The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 300: , trapped in the underground tunnel

Chapter 300: Falling into the underground tunnel

 The sisters both have a keen sense of smell and are really quick at identifying herbal medicines.

 The old man saw that they were talented, so he taught them more.

However, he is an impatient person and will scold him if he makes any mistakes.

 Fortunately, Sister Ying and Sister Yang were often scolded by Mr. Wu when they were young, so they were no longer surprised by the old man's scolding.

The old man didn't expect the two little girls to be so resistant to the scolding. They didn't talk back at all, and worked hard without complaining. He was embarrassed to scold them, and finally stopped on his own.

Mrs. Wu couldn't help but say something when she saw her sisters leaving early and coming home late every day.

“Are you two addicted to studying herbal medicine? You come back smelling of herbal medicine every day.”

Sister Ying and Sister Yang went over and hugged Wu's arm, "That's not what you said. You should learn as you live."

Sister Ying also said, "If I do more things, I can divert my attention and save myself from thinking about Brother Rong."

I don’t know what’s going on with Jing Shirong. She is about to get her haircut, and I don’t know if he will be able to come back and spend it with her.

Mrs. Wu comforted her, "He is very busy. Even if he can't come, it's not intentional. He is probably still investigating the case in the imperial mausoleum."

 This is true.

 After Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming went to the imperial mausoleum, strange things happened one after another.

First the imperial mausoleum was haunted, and then a rumor spread.

  What he said were all bad things about the emperor.

The emperor was very angry after hearing this, and immediately sent a message to Jing Shirong to quickly catch the mastermind behind it.

Jing Shirong also wanted to catch the mastermind quickly so that he could come back to spend time with Sister Ying.

Qi Yuanming is lucky that the old **** is here. After all, he has neither a sweetheart nor a marriage, so there is no need to rush home.

 Plus, his parents would urge him to get married every time he went back, so he didn't want to go back.

Jing Shirong sometimes doesn’t understand him, “Why don’t you want to get married so much?”

 “Is getting married that uncomfortable for you?”

 Qi Yuanming didn't like hearing this.

 “You’re just calling the turtle laughing bastard.”

"When you didn't like Sister Ying, didn't you also like getting married? How dare you tell me?"

Jing Shirong was single like him back then. Neither of them liked the family's pressure to get married, and they didn't like their parents' orders to find a matchmaker. They just liked to be single freely.

Now Jing Shirong is more willing to get engaged than she is in true love.

 But he has not met true love. If he had met true love, he would have gone to his sweetheart's house to propose marriage without any urging from his parents, right?

 “You have the nerve to make fun of me, you heartless guy.”

Even though Qi Yuanming looks like a prairie man, he has a girlish heart at heart and dares to say anything.

Jing Shirong looked at his plaintive and complaining look and said with disgust, "I think you just have high standards. I don't like this or that. I don't blame your father for talking about you."

 Actually, Qi Yuanming said this to him before. Unexpectedly, he would come back with revenge in the blink of an eye.

Qi Yuanming was so angry that he said, "Don't be too proud of me. Aren't you just luckier than me in meeting Sister Xiaoying? If I met Sister Xiaoying earlier than you, I might be the one who got engaged to her." Me."

Jing Shirong didn't like hearing these words and stabbed him with a halberd, "Stop talking nonsense to me."

Not to be outdone, Qi Yuanming said, "I'll fight if I fight. I'm afraid of you."

So the two started fighting in the imperial mausoleum.

 The man in black in the dark saw them turning against each other, and then he went back with satisfaction.

Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming looked at each other and secretly thought that they finally saw the figure of the man in black, otherwise they would really die of frustration.

They have been guarding the imperial mausoleum for several months. When they saw the figure of the man in black for the first time, they naturally wanted to fight each other to attract the man in black.

 The next step is to quickly track the man in black to see if he is the mastermind behind the remarks that the late emperor will never die in peace.

So the two of them followed him secretly, intending to catch a turtle in an urn.

 The two of them were outflanking each other, with a high degree of coordination.

They followed the man in black one after another to a hidden basement.

Hide yourself and listen to what’s going on inside.

"Brother, the rumors have spread. Why doesn't the dog emperor come over? How can this be good?" It turns out that these two people have a feud with the emperor, but they have no troops and cannot break into the palace, so they can only think of ways to lure the emperor out. .

 At first they thought that as long as something happened to the imperial mausoleum, the emperor would definitely pay attention to it and would definitely come down to check it out personally.

Who would have thought that the dog emperor was not moved at all and refused to come down at all. This made it impossible for them to start.

Hearing this, Jing Shirong winked at Qi Yuanming. When the two of them were about to outflank him, a stone accidentally slipped.


The two men in black were startled and immediately ran out with their swords raised.

 “It’s you!”

Seeing their angry expressions, Jing Shirong paused and said, "You want to see His Majesty? I can take you there."

"But when the time comes, it will be up to you whether you live or die."

The man in black is not stupid, how could he die by himself?

“You two **** of a dog emperor want to deceive me?”

They held swords in their hands and grabbed a handful of something, making Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming alert.

Qi Yuanming said, "We won't let you escape at this time anyway. Rather than fighting us and expending force, you might as well just follow us back to Beijing."

"At that time, we can take you to the Jinluan Palace to see His Majesty. Whether the assassination can be successful or not depends on you."

 Anyway, he put down the words and it was up to them to decide.

 The two men in black looked at each other, hesitating.

 They were not sure if they could beat the two people in front of them. I'm even less sure if I can assassinate the Dog Emperor by going to Beijing.

 But I still want to save my life.

 The two of them looked at each other, raised their swords, and immediately rushed towards Jing Shirong and the others.


Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming reacted very quickly and soon started fighting with them.

The four of them were not weak in martial arts. Seeing how strong their martial arts were, the man in black immediately triggered the mechanism of the underground passage, causing a rumble at the entrance of the cave.

"not good."

Jing Shirong was startled and immediately pulled Qi Yuanming towards the cave entrance.

 But how could the two men in black let them run away and trigger other agencies again.

Qi Yuanming still wanted to run away, but a handful of poisonous powder was thrown out.


The two of them held their breaths in tacit agreement, and when they opened their eyes again, the two men in black clothes began to run deeper into the cave.

Jing Shirong saw this and immediately chased after him.

“There must be an exit over there, let’s chase him quickly.”

Hearing this, Qi Yuanming also rushed over quickly.

However, they were not familiar with the terrain here, so they turned around and ran away.

Qi Yuanming and Jing Shirong chased each other separately. They accidentally touched the mechanism on the way, and the underground passage suddenly collapsed with a rumble.

Huge rocks fell all of a sudden, like raindrops, making it difficult for people to dodge.

The two people in front were also hit by stones and fell to the ground.

Qi Yuanming and Jing Shirong were also hit.

Both of them were hit on the shoulders. Fortunately, they escaped quickly and their heads were not hit.

“Qi Yuanming, find the exit quickly.”

Jing Shirong saw that the road was blocked by stones, so he could only find a bright place quickly.

Qi Yuanming knew the pros and cons and hurried out.

 (End of this chapter)

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