Chapter 299, Learning Herbal Medicine

 A few more months have passed.

 Kang Ge'er hasn't seen Mei Xian'er for a long time.

Mei Xian'er knew that he was going to learn martial arts every day, so she didn't worry about it. She was studying new snacks at the snack shop.

Now that the dim sum shop has opened, the business is not very prosperous, but the number of customers has gradually stabilized.

Mei Xianer was at a loss at first, but now she is calm.

 And he is becoming more and more proficient. He can not only select and buy materials, but also negotiate prices and calculate costs and income.

 Kang Geer hasn’t come to see her for so long, mainly because he wants to learn more martial arts. If he fails to pass the Wen Zhuangyuan exam in the future, he can also pass the Wushuangyuan exam, which is a double insurance.

He has thought about marrying Mei Xian'er, so naturally he has to make a name for himself in order to give Mei Xian'er a good life.

Seeing that the rural examination was coming, he had to take the examination for Juren first, then the Gongsheng examination, and finally the Jinshi examination.

I still have confidence in Kang Geer who passed the provincial examination. He is not stupid and is not bad at reading, but he is not yet a genius.

 Sen Ge'er mainly doesn't like reading, but he is somewhat interested in sword dancing.

 Kang Geer was selected as a scholar before him, and this time he mainly went to take the provincial examination.

 Sen Ge'er started studying late, and was still just a boy. He would have to take the scholar examination later.

The two brothers went to take the exam one after another, and Mrs. Wu packed their bags early.

During the exam, no one was allowed to go in. They were eating, drinking, and eating, so Wu prepared more food for them.

This is not the first time Wu has sent them to take the exam, and their mentality is already much better.

She knew that Kang Ge'er and Sen Ge'er had made both preparations and would either study literature or martial arts in the future. At least they had one more option, so she let them take the exam with confidence.

Liang Jin was obviously much calmer and told them, "Relax and take the exam. You can take the exam at a young age, which is much faster than others. Next, just take the exam seriously and do your best."

Kang Geer and Sen Geer nodded in agreement, and then set off separately.

  Kang Geer still attaches great importance to this rural style.

 He knows that if a man wants to start a family, he must first establish a career and make some achievements before he can support his family.

 Although his family has property, he did not earn it. He still wants to be able to support his family.

 So it is better for the person to succeed in this exam.

If you fail, take the martial arts test. It would be good to get the top prize in martial arts.

 Seng Geer wants to take the martial arts exam more.

He really doesn't like studying very much. If his mother hadn't forced him to study, he would just lie down lazily. Unless he was riding a horse and shooting an arrow, he really didn't want to move.

 If Wu had not seen him willing to ride a horse and shoot arrows, she would have been afraid that he would lie in bed and get rusty.

As for whether he could take the path of a civil servant, Wu did not dare to expect too much.

After the two sons went to take the exam, Sister Ying and Sister Yang continued to learn Qinggong from Gutou.

 The old man still likes these two little girls, especially their cooking skills.

He saw that Sister Yang’s nose was very sensitive, so he wanted to teach Sister Yang to test poison.

Sister Yang, let me go and say, "Test the poison?" Is it such a big deal?

 The old man raised his eyebrows, "What? Don't you dare?"

 He thought this girl was brave enough to learn poison from him.

Sister Yang raised her chin and said, "I don't dare to do anything. Just learn."

Sister Ying stood aside and watched what happened. It wasn't until the old man came out with many kinds of poison powder that she frowned.

Although this old man was recommended by Qi Yuanming, looking at this old man's strange behavior, Sister Ying couldn't help but think that he could be the legendary poison master? Or a killer like an ancient evil.

However, after living with the old man for a few months, he really has no murderous intentions towards them. It seems that he really wants to pass on the mantle to them. Sister Ying said to Sister Yang privately, "It's okay to learn poison, but you must not harm others. Otherwise, my mother will be sad if she finds out."

She was afraid that Sister Yang was young and uncertain, and would end up accidentally hurting someone.

 Fortunately, although Sister Yang is young, her outlook on life is very upright.

"Sister, don't worry. I'm not a pervert, so I won't harm people in a good way."

 She only learned these things out of interest. Besides, if you can learn poisons, you can also learn antidotes.

But the old man said, "No, there is no antidote for these poisons."

 If there was an antidote, it wouldn't be much of a poison.

 Sister Yang.

 “Isn’t it right? There’s no antidote?” That’s too dangerous.

 What should I do if I accidentally eat it?

Only then did Gutou reveal his true temperament, and the corners of his mouth raised sinisterly, "Not many people in the world can cure my poison. If you can research the antidote yourself, then no one can poison you in the future." ”

When Sister Yang heard this, she said, "Really?"

Then wouldn’t she become a miracle doctor?

The old man laughed loudly after hearing this, "I know a few miracle doctors, but those old immortals have no idea where they have traveled around the world. You are a young girl, but your tone is not bad."

“I don’t even know the medicine, so I want to be a miracle doctor.”

Sister Yang pouted, unconvinced, "If you don't teach me, how do you know I can't become a miracle doctor? Although I'm not good at reading and abacus, I have a good nose. I can remember the smell of herbs as soon as I smell them. , If you don’t believe me, test me.”

 The old man was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that the little girl had such ability.

 Sister Ying can testify to this.

 Sister Yang is indeed not talented in reading or arithmetic.

She is not proficient in any of the piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. Firstly, she does not like these things by nature, and secondly, she has no talent and cannot learn the essence. It is really a copycat, with poor results.

 But her sense of taste and smell are indeed particularly sensitive.

 Perhaps this is the legendary missing one to make up for the two.

This girl is not good at writing or martial arts, but her nose is very clever.

 The old man was very curious after hearing this, so he smelled more than a dozen medicinal materials for her. Then he blindfolded her and took out a dozen medicinal herbs and asked her to find the one she specified.

 “Take out the red peony root and give it to me.”

With her eyes covered, Sister Yang sniffed among a lot of herbs and immediately found the red peony root and said, "This one."

 The old man was overjoyed and asked her to look for it again, "Find the Achyranthes also for me."

Sister Yang moved her nose and found it immediately.

  No matter what kind of medicine Gutou wants next, as long as she knows it, it’s basically all right.

 The old man was very surprised and planned to teach her how to identify herbs.

He still had some conscience and knew that Sister Yang was a good child, so he did not teach her about poisoning. Instead, he began to teach her about herbal medicine, detoxification, or medicine. It seemed that he would lead her to the path of a miracle doctor. .

Sister Ying was watching from the side, so it was naturally impossible for her sister to go astray.

 The old man couldn't help but smile when he saw her serious look like a wolf dog watching its cubs.

“Okay, let’s learn together. I think you are not stupid. It will be good for you to learn more about herbal medicine.”

Sister Ying said yes and then came over to study together.

Now she has no studies to be busy with, and Aunt Hong is looking after the shop. It would be good to learn more about making medicines to save people.

 (End of this chapter)

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