The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 297: , movies about a big man and a girl

 Chapter 297, Movie about a big man and a girl

Jing Shirong knew that this matter could be big or small, and he couldn't shirk it, so he could only sigh.

"Fortunately, the wedding day is not scheduled for this year, otherwise it would be"

It is said that how can marriage leave so smoothly, and then he was recruited as soon as he settled.

If the engagement date were two days later, the engagement might not even be legal.

 Fortunately, the decision-making process was completed. When he came back from the imperial mausoleum, it would probably be the wedding day, otherwise he would be really angry to death.

Qi Yuanming couldn't help but laugh and said, "There is no way. The person on duty can leave as soon as he wants. I am accompanying you."

Both of them were the emperor's right-hand men, and they both looked away from handling the case.

Jing Shirong took a breath and said, "Then I'll go back and talk to Sister Ying and my father-in-law and mother-in-law."

Qi Yuanming said awkwardly, "You changed your tune too quickly. We haven't even gotten married yet, and you are calling me your father-in-law and mother-in-law."

Jing Shirong raised his head proudly, "The people who are engaged are naturally the father-in-law and the mother-in-law. People like you who are not engaged yet will not understand everything."

 “Alas, you.”

Qi Yuanming is so sour, so angry that he is dying.

"Aren't you just two steps ahead of me? Just wait and wait until one day I fall in love with a girl. I will get married on the spot. It will definitely be much faster than you."

 “I will have children faster than you then.” Make you proud!

Jing Shirong smiled when he heard this, "Okay, okay, okay, you are faster than me, I will let you."

Qi Yuanming was not happy and went to beat him angrily.

Jing Shirong ran back quickly.

 After returning to the Liang family, Jing Shirong took Qi Yuanming over to greet Liang Jin and Wu.

“Father-in-law, mother-in-law, this is my good friend, Qi Yuanming.”

Liang Jin and Mrs. Wu had met Qi Yuanming before, and seeing that he and Jing Shirong were good friends, they couldn't help but smile and said to him, "Xiao Yuan is here, have you eaten? Let's sit down and have something together."

Qi Yuanming said familiarly, "Excuse me, I happen to be hungry."

Mrs. Wu smiled like a mother and said, "Come on, come on, sit here, and I'll ask the servants to bring you hot food."

The table where Qi Yuanming was sitting was the same table where Brother Kang and Brother Seng were sitting.

 They eat in the corner by themselves, not sitting with the adults.

 Kang Geer saw that he was tall and tall, so he took the initiative to say hello, "Brother, I am Kang Geer, who are you?"

Qi Yuanming smiled and said, "I am your brother-in-law's best friend. Just call me Brother Qi."

Kang Geer said familiarly, "You are my brother-in-law's best friend, no wonder."

“They say birds of a feather flock together, and my brother-in-law is like a dragon or a phoenix among men. You are no different. Judging from your appearance, you must be a practicing master, right?”

Kang Ge'er is good at literature and martial arts, and his hobby is horseback riding and archery. When he saw Qi Yuanming wearing a horse costume, he thought he came on horseback, so he wanted to compete with him.

Qi Yuanming also liked Kang Geer very much, so he said boldly, "Okay, but your racecourse is in the suburbs and it's still far away. Why don't we practice swordfighting first?"

Kang Geer said happily, "Okay, I just want to compete with someone, so please give me some advice."

Qi Yuanming waved his hand boldly, "Okay, then I'll give you a few tricks."

 After saying that, the two of them went to the open space in the backyard together.

 Seng Geer also liked to practice swordsmanship, so he went with them.

Seeing that they were leaving, Sister Yang followed them laughing.

"Wait for me."

 She was dressed very beautifully today, which was different from her usual boyish look. She wore a gouache skirt and tied her hair in a beautiful bun, which made her look much more dewy.

Qi Yuanming saw that a little girl wanted to follow her, so he said, "When boys compete in martial arts, girls should not follow her. Be careful that the sword has no eyes."

Sister Yang was unhappy because he looked down upon her. With eyes wide open, he said to Qi Yuan Ming, "What's wrong, little girl! Don't underestimate me, little girl. I have no one to teach me. If someone teaches me martial arts, I might be better than you!"

Hmph, you big stinky guy, you think you are great just because you are tall and strong.

Qi Yuanming smiled when he saw her unconvinced look.

"Dede, I'm not as knowledgeable as you, a little girl. If you want to follow, just follow. Remember to stay away for a while. Don't cry to me if you get hurt."

Sister Yang was so angry, "I won't cry on you, stop looking down on others!"

Qi Yuanming smiled when he saw how angry she was.

 “What a little pepper, yes, whatever you want.”

 After that, he took Kang Geer and Seng Geer to the open space to compete.

Qi Yuanming threw the sword on his waist to Brother Kang, "I'll give you three moves, and I'll give you some pointers later."

 Kang Geer touched his precious sword and was very excited. He raised his sword and stabbed it, "Then I'm welcome."

 After saying that, the two began to fight.

Qi Yuanming is also really powerful. He holds one hand behind his back and fights Kang Geer with only one hand.

 Kang Geer uses his sword with his hand, and only with one hand.

Even though he was using only one hand, he knocked Kang Geer down in a few strokes.

 Kang Geer has been practicing martial arts for several years, but he didn’t expect to be beaten down so easily.

 He was very discouraged and frustrated.

"why is it like this"

 He had told his mother before that the martial arts masters were not good at it, but his mother still didn’t believe it.

It's okay now, he knocked him down with just two fingers.

Qi Yuanming laughed loudly, "I don't blame you, I just blame you for not finding the right master. But don't worry, I will recommend an old man to you in a while, and you will learn from him in the future. In ten years, you will definitely You can fight with me."

Kang Geer exclaimed, "Really? Which master is he?"

Qi Yuanming said, "The person I introduced to you is indeed a master, but he has a weird personality. Whether he is willing to teach you or not depends on your ability to persuade him."

"If you can convince him to teach you, your future martial arts skills will definitely be good. If you can't convince him to teach you, then it's all in vain."

 When Kang Geer heard that it was so challenging, he immediately asked Qi Yuanming for the other party’s address.

Qi Yuanming told him, "It's in the long alley behind your house, and at the end is the old man's home."

“But the old man has a very weird temper. Be careful when you go there, don’t let anyone beat you up.”

Sister Yang also came over to listen.

Qi Yuanming turned around and saw that the little girl was eavesdropping, so he smiled and said, "What are you listening to, little girl? That old man will definitely not accept female disciples, so don't have any illusions."

Seeing that he looked down on her again, Sister Yang was so angry that she put her hands on her hips.

 He stared at Qi Yuanming with big eyes.

“Don’t be too impatient with Yatou Pianzi. Be careful that you will have three or five Yatou Pianzi in the future. Then we will see if you still dislike your own Yatou Pianzi.”

Hum, who are you, you always look down on girl movies.

What's so great about him is that he has two extra ounces of meat, huh.

 Qi Yuanming;

 The little girl is quite fierce? "She's not quite like your sister. Your sister is such a gentle person. You should also learn from her, otherwise you won't be able to get married in the future."

Sister Yang put her hands on her hips and scolded him, "You can't get married. I'm so young and beautiful, I can marry anyone I want. Unlike you, who is unshaven and looks like an uncle at first glance, you should be worried that no one wants you. right."

 Qi Yuanming;

 (End of this chapter)

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