Chapter 320, talkative vs. seductive

Ms. Chen and Mrs. Wang both looked puzzled and looked at Mrs. Liang.

“My wife, who are these two?”

It's better to ask first, so as not to be fooled by others later.

Mrs. Liang smiled and said, "Hi, that's my grandson-in-law, whom you just met."

“The guy next to Sister Yang is my grandson-in-law’s friend. His name is Brother Ming. He’s a young man from the capital. He looks energetic.”

 Chen and Wang immediately became energetic when they heard that Qi Yuanming was from the capital.

They each have a little daughter, and they haven’t mentioned her husband’s family yet.

If you can like the noble young master who comes to the capital, your daughter will not only enjoy happiness when she marries him in the future, but she will also be able to lead her parents' family, which is really a good thing.

 I just don’t know what this big guy’s family situation is like? Is there anyone in the family who is an official? Rich or not?

Mr. Chen walked over and greeted Qi Yuanming enthusiastically, just like Mrs. Wang sizing up her son-in-law.

 “Young man, how old are you this year? Are you married yet?”

 Each encounter brings wisdom. This time, I knew I had to ask someone if they were engaged first.

Qi Yuanming was eating meatballs in his mouth. He looked up and saw that they were talking to him. He said "Huh?" but didn't hear clearly.


 Chew the meatballs and wait for Chen to finish.

Mr. Chen coughed and looked at how shabby he was eating, secretly wondering if this man was a poor man?

 Otherwise, why would you eat so fast? It's like I've been hungry for days.

Mrs. Chen was afraid that he was a poor man, so she didn’t want to ask, so she winked at Mr. Wang.

Wang was also curious about Qi Yuanming's family background, so she came over and asked, "Young man, where in the capital are you from? What do your parents do at home?"

Qi Yuanming felt a little choked while eating the meatballs in his mouth, so he picked up the bowl and drank a bowl of soup.

The soup was a big bowl. He raised his head and drank it in one go, as if he had been hungry for three days. Wang and Chen looked at each other.

The two of them thought it was better not to say hello, lest they become poor people who like to eat later, which would be miserable for them, so they sat back and ate their own food.

It was Qi Yuanming who finished a bowl of hot soup and was not so hungry now, so he started to take the initiative to chat with Mrs. Wang and Mrs. Chen.

“Why haven’t you two aunts met before? Which family are you from?”

He was worried that there was no one to talk to. Now two people came to talk to him. He definitely wanted to have a good chat.

When Mrs. Chen and Mrs. Wang saw him asking them, they said nothing and didn't want to answer. "We are here to visit relatives, and we are from the same family as your friend's fiancée's aunt."

 What this means is that we are outsiders and you are also an outsider. No one should look down on the other.

Qi Yuanming didn't hear what he said, but he did hear, "Oh, it turns out you're here to visit relatives. That's quite thoughtful."

  After all, we are neither relatives nor friends. It is indeed quite thoughtful to come to someone’s house to visit.

 His words did not mean to praise or criticize, they were just chatting. But Ms. Wang and Ms. Chen have been ridiculed by many people recently, and they will feel like they are being ridiculed at the slightest sign of trouble.

No, Qi Yuanming's words "I'm determined" immediately made them feel that he was mocking them for coming to fight against the autumn wind, and they were immediately unhappy.

“We are old, and we came here to see my in-laws because we have a good relationship with each other and my in-laws are friendly, so we came together. It’s not like some people who come here to freeload.”

Although they are free eating every day these days, they also talk to Mrs. Liang, right?

 There is hard work even without merit, and freeloading can be regarded as the best of both worlds. Who can come here empty-handed like this big guy and still eat so much?

 Hum, you still mean to say that they are "careful".

 Qi Yuanming? ?

How can he understand what these two aunts are talking about?

Sister Yang burst into laughter.

 “Eat your food.”

It ’s really stupid, I do n’t know if they are opposed.

