Chapter 313: Emphasizing **** over friends

The two were noisy all the way and finally arrived at Sister Ying's house.

Jing Shirong looked at the plaque outside the door and felt a sense of belonging.

 He raised the corners of his lips, walked up and knocked on the door.

The concierge came to open the door. Seeing that it was him who had returned, he was surprised and said, "My uncle is here?"

Last year Jing Shirong came to the Jing family, and the servants all remembered his face that looked like Pan An, so they naturally recognized him at a glance.

Jing Shirong smiled and said, "Well, I just have some free time, so I came over to see if your eldest lady is at home?"

The servant smiled and said, "Unfortunately, the eldest lady has just gone out to find Miss Mei. Do you want to come in and wait?"

Jing Shirong shook his head, "No, then I'll go find her first and come back with her later."

 After saying that, he turned around and left.

Qi Yuanming also followed him in a hurry.

Jing Shirong looked back at him and sent him away.

“You go to Gutou’s place and have a look. Didn’t you say that Seng Geer and Kang Geer are learning martial arts there? You go and see the results.”

Qi Yuanming sighed, "That's right, then I'll go and have a look."

 After saying that, he turned around and ran away from Jing Shirong.

He didn't react until he was halfway there.

“That’s not right. Are you sending that guy A Jing away?”

 Hmph, you brat!

 I have never seen such a person who puts more emphasis on **** than friends.

 What's so great, isn't it that he has a fiancée? He will find one later, huh.

Pedestrians on the road pouted when they saw that he was tall and tall, and looked at him curiously.

Qi Yuanming said angrily, "What are you looking at!" Have you never seen a handsome man?

 Pedestrians on the road

Qi Yuanming walked towards Gutou's yard angrily, kicking the stones under his feet with a childish pout on his square face.

When they reached the depths of the alley, the old courtyard door was open, and Qi Yuanming shouted in.

 “Gutou, are you at home?”

Sister Yang heard the sound and came out to see, "Who is it?"

 She came out in a white robe, dressed like a simple little female doctor.

Qi Yuanming was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect a little girl to come out of the yard and looked around the yard suspiciously.

 “You, who are you?”

Is it possible that he went to the wrong place?

 Because he had only met her once, Qi Yuanming had already forgotten about Sister Yang.

 He forgot, but Sister Yang did not forget him.

It was this guy who said that her girl was not good at martial arts, so she got angry and wanted to learn martial arts.

Now I have learned martial arts, but I have not mastered the skills. I have only learned the ability to escape.

 Happily, she had learned a lot about making medicine and picking herbs. Even if she couldn't hit someone, she could still administer medicine.

However, she didn't really want to be on the same level as Qi Yuanming, but she didn't give him a good face either. She snorted, turned around and went into the courtyard.

 “Oh, you?”

Qi Yuanming was puzzled by her hum. Looking back carefully, he didn't seem to know that girl?

 Why does the other person look at him so impatiently?

Qi Yuanming thought for a while, scratched his head, but still couldn't remember, so he walked in and walked around the courtyard.

I saw that the dilapidated yard was now renovated. The huge yard was filled with different herbs, and there were many baskets in front of the door, all used for drying herbs.

Qi Yuanming clicked his tongue and asked strangely, "How come this was changed to a large pharmacy?" The courtyard was full of the smell of medicine.

Sister Yang said angrily, "If you find it smells bad, just leave. No one invites you."

 Qi Yuanming, “Hey, you!”

“Little girl, what’s wrong with me? Why do you have such a big problem with me?”

 He didn’t offend her, so why are he so cruel? Sister Yang saw that this noble man was too forgetful, so she laughed, but still didn't give him a good face.

"My master is not here, you have to look for him and come back tomorrow."

Hearing this, Qi Yuanming was surprised, "Your master? Is your master ancient?"

Sister Yang snorted angrily, "Yes, what else can I do? Just leave if you have nothing to do, and don't disturb me while I'm drying out the medicine."

Qi Yuanming.

"Hey, girl, are you taking some medicine? Why are you so angry? I'm standing here and I don't occupy your place, so why bother you?"

“Didn’t your master teach you to respect your master?”

 Furthermore, when did Gu Gu accept disciples?

Isn’t that old man the most annoying about accepting disciples?

He has been hiding in Tibet over the past few years, just because he doesn't want to contact people and be disturbed.

 Why did you accept a little girl as your disciple?

Seeing his disbelief, Sister Yang snorted and said angrily, "Is there any problem with my master accepting me as his disciple? I can collect herbs and make medicines, which is much better than you."

 “Don’t bully others just because you are older.”

Qi Yuanming.

 “I don’t have it.”

He was just weird. Gutou originally didn't like to get along with strangers, so he was really surprised that he would accept disciples, so he had this question.

  Why does this little girl want to stab him every time?

"Hey, I said, yellow-haired girl, why do you always push me, I haven't offended you. Besides, I'm not very old, I just have a beard on my face, if I shave it, I can be your big brother."

 Don’t say whether he is as good as an old man or not, he is still a young brother.

 Sister Yang.

All in all, he is still a little brother, and his old brother is almost the same.

Qi Yuanming.

 “Let me tell you, little girl, if you mess with me again, I will be angry.”

It was miserable enough to be abandoned by Jing Shirong just now, but to be squeezed out by a little girl now is really too much.

Sister Yang shrugged indifferently, "If you think so, there's nothing I can do about it."

 Qi Yuanming: “You!”

 She was so big that she was so angry that she put her hands on her hips, but she couldn't beat her like a child. What could she do in the end? She had to suffer by herself.

“Hmph, you are young and I am not as knowledgeable as you. When your master comes back, I will definitely file a complaint against you with him.”

Sister Yang shrugged, her face indifferent.

“It doesn’t matter to you, my master will definitely protect me anyway.”

Qi Yuanming didn't believe it, "I saved your master's two lives. He will definitely turn to me. If you don't believe me, just wait and see."

The grace of saving his life is greater than that of heaven, so he does not believe that the old man will not help him.

Sister Yang made a sound and didn’t believe it.

She has been getting along with the old man for almost a year. The relationship between master and apprentice cannot be said to be the same as that of father and son, but the relationship between apprentice and grandson is definitely there.

With such a generous face as a narcissist, he still wants to compete with her for favor, he is so beautiful.

Qi Yuanming was looked down upon by her and became angry.

“You are like this and I have to compete with you. When your master comes back later, I will definitely make you look good.”

Sister Yang put her hands on her hips and said, "Who is afraid of whom?"

 The two of them just stared at each other and competed.

When the old man came back, he saw people in the courtyard, one big and one small, staring at each other.

The old man glanced at Qi Yuanming and said angrily, "What are you doing here? Bullying my apprentice?"

Qi Yuanming snorted, "I didn't, you're talking nonsense. She was the one who bullied me first!"

 The old man glanced at Sister Yang and asked her, "Did you bully him?"

Sister Yang groaned angrily, "It's obvious that he bullied me."

 The two of them blamed each other, and neither one gave in to the other.

At first sight of this posture, Gu Gu scratched the messy back of his head, not knowing how to resolve the case.

 He had never encountered such a thing before and didn't know how to judge it for a moment.

 (End of this chapter)

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