Chapter 318: My uncle is here

Sister Ying smiled when she saw how he was trying to win people's hearts.

 “Okay, go in, don’t murmur.”

Hearing this, Jing Shirong hummed obediently and went in with her carrying the box.

The two of them came in one after another. Sister Ying went into the house first to hide the crown jewels, while Jing Shirong waited for her outside.

Ms. Chen and Mrs. Wang went out with Mrs. Wu and Mrs. Chen respectively in the morning, and have just come back now.

The two of them had been quarreling every day for the past few days. They no longer wanted to talk to each other and started to act independently.

Seeing how quarrelsome they were, Mrs. Wu just pretended that she didn't know, and didn't want to ask, let alone participate.

Ms. Wang wanted to complain about Mrs. Chen to her several times, but she kept chatting with Liang Ping and ignored her words, leaving her nowhere to complain.

 Chen's side also found nothing.

 In the morning, Mrs. Liang and Mrs. Chen went out to drink tea and watch a play. Mrs. Chen followed them. She originally wanted to persuade her mother-in-law to propose marriage to Mrs. Liang.

But Mrs. Liang was as smart as an old fox. She didn't answer a word, and it was useless to ask her to say a lot.

At this time, the two sisters came back with nothing, and they were both a little frustrated.

However, after Mrs. Wu entered the door, she saw a familiar figure standing in the courtyard. When she walked in and took a look, she was surprised and said, "Brother Rong is back?"

Jing Shirong smiled and came over to say hello, "Mom."

Mrs. Wu was overjoyed when she heard this. She covered her handkerchief and said with a smile, "You, you."

Even before Sister Ying came through the door, this guy started calling her mother, which made people laugh and cry.

 But Mrs. Wu was still very satisfied with this son-in-law, so she did not stop him, but asked him, "When did you come back? Have you eaten?"

Jing Shirong replied respectfully, "I just came back and had dinner. I just ate with Sister Ying."

Wu Shi said yes, indicating that he understood.

 Asked, “Where is Sister Ying?”

Jing Shirong raised his chin and said, "It's in the house, it's said to be hiding something."

 Wu asked curiously, "What are you hiding? I'll go in and take a look."

 After saying that, he went into the house to take a look.

 Wang and Chen heard the commotion and came over to take a look.

“Hey, who is that person?” Looking at the back, he looks like a young man.

Mrs. Chen also came over to take a look, "What a handsome young man, who does he belong to?"

Wang shook her head, "I thought I heard him call Mrs. Wu just now? Could it be that he is Mrs. Wu's godson?"

Otherwise, they have seen all the children in the family, and this young man is definitely not a child of the family at first glance. He might actually be the godson of Mr. Wu.

 Wang and Chen were really curious, so they asked Mrs. Liang.

“Madam, who is that young man? Why haven’t I heard from you?”

They have been coming to Liang's house for several days, and they have never seen Jing Shirong, so they certainly don't know him.

Old Mrs. Liang coughed and said, "He, he is Sister Ying's fiancé."

Mr. Chen and Ms. Wang were confused, "Huh??"

 “Fiancé? Whose fiancé?”

Mrs. Liang had a serious look on her face, "He is our grandson-in-law. We got married last year. Take a look at it. Are you handsome?"

 After finishing speaking, Chen took Liang Ping into the house without waiting for Mrs. Wang to speak.

 Wang and Chen were left looking at each other in confusion. "What, what's going on? Why did Sister Ying get engaged? Isn't that a lie?"

Ms. Chen and Ms. Wang both came to their senses and said angrily, "Are they playing tricks on us these past few days?"

Mrs. Chen rarely said soberly, "I want to tell you that the key is, have you given them a chance to speak?"

 Mrs. Liang wanted to talk about Sister Ying's engagement several times, but Mrs. Wang and Mrs. Chen kept talking non-stop, as if they were afraid of being robbed of their words. Who could get in the middle of the conversation?

Mr. Wang and Mrs. Chen were still very angry and asked Mrs. Chen, "Do you know about Sister Ying's engagement?"

Mrs. Chen nodded, "Yes, my in-laws have told me. It's just that you didn't listen."

Since everyone had already told her, she naturally had no intention of doing so.

   The two daughters-in-law are so stupid that they still think they are right. Who is to blame?

Ms. Chen stamped her feet angrily, "Mom, whose family do you belong to?"

  Why don't you help them, but instead speak for the Liang family?

Mrs. Chen shrugged, "People are short-tongued. I can't eat other people's food and say bad things about them."

She has old ideas, but in the past few days since she came to the Liang family, she has clearly realized that her family is not as good as the Liang family.

For the sake of a friendly relationship between the two families, of course she can't be a bad person. Otherwise, what if the Liang family hates her later and doesn't get along with their family?

He is now a fourth-grade prefect, who is much better than his family, so he naturally has to be careful and fawning.

Who is as stupid as the Chen family and the Wang family? They think that others don't know about their schemes. They are so stupid.

Mr. Chen and Ms. Wang were embarrassed by what she said, but they were still angry.

The two of them returned to the house angrily. It was rare that they stopped arguing and began to share the same hatred.

"What's going on with Mrs. Wu? Her daughter is engaged, why didn't you tell us? They've been playing tricks on us these past few days!"

 Chen also said, "That's right. I think they are all laughing at our joke. I guess even the servants are laughing at our joke."

It’s really like being bullied by a dog when a tiger falls in peace. “They are determined to look down on us because they see us from commoner backgrounds!”

Compared with Wu’s natal family, Chen’s and Wang’s natal families are more ordinary.

 In addition, their husbands are in official positions, and their husbands are just ordinary people. How can they compare?

 No wonder people look down on them and treat them like monkeys.

Mr. Chen and Ms. Wang became angrier and angrier as they thought about it.

Ms. Chen said, “They say you don’t fight for the steamed buns but for the bad breath. After being fooled by them for so many days, I really can’t bear the bad breath!”

 Wang, "Then what do you think we should do?"

Is it possible that revenge can still be achieved?

They are eating and living in other people's homes now, and they may ask to come to their homes in the future, so revenge is impossible.

 But if you don’t vent your anger, you will really feel unhappy.

Chen said, "Don't you think you are smarter than me? Then tell me, how can we express such bad temper?"


"I, I didn't say that I was smarter than you. It's obvious that you are better than me every day and more literate than me. How come this suddenly makes me come up with ideas? Could it be that your intelligence is all fake?"

Mrs. Chen didn't like what she heard, "Obviously you said that you are better than me, your natal family is richer than mine, and your son is better than mine. Why are you pretending to be a coward again?"

 “You are a useless person who bullies the weak and fears the strong!”

He only bullies her, a miserable person. He usually quarrels with her so fiercely, but at critical moments, he doesn't even dare to let out a fart in front of Wu Shi. Tsk.

Seeing that she despised him, Mrs. Wang clicked her tongue, put her hands on her hips and said, "Yes, I am a coward and you are not a coward. Then you can find a way to get out of this bad mood."

"If you can help me vent my anger, I will worship you as my teacher from now on. From now on, I will always follow your lead and listen to you. If you have the ability, you can come up with a solution."

Mr. Chen was being pressed harder and harder. She wanted to give in and save face, so she had no choice but to toughen her hair and say, "I will go out if I go out."

“If I get some advantages from the Wu family later, don’t even think about taking advantage of me.”

 (End of this chapter)

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