The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 311: , three mothers-in-law and one daughter-in-law in one scene

Chapter 311, a scene between three mother-in-law and daughter-in-law

Sister Ying and Mrs. Wu also saw the contradiction between the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, but they just pretended not to see it.

They will not interfere with other people's family affairs, so as not to make the Chen family and the Wang family lose face. The trouble may be ugly by then, so it is better to have more things to worry about than less things to do.

The group continued walking towards the theater, hearing the lively sound of gongs and drums along the way.

Mr. Chen, Mrs. Wang and Mrs. Chen all saw such a lively street for the first time, and they all liked it very much.

They have been living in poor towns for several years and have never seen such a lively street scene at night.

Especially in Jiangnan, the whole street is brightly lit, and the streets are full of people setting up stalls and shouting.

 The common people also went out for a walk after dinner, and the streets were bustling and lively.

Mr. Chen and Ms. Wang looked very envious and couldn't help but praise, "Jiangnan is really prosperous."

If they could live here back then, they might be rich women now.

The Liang family used to be from a middle-class family, but now they are so wealthy. They must have made their fortune after coming to Jiangnan.

Ms. Chen and Mrs. Wang felt sour in their hearts when they saw Mrs. Wu's luxurious clothes and the expensive hairpin on her head.

Mrs. Chen was also very envious of Mrs. Liang being able to live here, and said to Mrs. Liang, "My dear, you are better off than me, and you are younger than me, but you came to Jiangnan early to enjoy the blessings. I am so envious of you."

Mrs. Liang smiled and said, "It's all the blessing of having children and grandchildren. The place we went to was also hard, so we have survived it. It is said that only by enduring hardship can one become a great person. This is probably the truth."

Old Mrs. Chen didn't believe it and snorted, "You have to be lucky and have a promising son to come to Jiangnan. Unlike our eldest son, who has been an official for so many years and is still a small county magistrate. Alas, when will I be able to Enjoy it as much as you do.”

Seeing that she was still sighing, Mrs. Liang comforted her, "Children and grandchildren will have their own blessings. Didn't Brother Hong go to Beijing to take the exam? Maybe your luck will be behind you."

 Old Mrs. Chen cheered up when she heard this.

 Two old ladies walked forward and started chatting.

Old lady Liang asked, "If your grandsons all pass the exam, who will you go with to enjoy the blessing?"

She asked quietly, wanting to hear what Mrs. Chen thought.

Since Liang Ping is so useless, she, the mother-in-law, can only help her ask.

Once Mrs. Chen heard this, she started to think seriously.

 She doesn’t know which grandson will get the top prize.

 If all four are successful, which one should she go with to enjoy the blessing? It's really difficult to handle.

Seeing that she was still thinking, Mrs. Liang couldn't help but laugh, but she didn't bother her.

 She secretly thought that this old lady Chen was really funny. She really thought that her four grandsons could all get the top prize.

The number one scholar is so easy to take the exam?

But she wouldn't point this out. People in the province thought she didn't want to see her grandchildren pass the exam.

Mrs. Chen thought for a while but had no answer. She said, "Actually, I am just like everyone else. I am just afraid that after they all pass the exam, the family will break up."

 She has old-fashioned ideas and feels that the family should be tied together so as not to be bullied by outsiders.

 So after so many years, she has been clinging to the whole family, fearing that others would bully her because of the sparse population in her family.

 But now the grandchildren are all going to take the imperial examination, and they will definitely have to separate themselves if they get an official position in the future.

 She could not prevent her grandchildren from leaving for her own selfish reasons, so she could only let them go.

“Well, I like to have a tidy family. In the future, when they all leave, I will feel empty in my heart.”

Mrs. Liang advised her, "You can't think like that. The children will have to leave home when they grow up." "With so many grandchildren like yours, they will all marry and have children in the future, and the yard at home will definitely not be enough to live in. Then they will have to move out." go out?"

"Besides, even if you move out, you are still a family. And if your grandchildren get married, the yard will definitely not be able to accommodate more children in the future. So it is destined to live separately, so you should be more open-minded. "

“As long as our children and grandchildren are well, it’s worth the hardship and fatigue. Don’t always think about tying them together, maybe they don’t want to be together.”

 Families are separated and get together during the New Year and festivals. Only distance can produce beauty.

If we are crowded together every day, there will be no place to vent our anger when we quarrel, and we will only resent each other.

 Old Mrs. Chen doesn’t care about that, she just wants the whole family to be together and act as a protective umbrella for her.

But what Mrs. Liang said was not unreasonable, so she sighed and finally listened, "That's it. Children and grandchildren will have their own blessings, let them go. As long as they can come and see me when I am old in the future."

Mrs. Liang smiled when she saw that he had figured it out, "Don't worry, you have raised them so well that they will definitely respect you in the future. Your blessings are yet to come."

Old Mrs. Chen nodded and didn’t care about that much.

 “You’re right, then I don’t want to do it anymore and let them go.”

Old Mrs. Liang, "That's right, let's go to the theater. The theater here is very interesting, and the fruits are delicious. I'll buy you some."

Mrs. Chen said, "Then it will cost you."

So the two old men sat down and began to watch the play quietly.

On the other hand, Mrs. Chen and Mrs. Wang looked at each other and looked around, both of them felt that there was nothing interesting about it.

However, they looked around and became more and more sure, "This Jiangnan is really prosperous. Look at the women and children. They all wear better clothes than us. It can be seen that there are rich people here."

 Looking at Mrs. Wu and Sister Ying again, the materials worn by mother and daughter are of the highest quality. It is obvious that the Liang family must have a rich family background.

Mr. Wang and Mrs. Chen thought that since their families were destined to separate in the future, it would be better to marry Sister Ying home now. When the dowry arrives, they would be able to use the money to open a shop.

As long as the business of the shop is good, you won’t have to worry about running out of money.

The reason why they have been holding on to Liang Ping all these years is simply because they are afraid that they and their husbands will not be able to earn so much money to support their sons in education, so they can only hold on to Liang Ping and her family.

Now that the sons have all gone to Beijing to take the exams, if they can get an official position, they will be able to make it through.

If you can get married to the Liang family, then let Liang Jin give his son some work to make money, and the whole family will be rich.

 When they get rich, they will be able to enjoy good food and drink, and their lives will be more harmonious than anyone else's.

So the two became more and more determined to marry the Wu family.

 Ms. Chen and Mrs. Wang looked at each other, then walked over to Mrs. Wu and started chatting with her.

“Sister Wu, your sister Ying is also sixteen this year, right? Can she find someone to help her with?”

Wu took a sip of hot tea and said, "What's wrong?"

 “You want to introduce her? But she has already.”

Before she could speak, Mrs. Chen snatched her away, "That's it, Sister Wu, what do you think of my Aze? My Aze is quite tall and handsome, and studies hard. He's just like our sister Ying." Together, they look like a talented man and a beautiful woman, and they are so perfect.”

Wang was beaten to the punch by her, and not to be outdone, she came over and recommended herself.

“Sister Wu, let me tell you, my A De is more handsome and taller than hers, so my son is even better matched with Sister Ying.”

 (End of this chapter)

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