Chapter 315, Weird

When Qi Yuanming saw Sister Yang driving him away, he just pretended that he didn't understand and continued to follow her and complain to her.

“I think it’s better not to marry a pretty guy like A Jing when you’re married, so as not to worry about going out in the future, you might as well marry someone like me.”

Sister Yang squinted at him, "What about you? Is it possible that you are better than my brother-in-law?"

Seeing that she was willing to talk to him, Qi Yuanming immediately cheered up, "Of course. You see, I am tall and strong, capable of literature and martial arts, and also very dedicated. It is a great blessing to choose me as your husband-in-law. I am better than A The scenery is much stronger.”

This narcissistic attitude made Sister Yang laugh.

“Okay, okay, you’re awesome, but can you please stop disturbing me from drying the herbs?”

 She wanted to concentrate on drying some precious herbs she just picked yesterday.

 But Qi Yuanming was very indifferent and continued to chat next to her.

“Let me tell you, little girl, when you are looking for a husband in the future, you need to keep your eyes open. If you are looking for one, just follow my standards to find him. I guarantee you will find the right one.”

 “Also, let me tell you.”

 Sister Yang.

She originally wanted to have a nice talk with him, but this noisy guy kept banging in her ears, which made Sister Yang so angry that she couldn't help but get angry.


 “I’m really going to be busy, you go back!”

How can there be such a noisy person? He is such a tall and tall guy. It is really a headache for noisy people.

Qi Yuanming originally expressed his feelings to her enthusiastically, but unexpectedly, he was yelled at by the little girl Fianzi, and he was yelled so loudly that he was instantly hurt.

He pouted, his square face looked aggrieved, and then sat down on the spot, hugging his knees like a pitiful child and burying his head in them.

 “Ugh~ you’re bullying me.”

 “You are all bullying me~”

 Sister Yang? ? ?

“Brother, how old are you? Are you still hugging your knees and crying?”

I didn’t even cry when I had my teeth replaced, but this guy cried as soon as he was yelled at. I’m really sorry for his muscles.

Qi Yuanming didn't care. He had been left behind by Jing Shirong, and now he was scolded by Sister Yang. Thinking that he had come all the way here, but no one loved him, he felt so wronged.

 Besides, Sister Yang is just a child in his eyes, and it’s okay to cry in front of a child.

Anyway, his mother has long said that he is a crybaby, and there is no adult around now, so what's the point of crying?

 Sister Yang.

Looking at such a big macho man on the ground making strange noises, Sister Yang really had never heard of it.

My brother and brother at home are not crying, and even if you want to cry, you can bear it.

Unlike this man, who had big fists and could kill a person with one punch, he was so shameless that she didn't even dare to scold him.

  If he scolded him until he cried later, she would really be disturbed to death, so she could only stop and coax him.

“Hey, Qi Yuanming, don’t cry. I’m not being harsh to you.”

Qi Yuanming snorted and continued to hug his knees.

He has been suppressed by the emperor this year, but his father still won't let him resist.

In addition, the tasks he had worked so hard to complete on the front line were all given to the Zhao and Zhou family by the emperor, and all the hard work he had put in was given away, which makes him feel aggrieved just thinking about it.

 But everyone asked him to endure it, even if he wanted to get angry.

Today I am a weirdo, either because I was scolded by Sister Yang and cried, or because I am simply unhappy and want to vent my anger.

But he also has the image of a big tough guy, and it's really shameful for him to yell at outsiders, so he can only come to this little brat like Sister Yang to do it.

 She is still young anyway, so she won’t understand if you yell at her, and no one will believe you, so he is so unscrupulous and pity her.

Sister Yang is really convinced by him, she has never seen him so fragile.

It can be seen that a macho man does not necessarily mean a fierce man, and it is probably not necessarily true that there is a little Gongju in his heart.

Look at this thing in front of you, isn’t it just a small public event?

Sister Yang sighed, finally relented, squatted down, and poked his strong arm with her index finger.

"Hey, stop crying. I won't tell you. What do you want to eat? I'll take you to eat?" She has never coaxed anyone before, but her mother always coaxes them like this. Children all like to eat snacks. Usually just a little coaxing will do the trick, I hope this works.

As expected, Qi Yuanming stopped crying when he heard that there was something to eat.

"I'm really hungry. Then you can take me to dinner. I'll treat you."

Sister Yang felt disgusted in her heart, but she didn't dare to tell him on her face, "Okay, then come with me and I'll take you to order food."

 Fortunately, this guy didn't want her to treat him, he was still a man.

If she is coaxed and asked to pay the bill, she will continue to be furious.

But thinking about how this noisy guy loves to cry, she decided to give up talking about him, lest she start crying again later, which would cause a headache for her.

Sister Yang glanced at Qi Yuanming up and down, thinking that she was just a crybaby, but she had the nerve to say that she would be lucky to marry him.

 Ask her, which girl would be blind to fall in love with him.

In the future, when a couple quarrels, it’s not certain who will cry.

 As expected, people should not be judged by their appearance. When looking at a man, you should not just look at his appearance.

Seeing her constantly looking at him, Qi Yuanming thought that this little kid finally thought he was good, and he suddenly felt happy.

“Okay, we’re here at the inn. You can order whatever you want to eat. I’ve brought the money.”

 They usually eat out when they go out, so he always carries money with him.

Sister Yang took him to order food from her inn, not wanting to take advantage of him, but just wanting to stuff his mouth with delicious food.

“Then let me order some for you. Do you like meat or vegetables?”

 Qi Yuanming, "Meat, I like to eat meat. Big meat."

He is a big man, and all big men eat meat.

 Sister Yang.

 “Okay, I get it.”

 After saying that, I ordered some marinated elbows, duck necks, and finally some side dishes and some carrots for him. "

Since he doesn’t like vegetables, just order more side dishes for him. "

After ordering the food, Qi Yuanming gave her the money bag and went to pick up the food himself.

Sister Yang glanced at his shabby money bag and thought to herself that this crybaby seemed to be in quite a bad condition. Not only did his clothes be in tatters, his money bag was also in tatters.

And the silver inside is pitiful.

With the little money he had, he couldn't eat for a few days.

 In the end, he was hard-spoken and soft-hearted, and was no longer as knowledgeable as him.

 “Let’s go back to Gu Gu’s place to eat.”

There was no place to eat in their inn, so they had no choice but to go back to Gutou.

Qi Yuanming hummed and followed her obediently.

As soon as Sister Ying and Jing Shirong came out to order food, they saw the figures of Qi Yuanming and Sister Yang.

Just as she was about to call out, Jing Shirong shushed him.

 “Don’t call them, let them go to eat first.”

If Qi Yuanming is called, their solo date will be ruined.

Sister Ying couldn't help but give him a cute look, meaning that you value **** over friends.

Jing Shirong smiled slyly, lowered his head and scratched her nose, "If I value my friends over you, I'm afraid you will be angry with me."

 Besides, that boy Qi Yuanming has been in a bad mood recently, so it would be good to let him play with the children.

 After all, he is embarrassed to speak in front of people of the same age, isn't he?

 (End of this chapter)

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