Chapter 285: Get together

 Seeing her distress, Kang Geer quickly comforted her, "Don't be distressed. I'll help you think about it."

Mei Xianer saw that he had an idea and immediately looked at him with bright eyes.

 Kang Geer felt happy when she looked at him like this, and he immediately thought, "Yes."

“I remember that when I was a child, I ate a salty pancake, which I think was called pickle pancake. It was particularly delicious.”

That kind of pickle pancake looks ordinary, but the taste is really unique. You will like it after eating it almost once.

 Especially the elderly like to eat that kind of pickle pancake. It can be eaten as a staple food or with porridge.

 “Pickle cake?”

It was the first time for Mei Xianer to hear about this kind of cake, and she asked curiously, "You mean, the filling in the cake is pickles?"

Kang Geer nodded and said, "But that kind of cake is not crispy. It is probably not a butter cake. It is a very chewy flour cake."

“The pickles inside are also very delicious. They are salty, but not very salty. When the noodles and pickles are eaten together, they have a salty and sweet taste. Basically, you won’t get tired of eating three of them.”

 The more he said this, the more Mei Xianer wanted to try.

“I really want to try what you said. Otherwise, Brother Kang, after you finish your homework, come over and try the taste for me, right?”

Kang Geer was naturally willing and said yes with a smile, "Then I'll take you back first, and I'll come over as soon as I finish my homework."

Mei Xianer smiled and said yes, her thoughts were simple and beautiful.

Sister Ying was too lazy to look at them and went home first.

 After arriving home, Mrs. Wu said.

"Your carrier pigeon just came back with a letter tied to its foot. I got it for you. You can read it."

“Really?” When Sister Ying heard that the carrier pigeon had flown back, she immediately read the letter happily.

 She hasn't received a letter from Jing Shirong for a while. I've missed him for a long time.

 When I heard that there was a letter coming, I naturally wanted to go and have a look.

 She opened the letter and saw the familiar font.

His words were sonorous and powerful, and his eyebrows were dancing. Fortunately, she could understand them.

 It said, "I have gone down to the south of the Yangtze River. I miss you on the way, but don't miss you."

Just imagining him bending down to write a letter, Sister Ying smiled sweetly.

Seeing her smiling so sweetly, Mrs. Wu asked him, "What did Brother Rong say?"

Sister Ying smiled sweetly and replied, "He said he has already gone to Jiangnan. He is probably arriving soon."

The correspondence usually took place within a month or two. This letter must have been sent by Jing Shirong on his first day in Jiangnan.

Counting the days, they must be arriving soon.

When Mrs. Wu heard this, she said, "Then I'll go make preparations. I don't know how many people are coming this time."

Sister Ying said, "Aunt Jing and Mrs. Jing must be the ones coming. Let's clean up the two clean rooms and prepare more food."

Mrs. Wu nodded, "Okay, I still remember the tastes of their mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. I just wonder if their tastes have changed after not seeing each other for so many years."

Sister Ying smiled and said, "It's okay, just cook it the same way every meal. There will always be a taste they like."

Wu Shi nodded, "That's right. Then I'll go get ready. The quilt needs to be dried a little softer before I can sleep well."

Sister Ying hummed and started busying with her.

 A few days later, Jing Shirong, Mrs. Jing and Mrs. Jing finally arrived in Jiangnan.

They first took a carriage, then a boat, which was much faster.

 When the ship arrived at Jiangnan Pier, Jing Shirong felt a sense of belonging for the first time.

He has been to many places over the years and has no sense of staying in any place. He just treats himself as a passerby.

 When he came to Jiangnan later, he had no sense of staying in Jiangnan. Only this time, because Sister Ying was here, he felt a sense of belonging. The eagerness to return home was very clear at this moment. He asked the boatman to dock, quickly helped Mr. Jing and Mrs. Jing aboard, called the carriage, and walked to Liang's house.

Mrs. Jing suddenly seemed to go crazy when she saw him, and she started to stir up her horse. She was swaying in her seat.

Jing couldn't help but cover her mouth and laugh, "This kid." He suddenly seemed crazy.

Mrs. Jing hurriedly supported the carriage and said, "A man is so virtuous. When he sees his sweetheart, he goes crazy and cannot stop her."

Jing felt it was really funny, so she covered her mouth and laughed, "I've never seen Brother Rong lose his temper like this before. I guess the girl from the Liang family is more attractive."

 Speaking of the Liang family, Mrs. Jing also misses her past days in Ningxi Town.

She said, "Don't tell me, I was actually quite comfortable in Ningxi Town back then."

  Although life is a bit poorer, I am free and free. I can do whatever I want without having to follow so many rules.

Especially being able to chat with a few little old ladies every day, and it’s very exciting.

I don’t know how Mrs. Liang is doing now? Is he older than her?

Jingshi smiled and said, "That's not necessarily the case. Mrs. Liang is a few years younger than you."

Mrs. Jing was not convinced, "Age doesn't mean anything. You may not think of me as old, but I am the youngest among the old ladies in the capital."

Hearing this, Mrs. Jing couldn’t laugh or cry, but she didn’t refute her. She said directly, “Yes, yes, your face is much younger than that of old ladies of the same age, and your skin is also better. Mrs. Liang is definitely not as young as you.”

 After saying this, Mrs. Jing was satisfied.

 “Just wait, we will be able to compare them when we get to Liang’s house later.”

As he was saying this, Jing Shirong let out a "shu~" and stopped the horse.

 He was the first to get out of the carriage, and then came to help Mr. Jing and Mrs. Jing.

“Mom, we’re here.” Her voice was urgent, as if she couldn’t wait to run in to see Sister Ying.

Jing really couldn't stand him and rolled her eyes at him, "Okay, okay, you go in first."

Jing Shirong did not shirk, and climbed over the wall with excitement on his face.

 The concierge looked at him for a moment, and hurriedly tried to stop him.

Jing called them to a stop, "Can you please tell us that the Jing family from the capital is coming?"

The concierge looked at each other, but seeing that Jing was rich and noble, he didn't look like a bad person, so he went in to report.

Mrs. Wu heard the commotion and hurriedly came out to take a look.

“Sister Jing? Is that you?”

 The Wu family hasn't arrived yet, so Sheng goes ahead.

As soon as Mrs. Jing heard this familiar voice, she was very happy to greet him, "Yes, Sister Wu, are you okay? Long time no see."

As soon as Mrs. Wu heard that Mrs. Jing was really here, she hurriedly ran out to pick up Mr. Jing. The two hadn't seen each other for a long time, and now that they were face to face, she couldn't help but feel emotional.

 The two looked at each other, and the more they looked at each other, the more familiar they became.

Jing Shi even held Wu Shi's hand, "I haven't seen you for so many years, but you haven't changed at all. You are still so beautiful."

Mrs. Wu smiled shyly and said, "I don't have much trouble in the countryside, but my sister has a much harder time than me."

Jing Shi shook his head and said directly, "We all have our own difficulties, so don't just feel sorry for me."

Mrs. Wu nodded and said hurriedly, "Quick, let's sit in the room first."

Jing Shi sighed and was about to follow her in.

Mrs. Jing saw that they had forgotten about themselves because of the gathering, and shouted, "Oh, there is still me."

Jing finally came back to his senses and was startled, "Look at me, this memory."

 (End of this chapter)

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