The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 288: , the traitor in mother-in-law and daughter-in-law

Chapter 288: Traitor in mother-in-law and daughter-in-law

Hearing this, Mrs. Jing also interjected, "It's just that you haven't seen how protective he is. We are not allowed to say a word. If we dare to say anything wrong about Sister Ying, he will fall out with us." ”

Jingshi was also angry, "That's right. Now that boy's wings are stiff, we don't dare to provoke him, let alone your sister Jiaying~"

Mrs. Wu laughed when she heard this.

“It’s not as exaggerated as you said.”

 No matter how much a man loves his wife, how can he love her more than I do?

 Jingshi and Mrs. Jing saw that she didn’t believe her, so they immediately wanted to prove it to her.

“Let’s go, I’ll give you a try later. Let’s see if Brother Rong can protect your sister Ying.”

Mrs. Wu was very curious about them, so she took them to the main room together.

She asked her servants to call Sister Ying and Brother Rong over for dinner. She wanted to see how Jing and the others were going to test Brother Rong.

 After a while, Jing Shirong came out with Sister Ying.

The two of them had just shaved in the room. Xiao Zi looked at them closely, fearing that Jing Shirong would eat sister Ying's tofu, so she looked at them carefully.

Sister Ying knew that this girl was protecting the calf, and she didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but she didn't call her out.

After the two of them shaved, she originally wanted to wash Jing Shirong's hair, but Wu asked her again and had no choice but to go out.

The two of them walked in hand in hand. They were a talented man and a beautiful woman, and they seemed to be a match at first glance.

 “Hello Aunt Liang.”

Seeing Jing Shirong's body covered with dust, Mrs. Wu guessed that he had come here in a hurry, so she asked him to sit down quickly.

 “Sit down quickly and have something to eat, and then go wash up after eating.”

Jing Shirong hummed and led Sister Ying over to sit down together.

It was the first time that Sister Ying met Mr. Jing and Madam Jing as her fiancée, and she was a little shy. But he also walked over to say hello to them.

 “Hello Aunt Jing, hello Mrs. Jing.”

Jing Shi looked her up and down, quite surprised.

Sister Ying, who is about to reach haircut, is as delicate and charming as a flower sucking the dew in the morning.

Her facial features are quite exotic, and her every move and smile make her look like an alluring beauty from the Western Regions. No wonder Brother Rong is attracted to her.

Jing Shi even exclaimed: "Oh my God, Sister Xiaoying has become so beautiful after so many years of not seeing her? No wonder."

No wonder Rong Ge'er can come here so quickly. It turns out that a hero has a hard time being a beauty.

 Such a beautiful stunner, no wonder her son would be attracted to her.

Even Mrs. Jing was very surprised and couldn't believe it.

“What a great transformation for women. I still remember that in Ningxi Town, Sister Ying was still a child. I didn’t expect that in the blink of an eye, she would become a great beauty.”

When they saw Mrs. Wu in Ningxi Town, they were very surprised, secretly thinking that there was such a beautiful woman in such a small place.

Unexpectedly, many years later, Wu's daughter would be even more beautiful than her.

 “Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, really beautiful.”

There are many beauties in the capital, some are dignified or virtuous, but none of them can make people shine or be amazed.

 No wonder Brother Rong didn’t like any girl in the capital. It’s because those girls weren’t beautiful enough.

Mrs. Jing and Mr. Jing both looked at Jing Shirong with disdain, secretly thinking that this guy actually has such high standards?

No wonder she was crawling over to marry her. It turns out that Sister Ying is really so stunning. No wonder Brother Rong was always afraid that she would be snatched away.

Sister Ying felt a little embarrassed and shy when she saw her future mother-in-law and the old lady staring at her. She didn't know what to say, so she could only drink tea and say nothing.

It was Mrs. Wu who greeted them, "Try this chrysanthemum-flavored tea. We grow chrysanthemums at home. It has a good reputation."

Jing finally came to his senses and took a sip of the bright and fragrant chrysanthemum tea.

“Tsk, this chrysanthemum-scented tea doesn’t taste very fragrant. It must have stopped the heat.”