Qi Yuanming was called back to eat by her, so he could only continue to dig out the rice with a spoon.

He is a big man and eats a lot. After a few minutes, the rice is all gone. Sister Yang didn't take it seriously and asked a servant to serve him another bowl.

 Wang and Chen felt balanced after seeing him eating so much.

He secretly thought that this big guy came to the Liang family to fight in the autumn wind. He ate food, meat, and drank two bowls of soup, unlike them, who usually only ate one bowl of rice.

 It means that they are not coming to Qiufeng at all, they are just visiting relatives.

The two of them comforted themselves and felt comfortable again.

Mrs. Wu went to get a plate of roasted pig skin, and the aroma suddenly spread in the room.

Qi Yuanming sniffed his nose and praised, "Wow, it smells so good~"

  Wu smiled and said, "Eat more if you like it."

 She placed the roasted pig skin in the middle of the dining table and then sat down to eat with them.

Qi Yuanming was also familiar with it. He stretched out his chopsticks and picked up a piece of roasted pig skin, giving it to Mrs. Liang first.

  "Mrs., eat first, and we will eat later."

 After saying that, he gave it to Mrs. Chen, Mrs. Wu and Liang Jin, and then started to pick up his own food.

Sister Yang was so angry and funny when she saw his cleverness.

Seeing that the roasted pig skins were getting less and less, Mrs. Chen and Mr. Wang quickly stretched out their chopsticks to pick them up.

However, the speed is not as fast as that of Qi Yuanming. He roasts the pig skins one piece at a time and the pig skins are cooked quickly.

Ms. Chen instantly felt unhappy, "Children don't know how to let their elders eat so much and be careful about swelling and becoming fat."

Qi Yuanming disagreed, "No, I haven't gained any fat since I was a child, I only grew taller."

 Having said that, continue to pick up the roasted pig skin, and give Sister Yang a little by the way.

As for Jing Shirong, he won’t be allowed to stay. Who wants this guy to occupy himself during the day?

Jing Shirong naturally ignored his childish behavior and entertained himself and Sister Ying by eating.

Ms. Chen and M. Wang were so sick that they didn't even eat a piece of roasted pig skin all night.

Although roasted pork rinds can usually be eaten at home, Wu’s craftsmanship is not always available.

 Her family can rely on an inn, which shows that her craftsmanship is worth a fortune. But I can’t even eat a piece of it, it’s such a waste.

 Neither of them has the temperament to take advantage of others, and because Qi Yuanming was angry, they immediately started to get dark and weird again.

“Young man, in just a short time you have cooked three bowls of rice and three bowls of soup, and eaten so much meat and vegetables. Aren’t you afraid that you won’t be able to get a wife in the future?”

These words were said without any clue. Qi Yuanming was confused when he heard this, "What does this have to do with marrying a wife?"

Mrs. Chen, "Of course it does matter. If any girl sees that you are so good at eating, she will be afraid that you will make the family poor. Who would dare to marry you?"

"Let me tell you, young people should work more and eat less. If the family is poor in the future, how can they marry and have children?"

Qi Yuanming.

He glanced at Sister Yang and asked with his eyes, "What are these two people talking about? Why can't he understand?"

Sister Yang shrugged and replied with her eyes, "I don't know."

 Actually, she knew, but she was just too lazy to pay attention to the Chen family and the Wang family.

Qi Yuanming, on the other hand, acted like a curious baby and asked naked, "What did you mean by what you just said? Are you afraid that I won't get a wife, or are you saying that it's bad for me to eat too much?"

Although his family is not the richest, they are not so poor that they cannot afford to eat.

But if you don’t have money, you really don’t have money.

His father is an old man, and he is definitely not into corruption. With his small salary, the family can barely make ends meet, but it is impossible to be rich.

 Otherwise he would not continue to wear his clothes when they are torn.

 (End of this chapter)

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