The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 287: , attach importance to **** but neglect women

Chapter 287, Emphasizing **** over mother-in-law

 “Miss, help!”

Xiao Zi called Sister Ying for help with a frightened look on her face. The big square face was obviously startled.

Sister Ying gave Jing Shirong a charming look, but she did not reprimand him. Instead, she walked over and explained to Xiao Zi, "This is your future uncle, so don't keep fussing."

 Having said that, let Jing Shirong untie Xiaozi’s acupuncture points.

Jing Shirong smiled, took Sister Ying's hand and taught her step by step.

 “First click here, then here.”

 His big hand, using Sister Ying's fingers, tapped Xiao Zi's back twice.

As soon as Xiao Zi was free, she immediately looked at Jing Shirong warily.

Seeing that Jing Shirong was close to Sister Ying, as if he was holding Sister Ying from behind, she suddenly pulled Sister Ying over and hid her behind her back.

“Miss, this man breaks into a girl’s boudoir in broad daylight when the man is unmarried and the woman is unmarried. Maybe he is not a good person.”

 Because before Jing Shirong came to the house, he only came to see Sister Ying secretly, and Xiao Zi did not know his existence.

 So Xiao Zi is still relatively unfamiliar with Jing Shirong.

Sister Ying smiled and patted her hand and explained to her, "His name is Rong Geer. He was my neighbor when I was a child. We were also childhood sweethearts. It's just that you hadn't come to my house at that time, so you didn't know him."

 Xiao Zi’s little eyes were full of doubts, “Really?”

I didn’t expect that the young lady still has a childhood sweetheart.

Sister Ying asked her to come over and comb her hair, and the two of them talked while combing their hair.

Jing Shirong stood aside and continued drinking hot tea.

Sister Ying suddenly remembered that he had just arrived home and probably hadn't had breakfast yet, so she hurriedly asked Xiao Zi to bring him breakfast.

“Quickly, bring a hot breakfast to Brother Rong. He must not have eaten yet.”

Xiao Zi said oh and reluctantly went.

She has never seen her young lady be so interested in a man before. When she saw Jing Shirong sitting there in a rough suit, waiting for food and drinks, she thought that this man was probably the Phoenix Man.

Since Jing Shirong was on the road all the way, he didn't have time to wash up, nor did he have time to repair his unkempt beard.

The original appearance of Pan An's appearance was dried back and forth because of the long journey and running back and forth.

 Coupled with the fact that I have no time to clean myself up, I have turned into a bearded man who used to have a beautiful face.

Xiao Zi went to the kitchen to bring hot eight-treasure porridge and a stack of fried dough sticks, placed them in front of Jing Shirong, and took a secret look at him.

Sister Ying finished combing her hair and asked Jing Shirong to eat it quickly, "Brother Rong, eat it quickly, these dough sticks are still steaming."

Jing Shirong took one and gave it to her, "You can eat it too."

Sister Ying smiled and said, "Okay, let's eat together." After that, she also took a sip of the eight-treasure porridge.

Xiao Zi looked at her daughter's shy and sweet smile, and couldn't help but frown, thinking that the look in her eyes seemed a little weird.

This uncle looks black and dirty, with an unkempt beard and slovenly appearance, and his clothes are all wrinkled. How can he be good-looking?

 Why would the lady like this?

More like the young master next door.

Sister Ying and Jing Shirong didn't pay any attention to Xiao Zi's complaints. They continued to eat the fried dough sticks together with the steaming eight-treasure porridge. The more they ate, the sweeter they became.

After she had eaten and drank enough, Sister Ying said, "Brother Rong, shall I shave you? The beard on your face could look like a hedgehog."

In the past, the white noodle noodle, seemed to see it for half a year, all beards pulled, and alive from small fresh meat to uncle. Jing Shirong wanted to rush back to marry her, so he had no time to stop on the road.

 In addition, when I brought an old man out with me, I didn’t even think about dressing up, so I naturally became sloppy.

Jing Shirong was quite happy to hear that Sister Ying was going to shave herself.

He looked at Sister Ying with bright eyes, "Will you shave it for me? Do you know how to do it?"

He had heard Murong Yun show off to him before. After getting married, his wife shaved his beard and washed his hair, which made him sour.

 Unexpectedly, his sister Ying also wanted to shave him.

Sister Ying saw his big eyes looking at her, and she felt that he was cute for some reason. She smiled and touched his handsome face, "Although I haven't shaved, I should be able to learn how to do it."

 Shaving should not be difficult.

Jing Shirong felt so sweet when he saw that she wanted to interact with him, "Okay, I'll do whatever you want." He was happy even if he scratched his skin.

Sister Ying;

This guy is too happy.

Sister Ying asked Xiao Zi to bring hot water and saponins, while she went to get the dagger from the cabinet.

 In the past, Jing Shirong gave her a small dagger for self-defense. This will be just enough for him to shave.

The dagger was small and sharp. Sister Ying held the dagger against the beard on Jing Shirong's face and compared it, deciding where to start.

Jing Shirong brought the mirror over and taught her, "Shave the left side first."

 He held her small hand in his big hand and took her hand to shave himself.

Sister Ying also shaved seriously, and both of them enjoyed it.

Xiao Zi was stunned as she watched from the sidelines, thinking that this couple was too tired. They weren’t even married yet, so they were interacting so intimately? Madam would be angry if she saw it.

 Fortunately, Mrs. Wu is also entertaining Mr. Jing and Mrs. Jing at this moment, so she has no time to attend to this place.

Mrs. Jing and Mrs. Jing also came here after a long journey. They had just taken a hot bath, and Mrs. Wu and Mrs. Liang were chatting with their mother-in-law and daughter-in-law in the room.

Jingshi spoke first, "Sister, we are here mainly for the marriage of our two children."

Mrs. Wu also knew that they must be here because of Brother Rong and Sister Ying, so she asked, "What are your plans?"

Jingshi told her, "Since my mother-in-law and I came here in person this time, we will definitely give Sister Ying a decent marriage."

“We will handle it step by step, including the marriage proposal, engagement, and betrothal gift. We must take care of everything and never let Sister Ying be wronged.”

When Mrs. Wu heard what she said, she knew that she really wanted the two families to get married, otherwise she wouldn't have come all the way.

Generally, for long-distance marriages, a matchmaker and the steward are sent to come down. It is rare to hear that the mother of the head of the family comes down, so it shows that the Jing family is thoughtful.

 If the Jing family pays attention to Sister Ying, Mrs. Wu can feel more at ease.

She said, "I know your brother Rong is a good boy, but marrying a daughter is different from marrying a wife. I'm still a little reluctant to give up."

Jingshi naturally understood what she was thinking and comforted her, "It's all Brother Rong's fault. He doesn't like anyone, but he likes your heart. It makes me feel embarrassed to persuade you."

 The son has taken a liking to his best friend's daughter. She treats her as a friend and as a mother, and he doesn't know who to help anymore.

Mrs. Wu smiled when she heard this, "I know you care about me, otherwise I wouldn't be willing to marry my daughter to your family. You have to be nicer to me, Sister Ying, in the future."

Jing Shi smiled and said, "You don't need to explain this, I will treat her well. Besides, with my son who is protecting the calf watching, I don't dare to do anything to your sister Jiaying."

“You don’t know, right after we came here in the morning, that brat from Brother Rong threatened us and told us not to look at Sister Ying’s face. With that fierce look, he really values ​​his **** over his mother.”

 (End of this chapter)

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