The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 316: , pretending to be a poor guy

Chapter 316: Pretending to be a poor guy

Sister Ying is really convinced by him.

 “Eat what’s yours, wilted and wilted.”

Jing Shirong, a fair-faced young boy, would never guess that he is the most thoughtful one.

 Qi Yuanming was completely like a little sheep in front of him.

Jing Shirong also smiled, "Brother Qi's brain sometimes works well, sometimes it doesn't work well, and his personality is very changeable. When you get to know each other in the future, you will know what his temper is."

Sister Ying has only gotten along with Qi Yuanming briefly, and she really doesn’t know his personality.

 But after hearing Jing Shirong’s explanation, I found it very interesting.

“But just now I saw him following Sister Yang obediently, as if he was very obedient, which really doesn’t match his appearance.”

Jing Shirong smiled and said, "He is just like that. Apart from being taller, he is like a child at heart. He cries and makes trouble, which is really a headache."

The two of them grew up together and were like brothers, so Jing Shirong naturally understood him.

Sister Ying, on the other hand, couldn't help but laugh and said, "But Sister Yang doesn't seem to like your Qi Yuanming very much. Last year, Qi Yuanming said she was a girl, and she was angry for a long time."

Sister Yang has a boyish personality. She was fine when she was young, but she gets stronger as she gets older.

 Especially when someone calls her a girl’s movie, she is even more unconvinced.

Last year, Qi Yuanming called her one girl at a time, which made her angry for a long time. She didn't expect that the little girl would still be willing to eat with Qi Yuanming today. It was really rare.

Jing Shirong smiled and said, "I think they are ten years apart, but they are both kids at heart and can play, so don't worry."

Sister Ying thought the same thing, so she took her rice and went to the lake with him to eat.

 The lakeside is extremely cold in winter, but Jing Shirong has a boat.

 He bought two boats in Jiangnan, both of which were low-key, luxurious and meaningful.

 There are three floors inside the ship, with everything to eat, drink and have fun, and the cabins are also warm.

They were the only ones on the boat today, so they went to the rooftop to eat together and enjoy the beautiful scenery.

Jing Shirong hasn't had dinner with Sister Ying for a long time. Now while eating, he looked at her intently, like a silly and infatuated man.

Sister Ying saw his stupid look and gave him a cute look, "What are you looking at? Eat quickly, it will get cold soon."

Jing Shirong groaned, rolled his deep eyes, and suddenly handed the spoon to her, "My hands hurt and I can't eat."

 meaning to ask her to feed him.

 But Sister Ying did not feed him immediately, but was worried about his hands.

 “What’s wrong with your hand?”

 Get busy and check his hands.

Jing Shirong took off the outer cloak and showed her the strapped shoulders.

 “He was injured by a big stone and could not move.”

Sister Ying looked at the thick layer of gauze and felt distressed. She immediately put the cloak on him.

 “Why were you hit by a stone? Is it serious?”

 The beautiful face was full of distress, and the little hand even touched his shoulder gently.

Jing Shirong saw that her beautiful eyes were full of distress for him, and felt soft in his heart. He opened his mouth to say that it was okay, but after thinking about it, he felt that pretending to be pitiful might gain more likes, so he murmured, "It's a bit serious, short-term." I can no longer wield a sword."

It's not that he was exaggerating. Those big rocks weighing over a hundred kilograms almost broke his shoulder. It was indeed a bit serious.

However, he and Qi Yuanming have been running errands all year round, so injuries are common and they are used to it.

But Murong Yun said that crying more in front of the woman you love will make her family feel more sorry for you, so Jing Shirong learned it well.

“Sister Ying, I can’t eat anything...”

 The deep black eyes vividly conveyed the pity and helplessness.

If Sister Yang saw this, she would definitely say, "You and Qi Yuanming are indeed brothers, both are weird people who can pretend and act."

 But Sister Ying didn't notice that he was pretending, so she took the spoon with her little hand and fed him with distress.

 “Come, I’ll feed you, eat it while it’s hot.”

Jing Shirong hummed, feeling happy in his heart but serious on his face.

Sister Ying fed her a mouthful, and he opened his mouth to take a mouthful, deliberately eating it to the corner of his mouth. Seeing this, Sister Ying could only stop feeding him and wipe the corners of his mouth with a handkerchief, doing everything in detail, which made Jing Shirong feel comfortable.

After feeding him a bowl of noodle soup, Sister Ying picked the pig's trotters for him to eat.

The braised pork elbow was so tender that the bones fell off as soon as it was picked. Sister Ying took off the bones and gave him pieces of meat.


Jing Shirong said obediently, opening his mouth and eating.

 The two of them just fed me, and I opened my mouth, and it only took me a moment to eat a stick of incense.

After finishing the meal, Sister Ying went to get hot water, wiped his mouth with a hot towel, and then wiped his face.

Jing Shirong is also obedient. If he is told to close his eyes, he will close his eyes, and if he lifts his neck, he will press his neck.

Sister Ying liked him more and more the more she looked at him.

If the two of them have a child in the future, maybe the child will be so well-behaved.

 She felt happy when she thought of that picture.

Jing Shirong saw her smiling, held her with one hand and sat on his lap, leaning his chin on her shoulder, chatting with her.

“You haven’t seen me for so long, do you miss me?”

Sister Ying's face turned slightly red, "I don't want to." She deliberately retorted.

Jing Shirong raised the corners of his mouth, "Well, I don't want to."

Sister Ying laughed at this and asked him, "Why did you come here suddenly?"

Mei Xian'er was here just now, so she didn't dare to ask him any more questions for fear of leaking secrets or something. But now there's no one left to ask.

Jing Shirong didn’t say anything, but he didn’t hide it from her.

“Something happened in the imperial mausoleum before, but it’s all resolved now.”

“Because my shoulder was injured, the emperor asked Qi Yuanming and I to rest before returning to the capital, so I secretly ran over to see you.”

 He spoke a few words lightly, talking about the injury in a relaxed manner, and Sister Ying sighed.

"Then how long can you stay? Tomorrow is my birthday party. If you happen to be here, you can spend it with me."

Jing Shirong hummed and smiled with deep eyebrows, "I bought you a gift, do you want to see it now?"

Sister Ying's face was filled with surprise, "Buy me another gift? What are you buying?"

 Every time he spent money, she was afraid that he would spend all the money.

Moreover, what this guy buys every time is priceless and top-quality. Sister Ying also wants to know what he bought for herself.

Jing Shirong raised his chin and asked her to stand up, "Nuo, just put the box under the bed. Go get it."

Sister Ying went over to take a look curiously. She pulled out the box and opened it, "Another box?"

But this box looks much more expensive than an ordinary box.

 She put the box on the table and opened it.

When I opened the lid, my eyes widened in surprise.


 “Bridal outfit??”

Originally, Mrs. Wu has been custom-making bridal clothes for Sister Ying since last year, but Mrs. Liang said that of course the girl's wedding dress would have to be sewn by herself.

Jing Shirong happened to hear this, so she went to order it for Sister Ying in private.

 He knew that the process of embroidering a wedding dress was complicated and it would take at least a whole year to embroider it.

He couldn’t bear to see his wife’s eyes damaged by embroidery, so he naturally wanted to customize one for her.

Sister Ying heard him whisper at first that he would customize the wedding dress, but she didn't expect that he actually ordered the wedding dress.

Asking for a wave of votes~



 (End of this chapter)

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