The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 305: , Sister Yang can take medicine

Chapter 305, Sister Yang knows how to take medicine

 Old Mrs. Liang was really surprised when she heard that they were going to be promoted.

"That's great. Since we're not far away, we can take a boat to see you later. Or you can take a boat to see me."

Liang Ping sighed, "In the future, my daughter will visit you more and show you respect and filial piety."

Mrs. Liang smiled and said, "Look what you said, it's not like no one respects me. Your brothers and sisters are kind to me. Don't worry about no one showing respect to me."

Liang Ping smiled and said, "My sister-in-law is strict in words but soft in heart. She is definitely good to you. I'm not worried about that."

"But a daughter-in-law is a daughter-in-law, and a daughter is a daughter. My daughter still wants to spend more time with you."

 She has been the daughter-in-law of the Chen family for more than 20 years. She has long understood that her husband's family is her husband's family and her mother's family is her mother's family. It is impossible for her mother-in-law to love her as much as her own mother.

Even if she loves her, she should still show her filial piety to her mother. After all, her mother's family has raised her so much, and she went to serve other people's mothers as soon as she came of age. After all, she owes her mother.

Mrs. Liang felt warm in her heart when she saw that she had this intention.

"Knowing that you are filial, you will also be able to enjoy blessings when Brother Hong and his two brothers become famous."

“But what are your two sisters-in-law doing here?”

Sister Liang sighed and said, "What else can they do? When they see that my husband has been promoted and he comes to a wealthy place, they naturally want to follow him."

Moreover, Chen’s and Wang’s sons’ education expenses also need to be paid for by their families, so they naturally have to follow them closely.

 Old Mrs. Liang became angry when she heard this.

"Why are your two sisters-in-law so shameless? Is it possible that they will wait for you for the rest of their lives?"

Liang Ping was also speechless, "She's not my mother-in-law. She said that the whole family should stay together, and it would be a joke if the family were separated. She also said that her two younger brothers paid for her husband's education back then, and they would not separate her at all. Home."

The old lady won’t let the family be divided, and the old man will definitely not let it go either.

 Otherwise, we wouldn’t have been together for twenty years.

 Old Mrs. Liang was speechless.

“I thought that if Brother Hong became a Jinshi this time, you guys would be able to live separately, but who knew they still came after me? I have a headache, it’s really a headache.”

It is really hard to deal with such a difficult sister-in-law relative.

Liang Ping was also angry and helpless.

"There is no other way. They refuse to leave no matter what, on the grounds that they want to support my husband in studying, and we can't drive him away." Otherwise, people will say they are ungrateful, and Brother Chen's husband will no longer be an official.

Mrs. Liang was very angry, "Is it possible that you have to live in the same courtyard your whole life?"

Liang Ping sighed, "Originally, I was thinking that if Brother Hong became a Jinshi, I would go with them to take office."

“But I don’t feel reassured that my husband is still here. It’s really a dilemma.”

Although she wanted to get away from the two sisters-in-law, the man was at home. If she hadn't watched, the concubines might have been taken home.

 So it doesn’t matter if she leaves, and it doesn’t matter if she doesn’t leave.

We can only hope that the sons of the Chen family and the Wang family will become Jinshi, and then the whole family will move away as soon as possible.

Mrs. Liang asked, "Are their sons also going to take the Jinshi exam?"

Liang Ping hummed, "Yes, this year's questions are easier than last year's, and there are many more candidates than last year."

 It turned out that the previous massive reshuffle of corrupt officials resulted in a shortage of officials, so the emperor wanted to recruit a large number of officials.

The two sons of Mrs. Chen and Mrs. Wang are both about the same age as Brother Hong and have been studying for more than ten years.

The brothers have been comparing each other since childhood, especially during exams, so the four brothers worked hard to go to Beijing to take the exam.

Hearing this, Mrs. Liang sighed, "Then we can only hope that those two brats will win the Jinshi and be transferred."

 At that time, Mrs. Chen and Mrs. Wang will be transferred with their sons, and Liang Ping will be relieved. Liang Ping is also looking forward to it.

Mrs. Wu prepared a hot meal and asked Sister Ying to help bring it in for Liang Ping to eat.

“Sister, the freshly baked sheep and scorpions are your favorite, try them quickly.”

Liang Ping smelled the scent of the sheep and scorpion and missed it very much.

 “It’s been many years since I’ve tasted the craftsmanship of my brothers and sisters. I really miss it.”

Mrs. Wu smiled and said, "Eat more if you like it. I bought a lot of your favorite food at home. Mom specially asked people to buy it."

Liang Ping smiled, feeling moved in her heart, "After all these years, you still haven't changed, and your heart is still so considerate."

Especially the appearance, "Brother and sister, how have you taken care of yourself in these years? Why are you still so young?"

Unlike her, she had to worry about her husband-in-law, her three sons, and even battles of wits and courage with her sisters-in-law over the years, which made her become fat and rough.

Looking at Ms. Wu again, her waist is still so slender, her skin is still so supple, and her face has no wrinkles at all. People would believe her if she was in her twenties.

 Wu has been taking care of herself all year round. She does not spend three days fishing and two days drying in the sun. Her skin is naturally better than that of ordinary women.

 Coupled with her natural beauty and good foundation, she is indeed much younger than ordinary women.

However, she couldn't show off these to Liang Ping. She only said modestly, "I hope my family doesn't have difficult sisters-in-law and difficult mother-in-law, so that I can stay young."

“If I were at my aunt’s house, I would be working harder every day.”

Hearing this, Liang Ping sighed, "Who says it's not the case?"

There is such a shameless person in the stall that I can’t get rid of. No one can be happy every day.

Mrs. Wu sat down and relieved her, "Sister, don't think so much. Let's eat first. After that, we can chat in the evening."

Mrs. Liang also said, "Yes, let's eat first. Since the son-in-law is coming soon, you can live in peace. We still have a few days to chat."

Liang Ping felt better when she remembered that she could still stay with my mother.

"Yes, mother is right. Now that you are here, live happily and don't worry about them being ghosts and monsters."

Mrs. Liang brought her some vegetables and said, "Try this small green vegetable. I bought it yesterday. It's very fresh."

Liang Ping smiled and said yes.

After finishing drying the herbs, Sister Yang also came in to chat with them.

“Auntie, I made some soothing incense and light it for you at night to ensure you a good night’s sleep.”

Liang Ping smiled and said, "Sister Yang can make soothing incense. It's really amazing."

Mrs. Wu said, "She is not good at reading, but she is very talented in making herbal medicine. Her father had diarrhea before and asked her to cure it."

“I asked the doctors later, and they all exclaimed that the prescriptions she prescribed were all correct, and even better than those prescribed by the old doctor. They all asked her to teach in the pharmacy.”

 At first Mrs. Wu didn't like Sister Yang doing those herbs.

But the girl was so persistent that she couldn't pull back ten cows, so she had no choice but to let her go.

At first Mrs. Wu didn't have much hope. After all, at Sister Yang's age, she thought she would soon get bored of the heat in three minutes.

Who would have known that it had been more than half a year, but she was still working on herbal medicine, and she had really become something famous.

Now she only studies for half a day, and spends the remaining half in the drugstore, either learning to check people's pulses or prescribing medicines. She is almost becoming a female doctor.

Liang Ping was very surprised when she heard this, "Isn't it possible? She is not old, she can already treat people?"

 Wu Shi nodded, "Yeah, I didn't expect it either."

 (End of this chapter)

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