Chapter 321, Poor Qi Yuanming

Jing Shirong actually thought about taking him to open a few shops to make a living.

However, Qi Yuanming is really not a business material.

You let him go to battle and kill the enemy, and he can move forward bravely.

 But if you let him open a shop and look at the account books, he will be as big as one of the two. If he does not lose money, he is lucky, so don't expect him to make any big money.

Jing Shirong saw that he had no talent in this area, so he could only invest in him to give him some income.

Otherwise his salary would not be enough for him.

Sister Yang can also see that this guy is really good at eating, and he should be quite poor if he is poor.

 Look at his clothes. They have several holes in them and he is still wearing them.

Looking at my brother-in-law's clothes, although Jing Shirong's clothes are low-key, the materials are very good, and they look expensive at first glance.

Don't ask Jing Shirong why he doesn't dress Qi Yuanming well. The key is that he has to be willing to ask for it.

Although Qi Yuanming is a poor man, he is still a man when it comes to money.

I would rather eat bran pharyngeal vegetables without eating.

 Besides, he doesn’t feel poor.

 But it was the first time he realized this after coming to someone else’s house and eating so much.

 Originally, he and his brothers ate together, and they all ate from big rice bowls. It was not like a small one like Yang Jie'er's family. He was asked to eat in just a few bites, but he was not allowed to eat one bowl after another.

If Mrs. Chen and Mrs. Wang hadn't mentioned him, he wouldn't have realized that he shouldn't have eaten so much in their home.

 “Ahem, what, I, I’m full, you can eat.”

The first time he was called out for eating too much at the dinner table, Qi Yuanming felt embarrassed, scratched his head, and left with a sullen face.

 “Alas, you child.”

Mrs. Liang and Mrs. Wu clicked their tongues at the same time, and looked at Mr. Chen with dissatisfaction. Secretly wondering why this person is so troubled.

People come all the way here to have a few bowls of rice.

 It’s not like you are too poor to open the pot, so you only care about the bowls of rice.

 They were asked to go out with a shameful face without even letting them eat until late at night. What would they do to their parents when they see them in the future?

Mrs. Wu was in a bad mood, so she calmed Sister Yang and asked her to go out to find Qi Yuanming and take him to the kitchen to eat.

Sister Yang hummed, stood up, and glanced at Mrs. Chen displeasedly, meaning, "You're so talkative."

Jing Shirong also glanced at Mrs. Chen, his eyes also said to her, "A woman with a long tongue."

Although the two of them didn't say anything, the accusation was so obvious that Chen almost couldn't get off the stage.

 “I, I just said it casually.”

Who would have thought that they would vent their anger through the same nostril, and it was all her fault.

Ms. Chen felt shameless and felt embarrassed for the first time. She didn't want to ask for any compensation from Mrs. Wu, so she ran away with red eyes.

Upon seeing this, Mrs. Wang hurriedly took a few more bites, and then chased her out to find her.

Mrs. Liang saw them all leaving and sighed, "Forget it. Let's continue eating."

Mrs. Wu also sighed, secretly thinking that a place with many women would indeed have a lot of right and wrong. Fortunately, she didn’t have a sister-in-law, otherwise she would be annoyed to death by this happening every day.

 Fortunately, Jing Shirong and Sister Ying were also here to continue eating, so Wu gave them some food.

“Brother Rong, eat more. When you come back this time, I see you have lost weight.”

Jing Shirong hummed and obediently took Wu's vegetables and ate them.

Sister Ying took this opportunity and said to her mother, "Mom, Brother Rong's hand is injured. Can I feed him?"

Liang Jinxin said, he had just been fed, why are you asking now?

Looking at her husband's angry look, Ms. Wu knew that Sister Ying must have asked her in a pretense, and said with a smile, "Okay, eat quickly, don't let it get cold."

Sister Ying then continued to feed someone with a spoon with a smile.

 This head. After Qi Yuanming came out of the hall, just as he was about to leave, Sister Yang came out.

 “Hey, big guy, come here.”

Qi Yuanming turned around, "You called me? What's the matter?"

Sister Yang couldn't help but rolled her eyes, "Come over if I ask you to."

Qi Yuanming said oh, but he was so good that he actually came over.

"What's up?"

Sister Yang led him to the kitchen, took the bowl and chopsticks and filled him a new bowl.

 “Sit down and eat again.”

Qi Yuanming looked at her with a surprised face, as if he understood something, and was instantly moved.

Thick eyebrows and **** eyes looked at Sister Yang with bright eyes. A look of "You're so kind~".

Sister Yang immediately felt disgusted when she saw his greasy and crooked expression.

 “Okay, sit down and eat, I’m still hungry.”

Qi Yuanming saw that she was also hungry, so he sat down obediently and took a spoon with one hand to eat.

 Halfway through the meal, he remembered that Mr. Chen had just criticized him for eating too much, so he raised his head and asked Sister Yang.

 “Did I really eat that much?”

Sister Yang said in her heart, isn’t that nonsense?

But the crying spirit is so glass-hearted, so it’s better not to tell the truth.

Then he said vaguely, "No, you don't eat much. My sister eats a lot. She eats everything in the cabinet. You are so weak compared to her."

When Qi Yuanming heard this, he was comforted and said, "Really? I really don't eat much?"

Sister Yang said against her will, "Well, it's not much. You can eat it. The family doesn't lack your food."

Seeing the sincerity on her face, Qi Yuanming believed her and immediately immersed himself in his work happily.

Sister Yang couldn't help but roll her eyes, and also filled a bowl of hot soup to eat by herself.

 Ms. Chen and Mrs. Wang stayed in the house for a long time, but no one came to them. Immediately embarrassed.

“Don’t they care about us?”

They had just left early before they had even eaten. Mrs. Wu didn't send anyone to call them, so they couldn't even get down the steps. How were they going to get out now?

Is it possible that you will be hungry at night?

Ms. Wang complained, "I blame you. What did that kid do? He made the situation so embarrassing. How can we stay here?"

It will be several months before the sons come back from the capital. Even if they want to move out now, they have nowhere to go. They can only wait for Liang Ping to come here and take office before they can find a place to live.

 Otherwise they would have nowhere to go.

 Thinking about her impulse just now, Chen also felt a little regretful.

They came here with a cheeky attitude and always greeted Mrs. Wu with a smile. Today, they impulsively quarreled with a brat. Mrs. Wu seemed a little unhappy, otherwise she wouldn't have left them alone like this.

Ms. Chen sighed and asked Ms. Wang, "They won't drive us away, right?"

After all, we are neither relatives nor friends, and if we come here to eat and drink for free for so many days, it is possible that we will be kicked out.

Mrs. Wang was also worried, "Isn't it possible? They are relatives after all. Although they are not close, they are somewhat related to each other. They just drive us away. They don't look good on their faces, so they shouldn't drive us away."

This makes sense, and Mrs. Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

 “Then shall we go there by ourselves?”

Since they are thick-skinned, it doesn’t matter if they apologize to Mr. Wu, otherwise they will suffer a big loss if Mr. Wu secretly deals with them.

 Wang agreed, "Okay, let's apologize to her tomorrow."

The two of them no longer dared to think about taking advantage of others, for fear that Mrs. Wu would drive them away. I just want to apologize to Mrs. Wu quickly and coax Mrs. Wu so that I can continue to eat and drink here for free.

 (End of this chapter)

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