The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 284: , all learned from experience

Chapter 284: Experience is learned

Seeing that her daughter-in-law had seen through her, Mrs. Jing coughed and retorted awkwardly, "That's because you haven't seen the grievances I felt when I married into the Jing family."

Jing didn't believe it, "If you were really aggrieved, you would have read it a long time ago."

It can be seen that there is not much grievance, otherwise Mrs. Jing would have complained without anyone asking.


Mrs. Jing did not expect to be seen through by them so easily, and she was so angry that she thought.

"Anyway, I'm telling you, don't pamper your new wife too much when she comes in, otherwise she will climb on top of you. Then you won't be able to control her even if you want to. You have to give her some power first, okay?"

 Jingshi&Jing Shirong;

Jing Shirong couldn't help but ask, "Did my great-great-grandmother give you authority back then?"

Mrs. Jing blurted out, "How dare she? My father was not someone to be trifled with back then. If she dared to show off to me, my father would be angry."

Take a look, double standards or not?

 I don’t allow others to bully her, so I have the nerve to let Jingshi bully Sister Ying.

Jing Shi laughed angrily when he heard this.

“Mom, I’m not talking about you. You can just talk about it here. Don’t go to Mrs. Liang. Be careful that people ignore you.”

Mrs. Jing pursed her lips guiltily, knowing that she was just showing off her power here, and she would not dare to go to someone else's house.

“Don’t say this out loud.”

She has seen Mrs. Liang's shrewdness back then, but she can't let her hear her say that she wants to intimidate her granddaughter.

 Otherwise, when the old woman quarrels with me, she may not be able to win.

Jing saw that she was quite self-aware, so he didn't say anything to her.

Jing Shirong knew that her mother would not be so unreasonable, so she didn't say anything, but there was still a little anger in her eyebrows.

Seeing his depressed look, Mrs. Jing smiled and said, "Are you angry? Your grandmother was just joking with you. She won't bully your wife, so don't worry."

Jing Shirong gave a rare childish snort and muttered, "If you bully my sister Ying, I will take her back to Jiangnan to live."

 Jingshi & Mrs. Jing;

It was the first time that they saw Jing Shirong protecting someone like this, and it was also the first time that they saw his resentful eyes, and they were all stunned for a moment.

It was only then that Mrs. Jing realized that her son might really like the little girl from the Liang family. Otherwise I wouldn't be so angry.

Mrs. Jing did not understand the thoughts of their young people. She only thought that her grandson was attracted by the little girl from the Liang family and her mind drifted to other people. She secretly thought that the little girl from the Liang family was so capable?

I still remember that little girl back then, she was so small and sweet, she didn’t look like someone who knew how to use tricks.

 Could it be that after so many years of not seeing each other, he has changed?

Jing Shi glanced at her mother-in-law and knew that Mrs. Jing was thinking too much, but she didn't say anything to her.

 The old woman has a lot of drama and loves to think too much, but as long as she doesn’t talk nonsense on stage, let her have more drama in her heart in private.

 This head.

Sister Ying takes Mei Xianer to the inn every day to work, so there is no free day.

She discussed it with Mr. Wu and decided to open the shop next to their inn.

 Because there are already three or four dim sum shops on the main street, if you open it near other people's homes, you may not necessarily be popular, but you will be crowded.

 If it is opened in an alley, although there will be less enemies, it will also lack the flow of people.

 But if it is opened next to Yingjieer Inn, there will be a lot of traffic.

There are still a lot of repeat customers at Laiying Sister's Inn, especially some women who like to eat their customized confinement meals after giving birth, so they have customers coming to their inn every day.

 At that time, all you need to do is post the new snacks for sale at the inn counter. After the guests taste it and like it, they will naturally come back to buy it.

Mei Xianer thinks her idea is very good, and she has learned a little bit more.

Sister Ying said, "I see that you are quite talented in making dim sum and doing mental arithmetic. Remember to study more flavors of dim sum and enrich the variety of dim sum." "Of course, the book on food taboos I gave you before You also have to write them down one by one."

 When they prepare catering food, they must note down the conflicts between the foods and the types of things that may cause allergies. Otherwise, there may be trouble after eating.

 Especially those fungi, you should pay special attention to them.

Many people like to eat mushroom sauce and mushroom pancakes, but if they accidentally pick poisonous mushrooms, it will be over.

 Mei Xian'er is still very careful in doing things, and she says good things seriously.

"I know, I will remember it carefully, and I will also choose the fruit carefully."

Sister Ying knew that she was a careful person, so she felt free to let her choose the ingredients.

In the past few months, she has taken Mei Xianer to decorate the shop, negotiate prices, and let them choose the tools themselves.

 Even which firewood is suitable for cooking, frying and stir-frying is particular.

Sister Ying is serious about teaching, and Mei Xianer is also serious about learning.

Especially Mei Xian'er's admiration for Sister Ying is growing more and more, her beautiful little face is filled with admiration.

Even the boyish Sister Yang admired her very much, "Sister, you are really my idol."

Obviously they were born from the same mother, so why isn’t she as smart as their mother? Only the eldest sister is exactly like my mother, both are smart.

Sister Ying laughed when she heard this, "Smartness and hard work must go together, not just being smart can lead to success. You also have to learn bit by bit by yourself."

Over the years, she and Wu opened many stores and bought a lot of things. They accumulated experience bit by bit.

She and Mrs. Wu have also suffered losses and lost money. Not everything has gone smoothly.

 At first, the inn's delivery food also experienced some intrigues from some wealthy families.

Of course, they don’t want to get involved, mainly because people use their food as an excuse to harm others.

Had it not been for Wu's cleverness at that time, he might have gotten into a lot of trouble.

 Including they suffered losses when they bought land, and were cheated by people below when they were growing vegetables and raising pigs.

Thanks to these things, Mrs. Wu and Sister Ying have all experienced them, so Mrs. Wu and Sister Ying can learn from each other and gain wisdom, and gradually become more and more experienced.

Mei Xian'er and Yang Jie'er are also studious and motivated, and they learn well.

 But it is still too early to tell whether we can take charge of our own business.

 The three of them went back together after they were busy until evening.

   Kang Geer hurried back with them when he got out of school.

 “Sister, wait for me.”

Sister Ying saw that it was this stinky brother again, and she couldn't laugh or cry, "Why do you come here every day?"

Mei Xianer usually doesn't go out with her, and I haven't seen Kang Geer so active.

 Once Mei Xian'er is present, this guy can chase him wherever he goes. His appearance is really outrageous.

 Kang Geer laughed and was not shy at all. Instead, he walked to Mei Xianer in a familiar manner.

“Xianxian, how is your research on today’s dim sum recipe going?”

Mei Xian'er was now familiar with Kang Ge'er, so she told him, "I originally wanted to make salty-flavored butter cakes, but I couldn't find any salty fillings."

 The salty shortbread that Sister Ying described before made Mei Xianer want to make it very much, but she could never make it with a satisfactory salty filling taste.

The weather is nice. You can go for a picnic.



 (End of this chapter)

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