Chrysanthemum has the effect of clearing away heat and removing internal heat. Jing also drank it in the capital, but the taste was not as fragrant. Mr. Wu replied, "Yes, I drink this once in a while. It can clear away the heat and relieve internal heat. It tastes very good when paired with this small dessert."

Seeing that they were still so particular about their food, Mrs. Jing felt cordial and said, "I still remember that your family's cooking was delicious in the past. The eight-treasure porridge I just tried was sweeter than what we eat in the capital. You guys are really good at eating. ’s talent.”

Mrs. Wu smiled and said, "Our family doesn't dare to say anything else, but we love to eat this piece and are very keen on researching it. You guys are laughing."

Jingshi smiled and said, "If it's somewhere, we don't even have the talent to do research."

The Liang family has no ambitions. Their only passion is food and clothing. They need to eat well and wear comfortable clothes.

 As for getting promoted and getting rich, let it take its course.

Jing loved their lively family atmosphere and asked her with a smile, "By the way, where are Kang Geer and the others? Are they all going to the academy?"

  Wu Shi nodded, "Yes, we went there early in the morning."

Nowadays, the academy requires the children to get up early to enjoy the cold wind. Kang Geer and the three went to the academy early in the morning.

Jing said, "Then we can have a nice gathering with them when we come back in the evening."

 “Oh, by the way, we brought a lot of souvenirs here.”

As he said that, he was about to ask Jing Shirong to get it, but suddenly he remembered that he had just told Wu that he wanted to test Jing Shirong's calf-guarding scene. So Jing Shi glanced at Wu Shi and signaled with her eyes to let her watch.

“Sister Ying, we brought a lot of local products from the capital and they are on the carriage outside. Go and get them.”

Sister Ying was suddenly called, but she stood up obediently and went out to get it.

When Jing Shirong heard this, he immediately grabbed Sister Ying's hand, curled his lips in displeasure, and retorted to his mother, "Just let the servants get it. Why are you ordering her around? She's not a maid."

Mrs. Wu was stunned for a moment, but she didn't expect that Jing Shirong was really so protective of Sister Ying.

He actually didn't give any face to Mr. Jing.

Mrs. Jing laughed angrily and complained to Mrs. Wu, "Look, I said he values ​​sex over mother. What are you worried about? In the future, our whole family will not dare to provoke Sister Ying, otherwise this boy will follow us Quarreling."

Wu Shi all laughed.

Even Sister Ying smiled, her face flushed, happy and shy at the same time.

 She didn’t expect that Jing Shirong would directly contradict his mother for her.

People say that a woman’s status in her husband’s family depends on her husband’s attitude towards her.

If your husband protects you, how can his mother dare to touch you?

Unless his mother doesn't love her son and doesn't care about her son's feelings at all, she dares to make trouble and bully her daughter-in-law.

 Otherwise, those who care about their son are generally afraid of turning against him, so naturally they would not dare to provoke their daughter-in-law again.

 Jing family loves her son, so it is impossible for her to bully Sister Ying behind his back and cause mother and son to turn against each other.

Even Mrs. Jing is the same.

Before arriving at the Liang family, she had vowed to teach Jing that she would show off to Sister Ying, but depending on her grandson's attitude, how could she dare?

Even though Jing Shirong was usually a gentle and gentle person, when he really lost his temper, Jing's father did not dare to speak out.

The most frightening thing is for a good-tempered person to get angry. Mrs. Jing is not stupid, and she will not act like a standout. She immediately pulled Sister Ying over with a smile and flattered her.

“Oh, brother Rong, you are so good at asking your children to get something. Go and do it yourself.”

Having said that, he pulled Sister Ying to sit down next to her and continued to please her future grandson-in-law, "Sister Ying, don't be afraid. If your mother-in-law bullies you in the future, just come to me and I will make the decision for you."

“In this family, I am the one who loves the children the most. Don’t worry, grandma will protect you.”



 Who was the one who gave the daughter-in-law power before?

 Mrs. Jing, it’s not me anyway.

 (End of this chapter)

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