Chapter 306, Wu is the backbone

The four children in the family all have different preferences, but they all seem to have found something they like.

For example, Sister Ying likes to make food, Sister Yang likes to make herbal medicine, Brother Sen likes to wield swords and swords, but Brother Kang is well-rounded.

  Anyway, the four children played and played, and finally found the one that suited them best, and they did it in a decent way.

Liang Ping was very surprised when she heard this. She pulled Sister Yang to look left and right, very surprised.

 “This kid looks like Brother Jin, with similar facial features and eyes.”

Mrs. Wu also said, "Yes, she and Brother Seng are both following our husband, and their facial features are becoming more and more similar."

Liang Ping asked, "Where's Brother Sen? Why didn't the child see him?"

Wu Shi, "I went to practice martial arts early in the morning."

 Sen Geer went to take the scholar examination before, but he passed the exam.

 The candidates who passed the examination failed directly.

 He took the exam seriously, but he couldn't get enough of it.

 Later, Liang Jin asked him to continue his blessings and martial arts training.

   Even if you are unable to write in the future, at least you can still practice martial arts.

However, there are conditions for the martial arts examination. It does not mean that you can become the top scholar in martial arts without studying.

The top martial artist also needs to be literate and know the art of war.

  It is not enough to just know martial arts.

 After Sengeer knew the conditions for the martial arts examination, he could only continue studying the Art of War.

Now he goes to the old man to practice martial arts every day. His martial arts is getting better and better day by day, and he is gradually getting taller.

Liang Ping asked all the children in the family one by one before sighing, "If you don't tell me, marrying a good wife can benefit three generations. What would happen if there were no younger siblings in this family."

 When Liang Jin wanted to marry the Wu family, Liang Ping thought it was a good idea.

The Wu family is not from a scholarly family, but they are virtuous and have all kinds of virtues. Especially in caring for their husbands and raising their children, they are really good at it.

At this time, Mrs. Liang had to admit, "No. Last time she got cold, and she was sick for four or five days. It scared me to death."

Last month Mrs. Wu suddenly felt dizzy and vomited while eating, which made Mrs. Liang think she was pregnant again. She was just happy when she fainted.

 Later, Sister Yang took a pulse and found out that she had a cold.

Mrs. Wu usually doesn’t catch colds, so that time she got cold wind for some reason. She was fine at first, but at night she felt vomiting and dizzy, which scared the whole family.

 Fortunately, I just ate the cold wind and recovered completely after a few days.

 It was that illness that scared Mrs. Liang half to death, for fear that something might happen to Mrs. Wu.

 The whole family is taken care of by Mrs. Wu, and the children are also taken care of by Mrs. Wu. If such a big pillar were to be stepped on, Mrs. Liang would be afraid that she would not be able to survive.

 Fortunately, Mrs. Wu was fine in the end, otherwise she would have been scared to death.

Liang Ping laughed when she saw that my mother had become so dependent on Wu.

"Back then, you didn't say it was okay to have you in the family? How could you not do it just after this brother-in-law fell down?"

It can be seen how well I am taken care of by my brothers and sisters at home. She is carefree and speechless, just like an old child.

 Old Mrs. Liang was not annoyed when her daughter teased her, she laughed to herself.

"Then I have a good life. I have given birth to three good children, and they all make me happy."

Liang Ping said to her, "Obviously, it is because your brother has married a good wife that you can enjoy happiness."

Old Mrs. Liang snorted and did not object for the first time.

"Okay, you go and wash up first. Look at the stinky body on your body. It stinks to death."

Hearing this, Liang Ping deliberately stifled her, which made Mrs. Liang scream.

Sister Yang and Mrs. Wu looked at each other and laughed. After Mrs. Chen and Mrs. Wang had taken a bath and were eating, they heard laughter in the next room.

The two looked at each other and said in a villain's heart, "What do you think they are talking about? Are they talking bad about us?"

Mrs. Chen said indifferently, "No matter what they say, the Liang family has become so rich now, and it is business for us to enjoy it more here. They can say whatever they like, as long as they don't say it in front of us."

  In any case, they no longer care what Liang Ping says about them.

In recent years, thanks to their thick skin, their two sons have been able to go to Beijing to take the exam, which shows that being thick-skinned still has its benefits.

 Wang agreed, “Yes, as long as it’s good for us, they can say whatever they want.”

“And I see that Mrs. Wu is getting younger and younger. She must have money on hand to buy moisturizer. While we are at the Liang family, let’s see if we can order some moisturizer or other good things so that we can go back and take care of ourselves.”

Ms. Chen nodded and agreed very much, "Yes, the Liang family is so rich. I don't believe that we can't get anything. I will definitely get more things back when the time comes."

 The two sisters-in-law started to plot against each other so shamelessly.

 In the evening, Liang Ping and Mrs. Chen had a good rest and went out to eat together.

 Sister Ying went to the snack shop to see Mei Xian'er during the day, and then went to the inn to read the account books. She came back now.

Liang Jin learned that his eldest sister had arrived home and came back early.

 Father and daughter met on the road and went home together.

As soon as you entered the house, you heard the lively sounds in the house.

Liang Jin came in with a smile, "Mom, is eldest sister back?"

Mrs. Liang smiled and said, "I'm back. Go change your clothes, wash your hands and eat."

Liang Jin sighed and went back to his room to change into casual clothes.

Mr. Chen and Ms. Wang were particularly surprised when they saw the handsome Liang Jin from a distance.

   I haven’t seen each other for many years, but Liang Jin, who is supposed to be an old man, is still so handsome, which makes people jealous.

 Their men are about the same age as Liang Jin, but each one is thicker and older, like an old man.

It's not like the Liang couple, one is stuffed and the other is young.

It can be seen that the Liang family is really living a good life, and the life has nourished the couple so that they can be so young.

Wang and Chen couldn't help but feel jealous, thinking how could the Liang family suddenly become so wealthy? Could it be corruption?

They all say that Jiangnan is a very prosperous place. Along the way, they have indeed gone from poverty to wealth, and they have to sigh at the prosperity of Jiangnan.

The Liang family has been in Jiangnan for several years. They must have embezzled a lot of money here. Otherwise, how could they be able to cook such a big table?

You can buy mutton, pork, goose, and even beef. This shows that the Liang family must have committed a lot of corruption.

So Mrs. Wang and Mrs. Chen looked at each other, thinking that when their son came back this time, he would definitely get married to the Liang family, or establish a nepotistic relationship, so that the family could become rich.

When Sister Ying came in, Sister Liang was very happy to hold her.

“Hey, our sister Ying is back?”

Sister Ying recognized Liang Ping at a glance, smiled and came over to call, "Auntie~"

Liang Ping looked at her up and down, the more she looked at her, the more she liked her.

“It’s incredible, our sister Ying is now a big girl. Look at her little face, she is even more beautiful than your mother back then.”

Not only Liang Ping, but also Mrs. Wang, Mrs. Chen and Mrs. Chen were all amazed at Sister Ying's beauty.

 But they don’t think it’s a good thing that Sister Ying is beautiful. Instead, they complain in their hearts, “Being so beautiful shouldn’t be a disaster.”

Sister Ying.

Seeing their expressions, Liang Ping knew that they had nothing good to say, so she immediately rolled her eyes, thinking they were dead, and pulled Sister Ying to sit down.

“My dear, have you just come back from your work? Are you hungry?”

 (End of this chapter)

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