Chapter 308: Fighting for Sister Ying

Mrs. Liang smiled and said, "Hey, I don't know you yet, but you must also want Brother Hong to be good. I understand."

 Brother Hong is already twenty-three and has not proposed marriage yet. Liang Ping also wants to wait for him to become famous before finding him a better rich girl, which is why she has delayed proposing marriage to him for so long.

  Previously, Mrs. Chen and Mrs. Wang wanted to introduce their natal niece to Brother Hong, but Liang Ping refused.

 She didn't like the Chen family and the Wang family to begin with, so how could she marry their natal family.

 At first she really wanted to come to Jiangnan to see my mother, and see if the two families could get married, but it seemed that she came too late.

Liang Ping asked, "Who did Sister Ying tell me to give it to? Is it the one near our home?"

Old Mrs. Liang shook her head, "No, it's the Jing family in the capital. They were the former neighbors of our hometown. Do you remember?"

Liang Ping recalled it for a while before remembering it.

“Is that the family that was next door to us?”

 She doesn't usually go back to her parents' home, and she hasn't met the Jing family very often, so she doesn't know much about them.

Mrs. Liang chatted with her with a smile, "They have a pretty good family. The boy is very handsome and tall. He treats Sister Ying very well. Sister Ying also likes him. They are a perfect match."

 These words put an end to Liang Ping's thoughts.

Liang Ping understood and said with a smile, "What are you doing? Sister Ying is already engaged, how can I still rob her? You look scared."

Mrs. Liang laughed loudly when she heard this, "Isn't that because I'm afraid you'll think too much?"

"It turns out that I also told Sister Ying about Brother Hong, but that girl likes Brother Renrong. She has big ideas. She looks soft and weak, but in fact she is just like her mother, a tigress. I can't control it. ”

Liang Ping laughed to death when she heard this.

“How come you can’t control this or that? Where has the dignity of being the matron of the house gone?”

Mrs. Liang chuckled, "How could I have any prestige back then? It's not like you don't know Mrs. Wu. She looks easy to talk to, but did she listen to anything I said?"

 She was indeed in charge of the family back then, but Mrs. Wu was a smart person and was not afraid of her at all. She did not get any benefits from Mrs. Wu, but suffered a lot of losses.

Liang Ping was very happy when she heard this, "Yes, with your three-legged cat skills, you are really no match for me."

Just like her, she has lived with her mother-in-law and sister-in-law for so many years and has not gained much reputation. Both mother and daughter are paper tigers and are of no use at all.

Hearing this, Mrs. Liang sighed and said, "What can we do? We are weak women who cannot take care of ourselves."


Liang Ping couldn't help but smile, "You are getting poorer and poorer. You can make any kind of joke."

“But should I talk to Mrs. Chen and Ms. Wang about this matter? Otherwise they will keep having ideas about Sister Ying.”

Old Mrs. Liang tutted, "You are really stupid if you say you are stupid. Why tell them this? I haven't finished enjoying their flattery yet."

“Don’t tell them this in advance, just let them have their sweet dreams and let me enjoy the rainbow fart for a few days.”

Liang Ping clicked her tongue, "I really can't understand what you're saying anymore."

 Flattery is just flattery, even rainbow fart.

Mrs. Liang smiled and said, "This is called fashion."

 Following Sister Ying, she knows all the words.

Mother and daughter chatted until very late before falling asleep.

 At the other end, Mrs. Chen and Mrs. Wang were also worried about Xiao Jiujiu in their hearts.

Both Wang and Chen wanted to tell their sons about Sister Xia Ying so that they could get married to the Liang family. But Sister Ying only has one son, and they have six sons. They don’t know who to tell.

Mr. Chen said matter-of-factly, "Of course I have to give it to my brother Jiaze. He studies the hardest and will definitely be a Jinshi after the New Year. Only then will I be more confident to propose marriage to the Liang family."

“Your brother De is not as good at studying as my brother Aze. I think you should give up. The Liang family will definitely not let Sister Ying marry someone who is not a Jinshi.”

Wang doesn’t like to hear this.

"Who do you think can't read? My Ade's reading is no worse than your Aze's. Besides, in terms of appearance, my Ade is definitely more handsome. Little girls like good-looking guys, maybe Sister Ying I'm going to fall in love with my Ade later. Forget about yours, you are not beautiful and your son is not good-looking, so the little girl will definitely not like it."

These words directly hit Mrs. Chen. Mrs. Chen is not beautiful to begin with, and she is still short. People would criticize her for not being good-looking, and she would immediately become angry.

“Who do you think is not good-looking? I think you are not good-looking! Even if I’m not good-looking, I’m still prettier than you!”

Not to be outdone, Ms. Wang said, "Fart! I'm at least taller than you, with bigger eyes and fairer skin. Look at you again. You have a dark complexion, small pea eyes, and such rough skin. I don't care if you look good. I can be a Xi Tzu!”



Mrs. Chen was so angry that she quit on the spot and started arguing, "You are rough and you are small-eyed. I think you ate too much rice wine soup and got yourself high. Are you the one who wants to be a beauty?" I think you are just a long melon, or the wilted kind."

"Why do I have mung bean eyes? Your eyes are almost swollen into a line. You still have the nerve to talk to me. At least I am slimmer than you. Who is like you? I have a bucket waist, can't wrap my hands around my eyes, and am as fat as a pig."


 “I’ll fight with you.”

 The two started fighting in the house in the middle of the night.

The next person, Wen Jingjing, came out and asked, "If you two have anything to do, we'd better talk about it tomorrow. Everyone is asleep."

The two of them stopped after saying something.

When the servants saw that they were quiet, they went back to sleep.

The Chen family and the Wang family snorted at each other, and then turned their backs, not bothering to pay attention to each other.

 Finally, the two of them thought for a moment and each took a step back.

“Otherwise, whether it’s your Aze getting married to Sister Ying, or my Ade getting married to Sister Ying, we are all united. It’s best for the Liang family to contribute more dowry so that we can share it equally.”

Wang was surprised, "How can we divide it equally?"

This was the first time she heard that the dowry was divided equally.

Mrs. Chen said with a calculating look on her face, "Think about it, the Liang family is so rich and Sister Ying is the eldest daughter, there will definitely be a lot of dowry when she gets married. At that time, whether your Ade will be the son-in-law of the Liang family, or my Aze will be the son-in-law of the Liang family, Son-in-law of the Liang family, we both earn half, isn’t it mutually beneficial?”

This is how they have worked together to plot against Liang Ping in the past few years, and they will definitely be able to do it this time.

Wang thought this was a good idea and agreed.

"Okay, let's go separate ways. Starting tomorrow, you go to curry favor with Mrs. Wu, and I'll go and seduce Sister Ying. When the time comes, we can work together on both sides."

 Two sons, one can definitely be brought with him.

No matter who can ingratiate themselves with the Liang family, the interests will definitely be mutual when the time comes. Half for one person is better than nothing at all.

They both thought so and fell asleep with confidence.

They think their strategy is good, but they don’t know that all childish performances are just clowns in the eyes of the Liang family.

  Do you prefer to wear long skirts or short skirts in summer? (▽`)



 (End of this chapter)

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