The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 289: , mother-in-law and daughter-in-law quarrel

Chapter 289, quarrel between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law

Mrs. Jing was so angry that she was beaten to death by Mrs. Jing, so she immediately pulled Sister Ying over. Trying to restore the image of the evil mother-in-law just now.

"Sister Ying, don't be angry with me. Auntie was joking with you just now. Mainly when we came in the morning, a certain old man said that we should give our daughter-in-law a slap in the face when she comes to the house for the first time, so that she won't climb on top of us. I That's it"

 Suddenly he threw the blame on Mrs. Jing again.

Mrs. Jing choked up. She never expected that Mrs. Jing would actually reveal her, and she immediately retorted angrily.

“Sister Ying, don’t worry, mother-in-law, I am not the kind of person who makes things difficult for my grandson’s wife. When you marry into our family in the future, I will treat you as my own granddaughter.”

“Oh no, I love you more than my own granddaughter. Even Jing Xin can’t compare to you.”

 Speaking, he snorted heavily at Jingshi, meaning "You want you to drag me into the water? I'm not afraid."

Jingshi shouted, not to be outdone.

He snatched Sister Ying over and said, "Sister Ying, let me tell you, I am much gentler than your Granny Jing. From now on, no matter how long you sleep at home or go out to play, I will not interfere with you. From now on, In our house, you can play when you want and sleep when you want. You don’t have to follow any rules. I am the most reasonable mother-in-law in the whole capital. "

Mrs. Jing was not happy after hearing this.

He also grabbed Sister Ying's wrist and got into a fight with Jing.

"Why do you think you are the best mother-in-law in the city? When I became a mother-in-law, you had just passed the exam."

 Hmph, if you compare with her in terms of age, she won’t lose.

Jing Shi was not to be outdone, "This has nothing to do with age. Anyway, I will definitely love my daughter-in-law more than you in the future."

Mrs. Jing also pulled Sister Ying to fight with her.

“I am the one, and I will love Sister Ying more than you. Let go.”

 Jingshi, "I don't."

So the two of them pulled Sister Ying from left to right, not letting anyone go.

Jing Shirong couldn't stand it any longer, so he rescued Sister Ying. She held her in her arms and protected her, "Mom and grandma will have a rest first. I'll take Sister Ying out for a walk."

Mrs. Jing and Mrs. Jing saw his protective attitude and responded calmly, "I understand, then you guys come back early."

Jing Shirong hummed and looked at Mrs. Wu, asking her if it was okay?

What else could Mrs. Wu say? Seeing that they were about to talk about marriage, it was okay to let them go shopping, so she agreed.

 “Don’t go to crowded places. Come back early.”

Jing Shirong said yes and took Sister Ying out.

The two of them didn't go far and went up to the sixth floor of Yipinzhai.

Before getting married, Jing Shirong still remembered to be concerned about Sister Ying's reputation, so naturally he would not take her around.

 On the sixth floor of Yipinzhai, only the boss can live there all year round.

The inside should have a good diaphragm and high privacy. The two of them can not only enjoy the scenery but also chat without fear of being overheard.

Sister Ying hadn’t come with him for a long time, and she was happily wandering around the room.

 The furnishings on the sixth floor of Yipinzhai are priceless.

 Sell any of the ornaments here and you can exchange them for a large courtyard with three entrances and three exits.

Jing Shirong looked at her little money-crazy look and said generously, "You can take whatever you like. Everything in this room will be given to you."

Sister Ying knew what he said was true, but she didn't really want to take it. Instead, she ran over and hugged him with a smile.

Jing Shirong let her hang on him and playfully lifted her up to weigh her.

"He's a little heavier than last year, but still very light." Sister Ying couldn't laugh or cry, "Have you gained weight or lost weight?"

Jing Shirong looked at her smile and smiled fondly, "Not fat, not thin, and has a good body shape that no one else can envy. Is that okay?"

Sister Ying happily nestled in his chest, giggling.

 “Brother Rong, you are really getting better and better at talking.”

 Every sentence can make her happy.

Jing Shirong thought to himself, that’s not possible. I read Murong Yun's letters every day and learned a lot from him.

Murong Yun used to be aloof, but since getting married, he has been running behind Jing Han like a mangy dog ​​every day.

 The two of them have never been separated from each other since they got married. They take each other wherever they go, and they are so tired of it.

Jing Shirong actually felt sour when he saw it. Now that Sister Ying was in front of him, he understood how Murong Yun felt.

 He also wanted to put Sister Ying in his pocket and take her with him wherever he went.

Sister Ying hung around his neck and asked him, "How long do you plan to stay in Jiangnan this time?"

He comes and goes in a hurry every time, so Sister Ying always has to ask him how long he can stay.

Jing Shirong felt distressed immediately when he saw her worried expression.

He stroked her hair with his big hand and comforted her, "Your Majesty gave me a year's wedding leave, so we can be together during this year."

 Although three months have been removed from the year.

 But we still have more than half a year to get along, right?

Sister Ying didn't expect that he was still married, and her big eyes suddenly brightened, "Really? The emperor actually gave you a one-year wedding leave?"

It’s incredible that it lasted so long.

Jing Shirong naturally knew that the emperor's purpose of giving him a holiday was just to support Zhao Zhou. But it doesn't matter.

  Anyway, he wanted to spend more time with Sister Ying and her family, so it would be nice to have a year off.

 Some officials may be afraid that they will be replaced during the holidays, but Jing Shirong is not afraid.

 He knew who was around the emperor, and he also knew that he was still valuable and could not be eliminated for the time being.

The emperor will still ask him to go back when he needs him, so he doesn't have to worry about this at all. He can just stay here with Sister Ying.

Sister Ying happily sat in his arms and asked him, "That's not right. If you take a vacation this year, then if we don't get married until next year, wouldn't it be in vain?"

Her parents originally planned for her to get married in her 17th or 18th year, but Jing Shirong decided to let her get married before she even had hair extensions. So what will happen when she gets married?

Jing Shirong coughed and explained, "Well, actually I have other things to do next year. So Your Majesty only gives me wedding leave this year. There will definitely be no wedding leave next year."

This year he has cooperated well with Qi Yuanming and has helped the emperor rectify many corrupt officials.

The remaining emperors will be handed over to the Zhao and Zhou families to finish the work, which can also be regarded as giving the Zhao and Zhou families a chance to come forward.

 Next year, when things get settled, he will still have to rush to the front, so the emperor will not give him time to rest next year. He can only rest this year.

Sister Ying sighed, "There's nothing we can do about it. Workers' holidays are all decided by others. So let's take advantage of this year to get along well."

Originally, they were supposed to spend more time together after their wedding, but there was no time during the wedding, so they could only spend more time together now when they had time.

Jing Shirong scratched his head, with a puzzled look on his face, "Actually, what my mother means is that she hopes we can get married this year. Otherwise, next year, I will have to go out again, and then I won't have time to worship."

Sister Ying said "huh?" and asked strangely. "Getting married this year?"

Did she hear it correctly??

 (End of this chapter)

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