The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 312: , the sisters-in-law quarreled.

Chapter 312: Quarrel between sisters-in-law

Mr. Chen was furious when she saw that Mr. Wang was trying to interfere again, but because she was outside, she could only retort in a low voice.

“Brothers and sisters, please stop talking nonsense. My Aze is obviously better than your Ade. Anyone with a discerning eye can tell at a glance that my son is more compatible with Sister Ying, so don’t force yourself.”

Mrs. Wang sneered and said to Mrs. Wu, "Sister Wu, don't be fooled by her sweet words. Look at her short stature. Does it look like she can give birth to a tall son?"

“Look at me again. My eyes are bigger than hers, and I am taller than her. My son is even better than her, and is much taller and more powerful than me.”

Mrs. Chen was slapped in the face by her and was not polite anymore. She said to Mrs. Wu, "Sister Wu, don't listen to her nonsense. Just look at her big and thick look. You can tell that her son is also fat, with a big waist and a round belly." Damn fat man, he’s not a good match for our sister Ying.”

Listening to their descriptions, Mrs. Wu already knew what their sons looked like.

Chén's son is probably short and has small eyes.

Although Wang's son is tall, he is a fat man with a big waist and round belly, and his eyes are swollen into a line.

So the two sons are speechless

Seeing them coming again, Liang Ping couldn't help but interject, "You two are almost done. This is outside, everyone is watching."

Mr. Chen and Ms. Wang looked back and saw someone glaring at them. It was obvious that they had disturbed others watching the play.

So the two of them could only shut up. I thought about going back and continuing to lobby.

 After watching the play in the evening, Mrs. Liang took the lead and took everyone back.

Along the way, Mrs. Chen and Ms. Wang didn’t like each other. They snorted coldly and didn’t speak to each other.

 When they got home, the two of them continued to quarrel in the house.

"Ms. Wang, what's the matter with you? Didn't you agree to give Sister Ying to our family and split the dowry in half? Why did you go back on your word?"

Mrs. Wang sneered and said, "What a fart, why should I give it to your family? I think Sister Ying is a good match for my son, so it would be best for my family, Ade, to marry her. You will naturally be indispensable for the dowry."

Ms. Chen was not happy, "If you fight with me like this, don't cry yourself if you lose."

As for Wang's fat son, even a girl would look down on him, but he still had the nerve to compete with her.

Ms. Wang disagreed. She felt that men should be like her son, fat and tall, to be men.

 As for Chen's thin, short, dark son, Sister Ying would only be interested in him.

"I think you just don't know yourself and think your son is some kind of sweet man. As everyone knows, many girls think your son is short."

He is dark and short, so only ghosts can see him.

Mrs. Chen was not happy with this, and immediately put her hands on her hips and said angrily, "Who are you calling short? Our Aze is not short at all. You are obviously jealous. With your son's fat look, I don't even want to give it to me." , let alone the girl’s house.”



Wang obviously didn't expect what she said was so unpleasant, so she got angry and took action.

 “I asked you to talk about my son!”

 “I’ll let you say it!”

As soon as she started to pluck Chen's hair with her hands, Chen suddenly shouted in pain, "Are you crazy? You're a crazy bitch, you're a fat bitch."

Wang continued to use force, "You are a black dwarf, you are ugly."

Ms. Chen was also furious and hit him hard.

 “I’ll beat you to death if you talk about me.”

 “You dare to hit me! Watch your moves.”

So the two of them struggled together.

 The servants outside the door saw that there was another quarrel inside and ignored it. They naturally stopped when they got tired.

 Happily, during the Lantern Festival at night, the sounds of fireworks and operas were indeed set off on the streets, and the sounds of people quarreling in the house were covered up by the fireworks.

 On the other hand, Mrs. Liang and Liang Ping heard the noise in the next room and shook their heads in silence. “Those two people quarreled again.”

Liang Ping nodded, "When I'm at home, they come here every now and then. I'm used to it."

Mrs. Liang was also speechless. "Fortunately, I will give birth to a son for your brother. If there were three sons and three daughters-in-law, I would be furious."

  It was slapped in the middle of the night, but the words he said were so unpleasant that it would be embarrassing to spread them out.

 Luckily she only has a son, otherwise I really wouldn’t be able to handle it.

Liang Ping laughed when she saw her cowardice.

“I hope your siblings won’t bully you, otherwise your life would be much worse than mine.”

 At least she can survive in such a noisy home, but Mrs. Liang may not.

Mrs. Liang also said, "Who wants to compare with you? If your grandmother hadn't assigned you to the Chen family back then, I wouldn't have been happy for you to marry into the Chen family."

At that time, the Chen family and the Liang family were well matched, but the Chen family had many sons, and Mrs. Chen had old-fashioned ideas, so Mrs. Liang was not satisfied with her daughter marrying her.

However, even though her mother-in-law had arranged a marriage, she could not withdraw from it, so she could only let Liang Ping marry her.

 At first, it was okay for Liang Ping to marry her. After all, she was the eldest sister-in-law and would not be oppressed by the wife below. My son-in-law also knows how to love others.

 After getting along with each other, I realized that it was not the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law that was difficult, but getting along with the sisters-in-law.

But after all these years, it’s useless to say this now.

Liang Ping thought to herself, "I just love to complain to you, otherwise my life can go on. At least my husband and the three children are on my side."

She is not stupid. She will not spend all her time arguing with her sister-in-law, but will focus on raising her son.

So now the four men in the family support her, and the sisters-in-law don't dare to really bully her.

Old Mrs. Liang was relieved to see that she was not that stupid.

“Okay, go to sleep. They can make noises as much as they want. We just pretend that we can’t hear them. Sister Ying’s birthday will be in two days. Then our family will have a lively meal.”

Liang Ping smiled and said yes, and the mother and daughter rested together.

 This head.

Jing Shirong came over by boat and was almost at the south of the Yangtze River.

He and Qi Yuanming both had injuries on their shoulders, so they hung their arms and looked like wounded people.

As the two of them came down, Qi Yuanming was looking at the beauties on the street.

The little girls blushed and their hearts beat when he saw him, and they ran away shyly.

Jing Shirong couldn't stand it anymore and scolded him, "What are you doing? It's very rude to look at girls naked like this!"

Since they were young, they have been told not to look at anything inappropriate. How could they not be so ashamed to stare at other girls.

Qi Yuanming said hey, "I'm looking for a wife for myself, so don't worry about me. I'm going to choose someone who's more beautiful than your sister Ying, and then we'll get married right there."

 Jing Shi Rong.

“Don’t say you are my friend when you go out, I can’t afford to embarrass this person.”

Qi Yuanming was unconvinced and muttered, "What's wrong with me? Is it wrong for me to find a wife for myself? Didn't you also crawl through sister Ying's window back then?"

Jing Shirong kicked him over, "Shut up! If you keep talking nonsense, you won't have dinner."

Qi Yuanming snorted, Fang Fang's face was very unconvinced, and he pursed his lips unhappy, "You will bully me."

 It’s just that he has a fiancée, so what’s the big deal?

 Maybe he will find his fiancée tomorrow, huh.

 (End of this chapter)

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