relaxed.

At this moment, he and Qi Yuanming finished their errands and went back together.

 Qi Yuanming returned to the Qi family, and he returned to the Jing family.

Jing's father and Jing's family haven't seen him for a long time, so they are very happy to see him back.

 “You’re back? You seem to be a little tanned.”

Jing's father also said, "It's a little darker and a little thinner."

Jing Shirong was in a hurry on the way back. He must not have eaten well, and of course he lost weight.

Jing felt distressed and asked the kitchen to stew the soup, "Go and wash up first. The meal will be ready in a while."

Jing Shirong hummed and went back to his room to freshen up and change into clean clothes before going out to eat.

Jing asked someone to tell Jing Yu and Jing Xin about the news of his return, and the brother and sister came back soon.

 “Mom, is my eldest brother back?”

Jing Xin came running back with a roar, which made the maid tremble with fear.

 “Madam, please slow down and be careful with your stomach.”

 It turns out that Jing Xin is already five months pregnant and is not very polite yet.

Seeing that she was still so reckless, Mr. Jing glared at her angrily, "You're already so pregnant and still so out of touch, why can't you be more gentle? Why are you running? What if you fall down?"

Jing Xin came over and acted coquettishly, "Hey, it's not a big deal. I'm watching from my feet. Besides, I know martial arts and won't fall."

Jing Shi was too lazy to tell her and rolled her eyes, "Okay, I'm too lazy to talk to you, go sit down, the food is ready."

Jing Xin sighed and walked over to sit next to Jing Shi Rong with a smile. “Brother, are you back? I miss you so much.”

Jing Shirong looked up at her and gave her a piece of meat, "Eat it, it's hot."

Jing Xin Fen'er was moved and ate it happily. "Thank you, brother~"

Jingyu came back soon and came to look for Jing Shirong with a smile.

 “Brother, I haven’t seen you for a long time.”

Jing Shirong hummed and greeted him, "Come over and eat."

Jing Yu hummed, took off his official hat, and sat down to eat with Jing Shi Rong.

Mrs. Jing also came out when she heard the commotion.

When she heard that Jing Shirong was back, she was very happy and took the initiative to come out to have dinner with them.

He also complained to Jingshi, "Why didn't Brother Rong tell me before he came back? He asked me to sleep for so long."

Jing said, "He won't leave for a while. You should sleep a little longer so that you have the energy to chat with the children at night."

Once Mrs. Jing heard this, she stopped talking about her.

 She came over and wanted to sit next to Jing Shirong.

Jingyu took the initiative to give her the seat, "Grandma, please sit here."

Mrs. Jing sighed, sat next to Jing Shirong, and served him food, "Look at you, you have lost so much weight and your skin is so tanned, I almost don't recognize you."

Jing Shirong raised his head and smiled, "It's okay, just put some moisturizing cream on it at night and it'll be fine."

The capital city is very dry in winter. He just came back and didn't have time to put anything on his face. His face and mouth were peeling, and he didn't look as fair as in autumn.

Mrs. Jing chatted with him while eating, "How long can you stay at home after this trip?"

 The eldest grandson is already so old. He runs out all the time and doesn’t have a daughter-in-law by his side to keep him warm. Mrs. Jing feels distressed.

Jing Shirong also wanted to tell his family about Sister Ying, so he asked his servants to close the door and planned to tell his family.

Jing's father just came back and came over to sit with them.

Jing Shirong looked at his parents, then at Mrs. Jing, and finally said to them, "Mom and dad, I want you to help me go to Jiangnan to propose a marriage."

Jingshi and Jingfu looked at each other, "What did you say?"

Propose marriage?

 Going to Jiangnan to mention it?

Not only Jing and his wife, but also Jing Yu and Jing Xin were surprised.

“Brother, do you have a girl you like in Jiangnan?”

Jing Shirong nodded, his handsome wheat-colored face turning red. "Well, she's a few years younger than you two."

Jing Yu and Jing Xin suddenly opened their mouths in surprise, "Isn't that right? You old cow eats young grass?"

Jing Shirong glared at them and said, "We are talented men and beautiful women, so don't talk nonsense."

 He is not an old ox, he is obviously a young ox.

 The whole family;.

Mrs. Jing was the first to react and quickly asked, "Which girl is she from? Are you so fascinated by her?" She actually asked her parents to propose marriage in person?

Jing Shi also hurriedly came over and asked, "Yes, whose girl is she? How is her character?"

Jing Shirong coughed, showing shyness and sweetness in front of his family for the first time, "She, you know her too."

 “We know each other too?”

Now the Jing family members looked at each other, really curious.

“Who is it? How come we know each other?”

They do know people in Jiangnan, but they haven't contacted them for many years, so when Jing Shirong mentioned it, they couldn't remember who it was for a moment.

It’s a holiday, please give me some votes~



 (End of this chapter)

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