Chapter 296, Engagement

 On the second day.

Jing really took Jing Shirong back to the yard he bought in Jiangnan.

Mrs. Jing continued to stay at Liang’s house to chat with Mrs. Liang.

The neighbors saw guests coming and going from the Liang family, and they all came out curiously to have a look.

The neighbor women murmured, "Is something good going to happen to the Liang family? Are they going shopping every day?"

Neighbor woman A said, “Maybe the eldest girl in her family is going to get her haircut.”

“I see that their families are buying fireworks these days.”

Neighbor Woman B: "I can't help but see it. The day before yesterday, I seemed to see a tall man bringing a woman into their house. Maybe she came to propose marriage?"

Neighbor Woman C, "No way? Did someone get there first?"

 Originally, their street was full of families with sons, and most of them were thinking about proposing marriage to the Liang family.

 But Mr. Wu either shied away or said he would wait and see again. So they were all dissuaded.

Who would have thought that someone would find their future son-in-law behind their backs.

“Hey, tell me, where does the future son-in-law of the Liang family come from? I think he is quite tall. I wonder if he is from Jiangnan.”

Woman A, “I don’t know, I just took a look from a distance this morning and saw a pretty handsome young man.”

  Woman B, "Tell me, is the husband's family very rich? Otherwise, why would the Liang family only choose this family?"

The other women looked at each other and said, "Perhaps they have been in contact with each other for a long time. Whether they are rich or not, the Liang family is not short of money."

A woman said bitterly, "I don't know for sure. In the morning, the groom's family sent a carriage of things, and they just left it at the door and haven't taken it in yet. I think this family is destined to be either rich or noble."

That sour tone actually seemed to accuse the Liang family of being snobbish.

The other women laughed when they saw her being so upset, "You, you, why don't you go and say that the matchmaker has been persuaded to quit? There is no need to be so upset. I think Sister Ying needs to be talented and good-looking to marry." Everyone deserves it. Stop saying those nasty words."

The woman was not happy when she heard this, "Did I use it in a bad way? Isn't it obvious? Last time I introduced my son to Mrs. Wu, Mrs. Wu had such a look down on others. Tell me, you all." Do not believe."

It turned out that this woman had gone to the Wu family to get a message and wanted to fight for her son to see if she could marry their sister Ying.

 But what Mrs. Wu said at the time was that Sister Ying was still young and wanted to wait a little longer and not to be in a hurry. Then he sent her back.

But the woman just felt that Mr. Wu was looking down on her and that her son was just a scholar, so she looked down on her son. That's why I feel so aggrieved to this day.

Other women know that their son is a nerd.

He has been studying for more than ten years, and he is still just a scholar. No wonder the Wu family looks down on him, and so do their neighbors.

  A bookworm who knows nothing will not have a family to protect him in the future, and he will not even be able to earn money for food.

 Who wants a man like this?

 So the women saw that she was indignant and did not comfort her. They just laughed and left.

A few days later, Jing chose a good and auspicious day, and then decided on the date of engagement.

When the day of engagement arrived, Mrs. Jing came over with Mrs. Jing and Jing Shirong to make the decision.

 The recruitment process is cumbersome, but also very lively.

 Er Sister Wu’s family also came over in advance to help.

Mr. Wu has also distributed candies to her neighbors in the past few days to make everyone happy.

●There are many neighbors who came to help today.

 Because Jing Shirong sent one cart after another of things, and everyone was stunned.

Several neighbor women looked at each other and said, "Oh my god, this future uncle of the Liang family is so generous."

“Hey, wait a minute, that uncle’s face looks familiar.”

The other women looked at Jing Shirong carefully, "It does look familiar, but I can't remember who it was for the moment." "I see, isn't this the young wealthy businessman from before?"

“Oh my god, I didn’t expect that the Liang family would actually marry their daughter to the richest businessman in the world.”

At this time, all the women were shocked.

One of the women who failed to propose marriage to Mrs. Wu immediately said sourly, "Let me just say, Mrs. Wu is a money-hungry person. No, the daughter of a good official family will be married to a businessman, and her price will really drop." "

This is not a nice thing to say, but the women who came to help today really took it to heart.

They looked at the cartloads of goodies being brought in, and thought about Mrs. Wu's direct rejection of their polite words, so they believed the woman's words.

“Could it be that Mrs. Liang is really jealous of money?”

“It shouldn’t be, their family is not short of money either.”

Sister Ying's inn is very popular. They are all jealous. How could they be short of money?

 Other women also said, "That's right, I don't think Mrs. Liang is that kind of person. There may be something we don't know about."

After a while, when the official media was hosting the event, they told everyone, "The young masters and ladies of the two families were childhood sweethearts, and now they have become friends. It is really a destined fate."

 It suddenly dawned on everyone.

 “It turns out we are childhood sweethearts.”

The Liang family is not from Jiangnan, and the Jing family is not from Jiangnan. They used to be neighbors, so it's not surprising.

The sour woman said disdainfully, "Just because you say this, you can't cover up Mrs. Wu's greedy face of marrying her daughter off to a businessman."

The other women didn't believe it, "No way, I think Mrs. Jing is dignified and virtuous. She has the air of an official lady. She doesn't look like she comes from a merchant's home."

The sour woman chuckled, "You all believe this? Anyway, I don't believe it."

Wu could hear them muttering from a distance and knew what they were talking about without looking.

But she also wanted to make the matter a big fuss, so she could just let people talk about it.

Anyway, on the day when my daughter gets married, everyone will naturally know what kind of person their sister Ying is marrying.

 Let’s see if their faces hurt when the time comes.

After the engagement ceremony was held and Sister Ying took Jing Shirong's Geng Tie, she had a vague feeling of being engaged to him.

Jing Shirong looked even more happy, and the smile on his lips lasted all day.

The Liang family entertained guests in the evening, and the courtyard was full of people. Everyone was drinking and celebrating in a lively manner.

Just as Jing Shirong was about to come out to have a drink with everyone, Qi Yuanming came.

They haven't seen each other for three or four months. As soon as Qi Yuanming came over, Jing Shirong knew that something must have happened again.

 The two of them winked at each other and went to the corner to talk.

Jing Shirong asked, "What happened?"

Qi Yuanming replied, "Some strange things happened at the imperial mausoleum. It is said to be haunted. Some people said they saw the late emperor and said some treacherous words. Your Majesty was very angry after hearing this."

It doesn’t take much thinking to know that someone must be causing trouble.

The emperor has only been sitting on the throne for a few years, so it is naturally impossible for someone to come out and destroy his power. "

“So His Majesty asked you to go back and do this quickly.”

 Jing Shirong; “What about the one-year vacation we agreed on?”

It’s just been a few days off, so you immediately told him to go back to work. What a lie!

Qi Yuanming covered his mouth and snickered, "There's nothing you can do about it. The rumors coming from the imperial mausoleum are even more turbulent. Your Majesty naturally has to deal with it quickly. You'd better accept your fate."

 (End of this chapter)

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