The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 310: , Pretending to be confused while pretending to understand

Chapter 310: Pretending to be confused while pretending to understand

Liang Ping knew that my mother was hard-spoken and soft-hearted, so she laughed at her and said, "Don't come here anymore. I see that you are becoming more and more dependent on your younger siblings. It makes me jealous."

Old Mrs. Liang laughed, "Who told you to stay so far away from me? You must be jealous, hahaha."

Liang Ping saw her smiling so happily, so she also laughed.

 The mother and daughter went shopping for a long time and bought a lot of things before going back together.

Mr. Chen and Mrs. Wang helped Mrs. Wu carry a lot of vegetables back. As soon as they entered the house, they saw Mrs. Liang and Liang Ping coming back packing small bags.

 When the two of them saw the gift boxes, they immediately felt sour.

“Why don’t you tell us when your sister-in-law goes shopping?”

When they got up in the morning, Liang Ping was still asleep. When they saw Wu was about to go out, they immediately chased her out, and then they missed Liang Ping.

At first they thought Mrs. Wu was the rich one, but they forgot that Mrs. Liang was also the rich one.

  This is really a big loss.

Mrs. Liang bought something for Liang Ping, but they only came back with a basket of vegetables. Thinking about it, they felt so bad.

“Madam, why didn’t you call us when you went out on the street so that we could get you something? We saw how tired you were.”

 Ms. Chen and Mrs. Wang put down the vegetables and came over, keeping their eyes on the gift box in Liang Ping's hand, obviously wanting it.

Liang Ping turned her head and pretended she couldn't see it.

Mrs. Liang is also a good person. When she saw Mrs. Chen and Mr. Wang looking at the things in her hands eagerly, she pretended to be an old fool and said, "Oh, you don't need to work. You are guests. How can you let guests carry things? There are servants at home." Woolen cloth."

 Having said that, he asked his servants to put everything in Liang Ping's house.

Ms. Chen and Mrs. Wang saw that she didn't understand what she meant, and their livers hurt with anger, but they couldn't get angry, so they could only come over and continue to tease her.

“Madam, it’s rare for us to come to Jiangnan, why don’t you take us shopping tomorrow? We haven’t gone shopping for a long time. Alas, it’s hard to be a woman.”

I tried to put myself in a pitiful tone, "You don't know, the children have to go to school when they grow up, and we have to take care of a lot of things at home. After so many years, we haven't enjoyed it yet. We suffer at home every day, alas."

Seeing their half-truths, Mrs. Liang was annoyed and amused, and said, "If you want to go shopping, I'll take you to go shopping tonight. There's a new play in the theater, so let's go and listen to it together tonight."

Mrs. Chen and Ms. Wang looked at each other and wondered what was good about the theater. What they wanted was hairpins and jewelry, not watching a play.

Mrs. Liang knew what they were planning, so she pretended to be confused, "Okay, you guys go to rest first, and then we can go shopping together after dinner."

 After saying that, he ignored Mrs. Chen and Ms. Wang and pulled Liang Ping into the house.

Mrs. Wu also went to the kitchen and ordered her servants to prepare dinner for the evening.

Just as Sister Ying was about to go out to find Mei Xian'er, she was caught up by Chen and Wan.

“Sister Ying, where are you going?”

Mr. Chen and Mrs. Wang thought that since they couldn't get anything good from Mrs. Liang, they might as well come to please Sister Ying and see if they could make her like their son.

If Sister Ying falls in love with their son, are she afraid that the dowry will be small?

So the two of them held Sister Ying's arms, one on the left and the other on the right, and began to recommend their sons.

“Sister Ying, you should be sixteen this year, right? Has your family found an in-law for you?”

Sister Ying looked at the glint in their eyes and coughed, pretending to be shy.

“I, I have something else to do and I need to go see my friends. I’m leaving now.”

