Chapter 304, Sister Liang is here

This time when Liang Ping came to Jiangnan, Mrs. Chen listened to the instigation of other daughters-in-law. She was afraid that Liang Ping would come to her parents' house to complain or to secretly enjoy the blessings, so she wanted to follow her more and more.

In recent years, the Liang family has been getting better and better. Liang and Jin have become the prefects of the fourth rank, which shows how powerful they are.

If Liang Ping comes to her parents' house and speaks ill of her, it will not be good for her Chen family.

In addition, Liang Ping has been vaguely planning to separate the family in recent years. No matter what she says, she can't let her separate the family, so naturally she has to watch her closely.

Liang Ping was really speechless to this mother-in-law.

I don’t even know what this old lady is thinking.

The separation of their families may be bad for the sister-in-law, but what harm can it do to her mother-in-law?

Her husband is the eldest son, so even if the family separates, won't Mrs. Chen still enjoy the blessings with them?

This old lady wants to tie up the whole family to death, saying that only in this way can the population prosper, which is really speechless.

Especially, Mrs. Chen is a disobedient person. If you try to persuade her, she will feel that you are perfunctory and do not take her seriously, so she will get angry with you.

 Old Mrs. Chen has a hand in everything at home, big or small, which makes several daughters-in-law feel angry and dare not speak out.

This time she and Liang Ping came to Liang's house for another purpose.

She knew that Liang Jin was now prosperous. Several of his grandsons had grown up. There was a daughter of the Liang family who was getting married. If her grandson could get married to the Liang family, the Chen family's future would be better and better.

 So Mrs. Chen came with this idea.

Moreover, if she didn't come, Liang Ping would mess up the marriage, and she would be furious, so of course she would follow her closely.

Orange Mrs. Liang was waiting at home for her daughter to come over. She had no idea that Mrs. Chen and her two daughters-in-law would follow.

After the ship arrived in Jiangnan, Liang Ping found the Liang family’s residence according to the address on the previous letter.

After the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law got off the carriage, they glanced at the clean and spacious front door of the Liang family and thought to themselves, "The Liang family is becoming more and more luxurious now."

Unlike them, a family of more than 20 people are crowded into a small courtyard, and they can't even open their arms. It's really irritating.

Now that you have come to the Liang family, you have to enjoy it.

Liang Ping knocked on the door and said to the concierge, "Please go and report to the old lady and tell her that her daughter is here."

Mrs. Liang told the concierge about this matter a few days ago, so the concierge immediately ran in to report.

As soon as Mrs. Liang heard that her daughter was coming, she ran out excitedly. "Sister Ping is back?"

Liang Ping had not seen my mother for many years, so she was very excited when she saw her in person. She immediately picked up her skirt and ran in.



 The mother and daughter hugged each other excitedly and even shed two tears.

    Mrs. Wu and Sister Yang smelled the commotion and came out to take a look.

 “Grandma? Who is coming?”

When Mrs. Liang saw the children coming out, she hurriedly introduced them, "Sister Yang, come quickly. This is your eldest aunt. Call someone quickly."

Sister Yang looked at the face that looked exactly like Mrs. Liang, and respectfully came over to call, "Hello, auntie."

Liang Ping had not seen these nieces and nephews for many years. Now that they were so old, she was immediately relieved.

“Are you Sister Yang? You’re already so old.”

 After saying that, he smiled and gave her a red envelope.

 “Take it to buy some candy.”

Sister Yang looked at Old Mrs. Liang, and when she saw Old Mrs. Liang nodded, she stopped.

Mrs. Wu came over to greet them, "Auntie is here?"

Liang Ping smiled and said, "Yes, it's been a long journey."

If it weren't for the fact that the road from Jiangnan to the capital was relatively close to her sons, she wouldn't have come all the way to see her. It was fate.

Mrs. Liang also said, "Brother Hong and Brother Hu are becoming more and more promising now. They both went to Beijing to take the exam. It shows that your education is good."

Liang Ping said modestly, "Hey, their father taught me well, I don't have that ability." Speaking of this credit, Mrs. Chen, who was still looking around outside the door, immediately ran over to claim it.

“That’s not good, my parents-in-law, let me tell you, my grandchildren and their children are able to get to this point only because of me and their father. The Chen family can’t live without me.”

This is a bit exaggerated, but there is no denying that she is indeed good to her son and grandson.

Old Mrs. Liang didn't expect that she would also come with her, and her eyes widened in surprise.

 “Why are the in-laws here?”

Liang Ping didn’t say in her letter that Mrs. Chen would come.

And the two following them look a bit familiar?

When Mrs. Chen and Mrs. Wang saw that Mrs. Liang didn’t recognize them, they immediately came over to introduce themselves.

“It’s us, the in-laws. We are the sister-in-law’s sisters-in-law.”

 The original intention of this statement is to bring the two families closer to each other.

However, Mrs. Liang had known for a long time that these two sisters-in-law were not easy to get along with, and she could not be enthusiastic. She could only ask with a smile, "Why are you here?"

It is perfectly reasonable for a girl to return to her natal family, but what if a grandma returns to her natal family?

Mr. Chen and Mrs. Wang were a little embarrassed when Old Mrs. Liang asked them this.

They came here to enjoy the blessings and see if they could get married to the Liang family. But of course they couldn't say this, they could only say nice things.

“Madam, I haven’t seen you for many years, haven’t I missed you? We are all relatives, and we meet by chance, so naturally I want to come and see you.”

Old Mrs. Liang didn't believe that they had such good intentions, but she didn't have any embarrassment on her face. She ordered her servants, "Go. Clean up two more side rooms and bring them out for the in-laws and the two sisters-in-law."


 The servant did as he was told, but also gave Chen and Wang a strange look.

 I guess everyone is wondering why the two sisters-in-law followed Liang Ping back to their parents' home.

Mr. Chen and Ms. Wang were very angry when their servants looked at them like this, and said to themselves, "Dogs look down on people."

They are willing to come to the Liang family as a favor, but the Liang family is lucky enough to look down on others.

Mrs. Liang did not take them at ease and asked her servants to take Mrs. Chen and Mrs. Wang to wash up, take a bath and sleep, and then chat in the evening.

By the way, let Mrs. Chen go and wash up too.

“I’m going to go wash up and get some sleep before catching up on old times. I see you’re sweating all over. Go and wash up.”

Mrs. Chen didn’t want to lose her image, so she followed her servants to wash up.

 After the three of them went to wash their hair and take a bath, Mrs. Liang took Liang Ping into the house and sat down.

 As soon as she entered the room, the table was full of Liang Ping’s favorite food.

“I knew you were coming, and I bought a lot of your favorite food at home. Stay safe and let me see you more.”

Liang Ping was deeply moved when she saw that my mother still loved her so much.


Mrs. Liang smiled and peeled the orange for her, "You are so old and you are acting like a spoiled child. Eat it quickly. These are your favorite fruits."

Liang Ping ate some fruit with tears in her eyes, and the mother and daughter chatted.

"How long do you plan to stay in Jiangnan this time? Is it okay for your son-in-law to be home alone?"

Liang Ping wiped her tears and said, "He will be here in a few days."

 Because there was a big reshuffle of officials in Jiangnan before, Brother Chen's husband was fortunate to be promoted and will come over in a few days.

 Although I am still a minor official when I come here, and I am still far away from Jiangnan, compared with the thousands of miles before, I am now the closest to my mother.

  Is it starting to get hot over there?



 (End of this chapter)

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