The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 319: , two injured people begging for mercy

Chapter 319, two injured people begging for mercy

 Wang, "Okay, I want to see if you are really capable of getting an advantage from Wu."

 She didn’t believe that Mr. Chen was capable of this.

These days, they have been fighting wits and courage with Mr. Wu every day, and they haven't gotten any advantage at all.

 Let alone pearls and hairpins, I couldn't even find a silver bracelet.

 For someone as smart as Mr. Wu, she didn't believe that Ms. Chen had the ability to deal with others.

Seeing that she didn't believe it, Mrs. Chen snorted, "Just wait."

"But we agreed in advance that we should cooperate a little, otherwise I will still be at a disadvantage on my own."

 Since things have come to this, she doesn't want to lose any face.

Mrs. Chen wooed Mrs. Wang and said, "We used to get bargains from Liang Ping, so we worked together at night. Even if we can't get married to the Liang family, we can at least order something, otherwise they won't understand our grievances."

Mrs. Wang thought about Mrs. Wu's expensive jewelry and felt very itchy, so she agreed.

“Okay, I’ll listen to you. Let’s sing together tonight, and we’ll get a little bit if we can.”

  When the new daughter-in-law came in, she sang with Mrs. Wang and asked for a lot of things from Liang Ping.

This time Mr. Wu hid it from them and treated them like monkeys. Of course they want some compensation.

Whether it’s a bracelet or a red hairpin, you can get a little if you can, but you can’t be bullied in vain.

Wang nodded, "Yes. At least you can't go back empty-handed. You should also ask for some compensation. Let's sing a harmony tonight, and we must pay some compensation to Mrs. Wu."

 Ms. Chen shared her hatred, "Well, let's see what happens at night."

 When it gets dark, the Liang family’s kitchen starts cooking, and the aroma of rice wafts out.

 Because Jing Shirong came back, Liang Jin came back early.

The two men were already chatting in the main room, and Sister Ying was accompanying them.

Sister Yang looked at the sky, told Gu Gu and came back.

 Seng Geer carried the food to Gu Gu, and then came back with her.

Seeing that they both left, Qi Yuanming followed him like a bastard.

Sister Yang and Brother Sen looked at each other and asked him, "Big man, why are you going?"

They went back to the Liang family, so he couldn't go back with them, right?

Qi Yuanming had a look on his face, "I am your brother-in-law's friend after all. Why don't you even let me have a meal after coming all the way here? How can you treat guests like this?"

 Sen Geer thought about it, so he said nothing.

Sister Yang, on the other hand, shook her head helplessly, walked over and told him, "When you get home, you will be responsible for eating, and you will be quiet at other times, do you understand?"

Don't act like a chatterbox and keep talking.

Qi Yuanming was unconvinced, "The family must talk when they eat, otherwise it will be very frustrating. I don't believe that your family doesn't talk when they eat."

The Qi family are all rough people, and it is not popular in the capital to eat or sleep without talking. The whole family gets together for a long time, and there is more talk than food at the dinner table, and they are chattering.

Sister Yang saw how talkative he was, and she thought it was impossible to shut him up, so she let him go.

  He won’t stay at their house for long anyway, so it’s up to him.

She didn’t want to scold him anymore, lest she start crying later and others would think she was bullying a ‘kid’ again.

 “Let’s go, I’m hungry too.”

Qi Yuanming was also hungry, so he followed her obediently.

They are obviously an adult and a child, but their personalities seem to be reversed.

 Seng Geer shook his head in disgust from behind, and finally went back with them.

 When I got home, sure enough, dinner was almost ready at home.

When Mrs. Wu saw them coming back, she called them, "Hurry and wash your hands, come here for dinner."

Sister Yang, “Here we come.”

 The three of them went to wash their hands together before entering the house.

As soon as I entered the room, I saw a table full of people. “Brother-in-law is here?”

 Sister Yang is quite satisfied with Jing Shirong, her brother-in-law, and is enthusiastic about him.

Jing Shirong nodded to her, "Come and eat."

 Brother Sen also called Jing Shirong and went over to eat.

Qi Yuanming is relatively big. Looking around, there is no room for him.

Fang Fang’s face felt a little aggrieved for no reason, and he called Sister Yang, “Sister Yang”

It seems that he is the only one here who has a close relationship with Sister Yang, and calls everyone Yang Jie'er.

Sister Yang was really convinced by him. She looked at the table and saw that there was really no room left, so she could only ask a servant to bring over a small table and let him sit on the edge.

Liang Jin saw this and said with a smile, "That's it, let's get a bigger table."

 After speaking, ask the servants to carry the big table over so that everyone has a place to sit.

Qi Yuanming became happy again after he got his position.

Mrs. Wu asked her servants to arrange the food neatly, and after serving the last hot soup, she sat down.

“The dishes are all here, use your chopsticks and eat while they are hot.”

Mrs. Liang also said, "Eat quickly, eat it while it's hot. It will cool down after a while."

 In the twelfth lunar month, the wind is chilly and the food must be eaten while it is hot.

Sister Ying smiled, picked up vegetables and soup for Jing Shirong, and started to feed him with a spoon.

Liang Jin coughed and glared at Sister Ying, "What are you doing? You have what you want!"

Sister Ying said oh and explained, "Brother Rong's arm is injured and he can't eat."

 After that, he took off Jing Shirong's cloak and showed it to Liang Jin.

Liang Jin didn't say anything when he looked at the big straps.

He opened his mouth to ask his servants to feed him, but Sister Ying refused, "No, I want to feed him myself."

 Her own man, of course she can do it herself, she doesn’t want the maid to feed him.

Liang Jin saw how jealous she was and wanted to say something to her, but due to the presence of the guest, he could only swallow his words and pour himself a glass of wine.

When Qi Yuanming saw how good Jing Shirong was at pretending, he immediately learned the lesson.

He said to Sister Yang, "Sister Yang, my arm hurts too~"

 After saying that, he also exposed his injured arm.

Sister Yang knows that his arm hurts, but why are you being so coquettish to me, a big guy? I'm not your mother!

Qi Yuanming.

 “Then my arm hurts, how can I eat it?”

How come a little brat doesn’t know how to feel sorry for others?

Sister Yang glared back, "I feel sorry for you, you big-headed devil. I still want to eat by myself."

 “I’ll let my servants feed you.”

 After that, he called a maid to come over and feed Qi Yuanming.

Qi Yuanming looked at Sister Ying patiently feeding Jing Shirong, and then looked at himself to see that he was dismissed by a maid, and he was immediately unhappy.

Lifting up his uninjured arm, he whined, "Forget it, I'll eat it myself."

 In any case, he is loved and loved by no one, and the little girl ignores him in the movie. He is so pitiful.

 Sister Yang.

Just when Qi Yuanming was causing trouble here, Mrs. Chen and Mrs. Wang came out of the house.

As soon as the two of them entered the house, they saw two young men, and their eyes suddenly lit up.

They looked at Jing Shirong carefully and found that this boy was indeed talented, but he was only a little better than their own son, so it was no big deal.

 Looking at Qi Yuanming next to Sister Yang, he thought to himself, "Who is this?"

 Could it be that he is Sister Yang’s fiancé?

But Sister Yang hasn’t even had hair extensions yet. She is still a little girl, so how can she have a fiancé?

 (End of this chapter)

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