Having said that, she used her strength to break free of Chen and Wang's arms, and her soles slid away so fast that her back could no longer be seen in the blink of an eye.

 “Alas, Sister Ying~”

Neither Ms. Wang nor Ms. Chen expected Sister Ying to run so fast. They wanted to catch up, but were afraid of not being able to catch up, so they had no choice but to forget it.

The two of them looked at each other and felt that today was really unlucky. The big one didn’t fawn over him, and the little one didn’t fawn over either. He also missed Mrs. Liang’s gift. It was really unlucky.

“Forget it, let’s eat enough at night and wait until we go out to check the situation.”

Anyway, they are not in a hurry to leave. If they brainwash Sister Ying more, the marriage between the two families will definitely come true.

The two of them made up their mind and went back to the house to rest.

 At night, it’s time to eat.

Since there were female relatives there, Mrs. Wu asked Liang Jin to go to the study room to eat, while the other women ate in the main room.

Mr. Chen, Mrs. Wang and Mrs. Chen saw a table full of good food and meat, and started eating without ceremony.

However, they also know how to do a good job, so they pick up the food for Mrs. Liang first.

"My wife will eat it first. The pig's trotters look soft. You can taste it first."

Mrs. Liang was proud and ate it with a smile.

 “Well, it tastes good, very delicious, everyone should try it.”

Ms. Chen then gave Sister Ying some food, "Sister Ying, please eat more. Your little arms are thin, so eat more."

Sister Ying smiled and said nothing, lowered her head and focused on eating.

Old Mrs. Chen snorted when her two daughters-in-law refused to help her, and wanted to get angry, but since this was not home, she could only eat her own food angrily.

After finishing the meal, Mrs. Liang said, "Let's go to the street to eat."

Mrs. Chen and Mrs. Wang sighed and started to follow, leaving Mrs. Chen behind.

Mrs. Chen was very unhappy about being left behind. She made a face and said, "You two think I am dead. How dare you walk in front of me!"

Her mother-in-law, who is the head of the family, is still here, so these two idiots go to fawn over other people's mother-in-law and let her lose face.

Mr. Chen and Ms. Wang sighed inwardly, thinking that this mother-in-law couldn't help, just forget it, and she was holding them back. She was really stupid.

The two of them didn't want to pay attention to her, but since Mrs. Wu and Mrs. Liang were both there, they could only go there reluctantly.

 “Mom, let’s go quickly, the show is about to start soon.”

Old Mrs. Chen didn't know what they were thinking. She said with a stinky face and said angrily, "You're just a shallow-eyed person. What's so interesting about a show? Look at how anxious you are. If others know about it, they will definitely know that you are from the countryside." Yes, it’s really embarrassing for my brother.”

These words were unpleasant to say, and Mrs. Chen and Mrs. Wang both looked unhappy after hearing this.

Old Mrs. Chen likes to take care of her daughter-in-law at home, but no one obeys her. They just don't quarrel with her, but this old lady is very unreasonable.

Every time we quarrel, we don’t know how to save face. If you say that to them in front of outsiders, where can you put their face?

At this moment, Mrs. Wu and Mrs. Liang are still here, so let them lose face like this, and they are not afraid that others will look down on their son. Who will suffer the greater loss? What a stupid old lady.

Mr. Chen and Ms. Wang were extremely angry, but they could only endure it.

Mother-in-law is a fool, they can't make any more mistakes, otherwise it will be even more difficult for the two families to get married.

So the two of them were holding their breath, silent, and followed Old Mrs. Chen forward.

Mrs. Chen was satisfied when she saw that they were silent, thinking that they were afraid of her.

Mrs. Liang looked at what they were doing and shook her head helplessly.

  Secretly, having too many daughters-in-law is scary, but it is better to have only one daughter-in-law, whose home is clean.

  If so many daughters-in-law join forces, she is no match for them.

Stomach bloating(~_~;)



 (End of this chapter)

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