The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 309: , old mother and daughter shopping

Chapter 309: Old mother and daughter go shopping

 On the second day.

When Sister Ying woke up early in the morning, she heard the sound of chirping outside the door.

 It was Chen and Wang who were speaking.

The two men got up in the morning, discussed for a while, and then went out to curry favor with Wu.

  They would help Mr. Wu with work at one moment, and flatter Mr. Wu at another.

Wu made an excuse to go out to buy something, and the two men's eyes immediately lit up and they wanted to follow her out.

You know, when Mrs. Wu is shopping, if they get one or two gifts, wouldn’t they make a profit?

So they put aside the matter of getting married for the time being, and their minds were full of thinking about how to get gifts from Mrs. Wu.

Wu didn't know what they were thinking, so he didn't buy anything valuable and only went to the vegetable market to see if there were any fresh vegetables.

Ms. Chen and Ms. Wang looked at the Xixi vegetable market and were both confused.

“Liang, Mrs. Liang, why did you bring us to the vegetable market?”

 It would be nice if servants came to such a noisy place. Why did you bring them here? There is no gold or silver jewelry here.

They originally wanted Mr. Wu to buy some jewelry for them, but now they come to the market to see what good things they can buy.

Mrs. Wu saw their disappointed faces, angry and amused, but ignored them.

She was going out to buy groceries today. Mrs. Chen and Mrs. Wang wanted to take advantage of her, but they were afraid that they would not be able to do so.

Mr. Chen and Mrs. Wang saw that she was concentrating on picking vegetables, and they also understood that it was impossible to buy hairpins and jewelry today. They could only choose some good vegetables and meat, at least without suffering any losses.

So the two of them looked at the meat. One wanted tenderloin and the other wanted ribs.

Mrs. Wu thought that her family also liked sweet and sour pork, so she bought them all.

Ms. Chen and Mrs. Wang saw that she was so generous and didn't even need to count the money when buying meat. This shows that the Liang family is really rich.

The more they watched, the more excited they became, and the more they wanted to become in-laws with the Liang family.

Mrs. Wu was not at all concerned about their plan and went back after buying groceries.

 After Mrs. Liang and Liang Ping woke up, mother and daughter went out shopping together after dinner.

Liang Ping originally wanted to buy some clothes for Mrs. Liang to show her respect and filial piety.

 But Mrs. Liang was reluctant to take her things.

“Leave it there, I have no shortage of clothes to wear. There are so many clothes at home that I can’t even wear them. Don’t buy them for me. Let me buy some for you.”

The Chen family's family is of average status, not considered rich, and there are many children studying in the family. In recent years, the expense of studying together with several children has impoverished the family.

Liang Ping doesn’t have much money now, and only has one shop to support her.

Mrs. Liang knew that she had no money, so she couldn't bear to spend her money. She wished she could give her some of her own money.

“Here, I’ll pick out some ready-made clothes for you so you can wear them when you get home. I’ll also pick out a few sets for Brother Hong. The Chinese New Year is coming soon and they also need new clothes.”

Liang Ping felt a little sad and moved when she saw that her mother wanted to buy things for herself and the children.

"Mom, no need. I have clothes to wear, and so do the children. Keep your money for yourself. If you have more money for the elderly, you can enjoy happiness when you are old."

Mrs. Liang knew that she was reluctant to spend her money, but she still insisted on buying clothes for her.

 “Just pick it, or I’ll pick it for you.”

 Having said that, he picked it up himself.

“Just this dark red one, low-key and luxurious. If Brother Hong wins the election next year, you can wear it too.”

“There is also this dark green one, which is dignified and elegant. You can also wear it when you marry your wife in the future.”

She picked out three sets, and also picked out one set for her three grandchildren, and asked the waiter to wrap them up. Seeing that she was about to pay, Liang Ping quickly took out the money and handed it over, "Take mine."

Old Mrs. Liang clicked her tongue and refused to allow her to pay. "Why are you being polite to me? I am your mother. How can you go out with your mother and ask your children to pay for it?"

 This is my biological mother. No matter how old you are, she treats you like a child.

Liang Ping was moved and finally accepted it.

After buying clothes, the mother and daughter held hands. Old Mrs. Liang said, "Let's go and take you on a boat trip around the lake. You haven't been on a beautiful big boat like that before."

  She is richer now than before, so she is naturally generous.

 Mother and daughter have not been shopping together for a long time, and they are both in good moods.

Old Mrs. Liang asked the waiter to serve a pot of hot chrysanthemum tea, and chatted with Liang Ping while drinking it.

“My family wasn’t so wealthy before. It was your younger siblings who bought some land and raised pigs. Now the pork jerky is open and the sales are pretty good.”

"And Sister Ying also owns an inn, and her daily income is good. They both give me pocket money every month, so I can buy it for you. Don't worry, I have someone to support me, so don't worry about me having no money. ”

My family was not so wealthy before. It was only because I was able to make decent money by opening a shop in Jiangnan in the past few years that my family's life became better and better.

After hearing this, Liang Ping felt even more emotional, "My younger siblings are really capable. Thanks to her, the family can only get better and better."

 Otherwise, I would have spent a long way to come here and no amount of money would be able to afford it. Fortunately, Mrs. Wu is smart and knows how to make money to support her family.

 Unlike the Chen family, the daughters-in-law can only get in and out, and no one will give money if something happens, let alone open a shop together.

  They had a joint venture to open a shop before, but it closed down due to poor management.

Liang Ping no longer wants to join a joint venture with them. She will start her own business and make money on her own. Even if she is exhausted and exhausted, it is better than being angry with her sister-in-law.

 Old Mrs. Liang couldn't help but criticize her when she saw how messed up her life was.

“You should also learn from your brothers and sisters. When you need to be tough, be tougher. Don’t worry about this and that all the time and make yourself miserable to death.”

  Wu looks soft and weak, but she is still very ruthless when others should be ruthless.

 Be decisive when it’s time to be decisive, which Liang Ping is not good at.

Liang Pingta wanted to have a good reputation, but she was afraid of this and that. She didn't even dare to quarrel with her sister-in-law, so she just endured it. It would be strange not to feel aggrieved!

Liang Ping sighed, understanding what my mother said, but it was difficult to do it.

“I also wanted to quarrel with them, but the quarrel would make the house a mess and it would not be good for Brother Hong to study, so I endured it again and again.”

In addition, she doesn’t like to quarrel with others, and the house is in a mess, so it’s better not to quarrel.

 That's why she reduced big things to small things, and made do with them all the time.

Old Mrs. Liang simply hates the fact that iron cannot become steel.

“You, you, sometimes I really want to wake you up. When you first went to the Chen family, you were quite aggressive, and you even competed with your mother-in-law. Why are you like a doormat now?”

Liang Ping couldn't laugh or cry, and explained, "It's not a doormat. As long as I don't quarrel with them, they will feel it in their chests, so they are not necessarily better off than me."

  When the war started, she suddenly turned off the flames. Chen and Wang were very angry, but there was no point to explode, so they could only hold it in and almost **** themselves to death. It was obvious that neither of them won.

 Old Mrs. Liang smiled when she saw that she was not that stupid.

“You, you, are so much worse than your brothers and sisters. The older you get, the worse you become.”

Liang Ping didn't like hearing her praise Wu so often, so she laughed when she heard her words.

“Back then, you and your siblings had a lot of quarrels, but now your relationship is as good as if you were the same person.”

Mrs. Liang snorted and refused to admit it, "Whoever is friendly with her, I am friendly with her because she respects me, otherwise I won't be friendly with her."

 (End of this chapter)

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