Chapter 314, The naivety of the big man

Qi Yuanming saw his troubled face and immediately jumped out to complain, "Old man, let me tell you, your female apprentice is so cruel. She raised eyebrows at me as soon as I came in. I didn't offend her. If you bully me like this, you have to make the decision for me."

“At any rate, I saved two of your lives and gave you food for a year. You have to help me.”

In order to win Sister Yang once, he gave up his face and replaced it with kindness.

 The old man scratched his hair and nodded, "Indeed, you saved me twice before, and I really should repay you."

As soon as Sister Yang heard this, she quit immediately.

"Master, I gave you a year's worth of roast chicken. I also bought you a lot of delicious food. If you don't protect me, I will never be with you again."

 The old man was startled and immediately took three steps away from Qi Yuanming.

"Well, Brother Qi, I think you should apologize to my apprentice. How old is she? She is a child. You should not be as knowledgeable as her."

Sister Yang added even more jealously, "That's right, how old am I? I'm still a child. If you have the same experience as me, you are not a man."

Qi Yuanming looked at Sister Yang's triumphant look and felt uncomfortable and angry even if he wanted to forget it.

 “I won’t!”

"It's obvious that you bullied me, why do I have to apologize to you? You think so well, if you don't apologize to me today, I won't leave, and it's up to your family."

 After saying that, he lifted up his robe and sat down on the spot.

Sister Yang and Gutou opened their mouths in surprise. It was the first time they saw a grown man being so childish.

The old man has never been able to deal with these interpersonal relationships, so he immediately pretended that he had something to do, "What about that? I have something to do, so I'll leave first. You can go ahead and do your business. You don't have to wait for me to come back."

 After saying that, the soles of my feet were greased and slipped away.

Sister Yang couldn't help but sneered when she saw how useless her master was.

 “The master is really good.”

Obviously he is very capable, but he always just runs away when encountering trouble.

She glanced at Qi Yuanming, who was childishly sitting on the ground and getting angry, sighed, and finally let it go.

"You go away, I don't know you anymore."

  She is definitely not as powerful as the rogue anyway.

 She is definitely not as naive as the other person.

It's better to send him away early, so as not to get angry when he sees him.

Seeing that she was finally defeated, Qi Yuanming raised his square chin proudly and looked at Sister Yang with big eyes that said, "What, give up?"

Sister Yang is so convinced by him that she doesn't want to be acquainted with him. She is so childish.

  "Okay, okay, I'm afraid of you, go ahead, I don't know you anymore."

Seeing that she had lost, Qi Yuanming stood up triumphantly and said, "Humph, you know how good I am, right? Don't make me angry next time, otherwise I will stay here and not leave."

 Sister Yang.

 “Yes, yes, I don’t dare anymore, please leave quickly, I’m afraid of you.”

Who is he? He is so big, but he is so childish. He doesn’t know which unlucky girl will marry him. He is so childish.

Qi Yuanming snorted and stood up. Just as he was about to leave, he remembered what he was doing here.

 He originally came to ask about the martial arts learning situation of the old brothers Kang Ge'er and Seng Ge'er.

But now Gutou has run away, so he can only ask Sister Yang.

"Little girl, let me ask you, has your master accepted any other disciples? Like Kang Geer, Seng Geer, etc. Do you know them?"

Sister Yang said "Huh?" "You asked me if I know Brother Kang and Sen?"

 The big thing about feelings has forgotten her.

 No wonder. But what I said is, "Don't you remember who I am?"

 Is she that ordinary looking? So ordinary that people can’t remember it?

 Obviously she remembered this big guy, why didn’t he remember her?

Qi Yuanming said "Huh?", scratched his head, touched his chin, and looked at Sister Yang carefully, but still had no impression.

"Do I know you?"

 He had only met Sister Yang once, so he really didn’t have much of an impression.

 In addition, children look the same every year. Sister Yang lost her teeth last year, and her temperament has changed a bit this year. It is normal for her to be unrecognizable.

Qi Yuanming thought about it again and again, and thought about Brother Kang and Brother Sen, and then he got an idea.

“By the way, you are Kang Geer’s sister, right?”

  No wonder, he said that this little girl’s eyes looked familiar, and she looked like Liang Jin.

Sister Yang couldn't help but roll her eyes and thought to herself that she was indeed not good-looking, yet no one remembered her. It seemed that she was the ugliest one in the family.

It’s really sad.

Qi Yuanming? She groaned, not understanding why she suddenly felt sad, and scratched the back of her head suspiciously.

“What’s wrong with you? I didn’t think of you, did it make you so sad?”

You can't blame him. He sees so many beauties every day, and he can't even remember who is with whom, let alone a little girl like Yang Jie'er. She is still a little kid, so who can remember her.

Sister Yang gave him a snort and didn't want to talk to him anymore. She said, "Okay, you can go. I'm busy and I don't have time to entertain you."

Isn't she just an ugly duckling who hasn't transformed yet? When she grows up, she will definitely be a beauty too.

  At any rate, this is how her sister comforted her.

Seeing her, Qi Yuanming drove him away again, so he went over to save her face. He wanted to leave, but he didn't know where to go. He definitely didn't want to go to Jing Shirong's place, so he could save himself eating dog food.

 I don’t want to go to Yipinzhai because there is no one to drink with me there.

 In the end, I just stayed here with Sister Yang.

He walked over and said, "Hey, little girl, when did you become so good with the old man? Why is he willing to teach you how to make herbs?"

You must know that many talented people came to learn from Gutou before, but Gutou was not willing to do so.

Who would have thought that this old man would take a brat as his disciple?

Sister Yang saw the way he looked at her up and down, and she knew what this guy was thinking without having to guess.

But she also knew that Qi Yuanming had no bad intentions, so she did not follow him and just asked him, "Why are you here suddenly? Is there no need to be busy in the capital?"

 I still remember that he and his brother-in-law are good friends. Could it be that his brother-in-law is here too?

Qi Yuanming hummed and said, "Let's take a break from the busy schedule. By the way, your brother-in-law is here too. He will probably come to your house in the evening."

Sister Yang didn't say anything. She knew without thinking that when Jing Shirong came, she would definitely go to her sister.

Qi Yuanming also said, "Your brother-in-law values ​​sex over friends. My arm was bruised and bruised trying to save him. He abandoned me as soon as we arrived in Jiangnan. It's really sad. He's such a heartless man."

 Sister Yang.

Brother, please get rid of you and look in the mirror. Don't look at me with a square face, but with a face full of curses and resentments. It's really annoying to look at.

Qi Yuanming didn't care, he still thought about Jing Shirong's emphasis on **** but not on friends.

Sister Yang was really convinced by him, and finally said, "Aren't you thirsty? Why don't you go back and drink some water before you come back?"

She still wants to get some herbs, and she doesn't want to listen to his ramblings here.

 (End of this chapter)

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