The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 322: , the cleverness of a big man

 Chapter 322, The cleverness of the big man

 This head.

After the Wu family finished eating, they sat down together to drink hot scented tea and shave oil.

Sister Yang also brought Qi Yuanming over to drink hot tea with them.

Sister Ying brought a bag of spiced melon seeds and asked everyone to eat them together.

Old lady Liang took the lead and grabbed a handful of melon seeds. She gave a handful to old lady Chen and asked the children to grab a handful too.

“Try these melon seeds. They are freshly roasted and very crispy.”

Sister Ying grabbed a handful for Jing Shirong, peeled an orange for him, and gave him a piece to eat.

Qi Yuanming acted like he had eaten too much just now and was embarrassed to eat again. He sat down at the table politely like a timid child.

Sister Yang was really impressed by him. She wondered why there was such a glass-hearted man.

   It seemed like he would be broken into pieces by just saying a word.

 She grabbed a handful of spiced melon seeds angrily and put them in front of his table, "Take them!"

 You are not old, but you are very energetic.

Qi Yuanming knew that she had a bad temper and was inexplicably afraid of her, so he could only start eating cowardly.

Seeing his timid appearance, Mrs. Liang couldn't help laughing and said, "Your name is Xiao Qi, right? How old are you?"

Last time he didn't even have a good chat with this kid, so he went back to Beijing with Jing Shirong. If he comes this time, he must treat him well.

Seeing that she was still so kind, Qi Yuanming smiled and replied, "I'm the same age as A Jing, just call me Brother Ming."

Old Mrs. Liang saw that he was young and strong and very pleasing to the eye, so she started chatting with him.

"How long can you stay when we go to Jiangnan this time? If you are not in a hurry, just come to our house to eat every day. We will have enough food at home."

She said this because she was afraid that Qi Yuanming would be too thin-skinned to come to the house for dinner.

Qi Yuanming was so pampered that he scratched his head and said like a good boy, "I don't know when I will leave yet. I will say goodbye to you when I leave."

 The emperor would ask them to go back at any time, so they didn't know the date of their return.

Mrs. Liang also wanted to go to Beijing to take the exam for her grandchildren. She said to Qi Yuanming, "Your family is from the capital, right? Our brother Kang also goes to Beijing often to take the exam. I don't know if he can pass the exam this time."

 Kang Ge'er was admitted to the National People's Government Examination at a young age. This time he went to Beijing to take the exam just to practice his courage. His family didn't really expect him to pass the exam in one go.

Qi Yuanming consoled him, "It's okay. He's still young. He won't be able to pass the exam this year. If he takes the exam again in three years, he can always pass."

Mrs. Liang laughed when she heard his honest words, "The Chen family flattered me and said that my brother Kang would definitely pass the exam, but you said it would be okay if he didn't pass the exam. Hahaha, you are so funny. ”

 Others also laughed.

Qi Yuanming himself smiled and scratched his head, "Then I don't know Brother Kang's strength, so I don't dare to brag about it."

This year's exam results have indeed been relaxed a lot, mainly because the court is short of people.

 But it is still difficult to pass the Jinshi examination. With so many candidates passing through, a large wave of candidates will basically be eliminated.

If Kang Geer is not strong enough, he will still be brushed off.

Mrs. Liang is not worried about this. She is mainly worried that Kang Geer will not be able to take care of herself since it is the first time he has gone so far away from home.

 It’s so cold in the capital, and I don’t know if there are earth dragons there. What if I get frozen?

 Wu is not worried about this.

“He has been traveling with us for so many years. He is not so stupid that he can’t even take care of himself. Don’t worry.”

 The four children in the family are not spoiled, and they all have common sense in life.

   Mrs. Wu is relatively confident in her son, so she is not worried.

Mrs. Liang snorted when she saw her innocent look, "You are just different from other people. My mother is worried when her son travels thousands of miles away, but it's good for you. My son has been so far away and I don't see you crying because of worry. You still don't know. I thought Brother Kang was not born to you."

Mrs. Wu laughed when she heard this, "He went to the exam happily. I cried so much. I don't know what he thought was wrong with our family. Don't make trouble unreasonably."

Mrs. Liang glared at her and immediately became honest. She changed the subject and said, "By the way, isn't it sister Ying's birthday party tomorrow? Will her second aunt come?" Mrs. Wu nodded, "Come on, everyone should come tomorrow. All will be there.”

Second Sister Wu is not doing business now. She brings her two daughters-in-law and children to the Liang family every now and then.

 The sisters get together quite often.

Mrs. Liang thought that the two sisters were so good, so she said to Liang Ping, "I don't know how your sister is doing. I haven't seen her for many years."

Liang Ping also missed Liang Qing and said to Mrs. Liang, "I received a letter from her last month, saying that she was taking care of her children at home and was very busy."

Liang Qing married late but had the most children.

She married Wu Laosi and gave birth to five children, four sons and one daughter, which Liang Ping envied.

Liang Ping only has three sons and no daughters. She is quite envious of the Wu family for having two daughters.

Hearing this, Mrs. Liang snorted, "What's the use of a daughter? She'll be pampered until she grows up. In the end, she'll go to someone else's house, which is a waste of my heart, liver, spleen and lungs."

Sister Ying laughed after hearing this, "Then is it okay if I don't get married? If you don't want me to go to someone else's house, I can also let you raise me in our house."

When Jing Shirong heard this, his eyes widened immediately, and his big eyes stared at Old Mrs. Liang, as if he was afraid that she would agree.

Old Mrs. Liang couldn't help but laugh when she saw his useless look.

"Okay, okay, I won't compete with you. I will marry her home next year. I'll be annoyed when I see her. Her mouth is better than a parrot's."

 Everyone laughed when they heard this.

Mrs. Chen and Mrs. Wang hesitated in the room for a long time, and finally came out. They were about to go to the main room to talk to everyone, but Mrs. Liang was already sleepy by now, so she stood up and went back to the house with Liang Ping to rest. .

Jing Shirong is also preparing to take Qi Yuanming to Yipinzhai to rest.

Sister Ying and Sister Yang walked them to the door, "Then you have a good night's rest and come back for dinner tomorrow."

Jing Shirong hummed in a low voice, and brushed the strands of hair on her temples with his big hands, his eyes full of love.

Qi Yuanming was bored to death on the sidelines and said, "You two are almost done. There is still a big living person here."

Jing Shirong pretended not to see her, lowered his head and kissed the top of Sister Ying's hair, "Shall I go then?"

Sister Ying’s face turned red with embarrassment and she hummed. "Let's go."

Jing Shirong was reluctant to leave, "Am I really leaving?"

Sister Ying continued to shyly say, "Yeah."

 Jing Shirong, “Then me.”

Qi Yuanming couldn't stand it anymore, so he grabbed his collar and said, "Let's go, Luo Li, Suo Suo."

After saying that, he dragged Jing Shirong and said goodbye to Sister Yang, "Little girl, I'm leaving."

Sister Yang said simply, "Go away."

 Then they both went back.

Leaving Sister Ying where she is

 Forget it, go back to the house and sleep. If you can't show affection these days, you will make others jealous.

Seeing that everyone was gone, Chen and Wang could only feel bored and went back to their rooms in despair.

 On the second day.

As expected, Second Sister Wu’s family came.

The number of people who came this time was quite strange, including Brother Shun and Brother An.

Two lively and lovely little nephews are also here.

Please give me a vote~

  Have you eaten durian recently?



 (End of this chapter)

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