Chapter 307, a table of drama

Sister Ying smiled and said, "I'm really hungry."

Hearing this, Liang Ping held her hand lovingly, "Then sit down and eat with eldest aunt."

Sister Ying sighed and sat next to Liang Ping.

Liang Ping smiled and put some vegetables for her and watched her eat.

 “Come, eat more, remember your favorite meal when you were a child.”

Hearing this, Mrs. Liang interjected, "Not only did she like to eat when she was a child, she also likes to eat now that she is a grown-up girl."

“There are so many snacks in the kitchen, and most of them are eaten by her. She is really greedy and shameless.”

This remark was originally intended to be a joke to Liang Ping, but it was picked up by Chen and Wang.

"My wife is right. It is best for this girl to eat less. If she goes to her husband's house in the future, she will be criticized by her husband's family."

Mrs. Chen also said, "That's right. Since ancient times, a daughter-in-law should eat less and cook more. Otherwise, she will be criticized by her husband's family in the future. You'd better not let her eat."

 Lao Mrs. Liang & Mr. Wu;.

They just meant what they said just now to joke with Liang Ping, but why did they become more serious when it came to Chen and Wang's mouth?

Moreover, the tone of their words sounded as if they really disliked Sister Ying for her gluttony.

  Wu was unhappy in her heart, but she didn't show it on her face, but her attitude was a little colder than before.

 She kindly entertained the Wang family and Chen family for dinner, not to let them talk about their children.

Liang Ping was also very angry.

These two sisters-in-law are really shameless. They follow other people's houses eagerly, but they don't know how to abide by their duties when they arrive. They are noisy and annoying.

Liang Ping snorted silently, ignored the two people, and continued to pick up food for Sister Ying.

“Come, eat meat. My aunt thinks you have a meaty face but a bit slender body. Eat more and you will grow more meat.”

Sister Ying smiled playfully when she heard this, "My name is Linglong Youzhi, aunt."

Although she is thin, she is very voluptuous.

 In addition to the slender limbs, the places where there should be flesh are still quite good.

Liang Ping was amused by her playful words and looked her up and down, "It's true, you are just like your mother, you have a nice long net."

“Unlike your two cousins, who only eat meat and don’t grow taller. They are much the same size as your father.”

 Because Brother Chen's husband is not very tall, his three sons follow him, and none of them are very tall.

  When Mrs. Chen heard Liang Ping say that her grandson was short, she was immediately dissatisfied.

He glanced at her and explained to Sister Ying, "Sister Ying, don't listen to your aunt's nonsense. Our brother Hong is quite tall, a head bigger than you."

She originally wanted to bring Sister Ying and Brother Hong together, so how could she let this matter go south?

Mrs. Wu hasn’t told Liang Ping about Sister Ying’s engagement yet.

Mrs. Liang sent a letter two months ago, but it probably hasn’t arrived yet. So Liang Ping didn't know that Sister Ying was engaged.

Hearing what Old Mrs. Chen said, she sounded like she was trying to connect Brother Hong, so she stopped scolding Brother Hong.

Liang Ping actually likes Sister Ying very much. If Sister Ying is willing to marry Brother Hong, she will naturally be happy.

However, this matter still had to be decided by Mrs. Wu, so she didn’t dare to ask any more questions. She just smiled and asked Sister Ying to eat more.

Mrs. Chen was also very enthusiastic. While picking up vegetables for Sister Ying, she told her some things about Brother Hong.

"Sister Ying, you don't know that your cousin has always been strong and self-disciplined over the years. He studies hard every day and helps out at home in his free time. He has a first-class handsome appearance. He is a neighbor on the same street as us. , there is no other child as hard-working as your cousin.”

This old lady was selling melons and boasting about herself. Sister Ying just smiled after hearing this.

She was not familiar with her eldest aunt's two cousins, and she didn't feel much after hearing Mrs. Chen's description. She smiled, lowered her head, and continued eating. Mrs. Liang didn't hear what Mrs. Chen meant by recommending herself. She just thought that Mrs. Chen was praising her two grandsons, so she started chatting with them too.

"Not to mention, I haven't seen Brother Hong for many years. When they come back from the exam, I must let them come and take a look at me."

Mrs. Chen immediately praised her even more happily when she saw that she liked her two grandsons.

"That's natural. Brother Hong has missed you as his grandmother the most during the past few days. When he went to the capital this time, he even said that he would come and see you when he had time. It shows that the two children still miss you."

This is half true and half false.

It’s true that Brother Hong and Brother Hu miss Old Mrs. Liang, but it’s not as exaggerated as Mrs. Chen said.

But Mrs. Liang was still very happy after hearing this.

 After all, her two grandsons have been close to her since childhood, and she also likes Brother Hong and the others very much.

“Then I hope they can come back from high school, and then our whole family can get together.”

Mr. Chen and Mrs. Wang saw that their mother-in-law had been saying good things about Brother Hong, and they immediately understood what their mother-in-law meant.

It seemed that the mother-in-law was planning to set up a bridge for Brother Hong, so the two of them immediately became uneasy.

He also came over and introduced himself to Mrs. Liang.

"Madam, I'm dissatisfied with you for saying that not only Brother Hong, but also our Aze admires your reputation very much. He said that you not only trained a fourth-grade prefect, but also taught such a great granddaughter as Sister Ying. It's really amazing. People admire it.”

 This flattery was a bit exaggerated, but Mrs. Liang still laughed.

“Then your son is very discerning and has a sweet mouth.”

Old Mrs. Liang naturally knew that Mrs. Chen was flattering her, but she happily accepted it.

Not to be outdone, Ms. Wang also flattered her, "Madam, I say that old ladies with good fortune get younger year by year. Looking at your tender skin, I know that you will have more and more good fortune in the future. It’s so enviable.”

 Old Mrs. Liang burst into laughter at the flattery they flattered her.

 He was in a good mood, "Come, come, come, eat quickly, eat them all."

Mr. Chen and Mrs. Wang were happy to see her, and felt that this method was feasible, so they went over and continued to please Old Mrs. Liang, saying a lot of nice things, making Old Mrs. Liang laugh.

Mrs. Wu looked at it again and again, suddenly realized, and then she understood.

 It turns out that Mrs. Chen and Mrs. Wang had the intention of getting married, so they kept saying good things about their son to their mother-in-law.

 No wonder, she said why the two of them were so enthusiastic.

However, Sister Ying is already engaged, and their plans are doomed to fail. She can just tell her eldest aunt in the evening. As for Mrs. Chen and Mrs. Wang, I don’t know about them, so let them continue to make Mrs. Liang happy. .

If you can make the old lady happy, the food will be enough for the past few days.

If she wanted to come to the house to plan something, the most she could do was let them have enough to eat and drink, and forget about anything else. She was not a talkative Liang Ping who could let these two people take advantage of her.

At night.

  After everyone finished eating, they went to rest.

Mr. Chen and Mrs. Wang live in the same room, and Mrs. Chen lives in her own room.

Liang Ping slept in the same room as Mrs. Liang.

 At night, the two of them lay in bed and began their long-awaited night chat.

Mrs. Liang said to Liang Ping, "I forgot to tell you that Sister Ying is already engaged, and she and Brother Hong are not destined to be together. We can only let them be cousins."

Liang Ping was surprised, but she thought it was normal.

"I was negligent. I forgot to ask and started telling you about Brother Hong."

 (End of this chapter)

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