Chapter 323, Birthday Banquet

When Mrs. Wu saw them coming, she was very happy.

 “Second sister is here?”

Second Sister Wu hugged her grandson and said with a smile, "Yes, I got up early in the morning. The two brats are very naughty, so they just came here in advance."

Mrs. Wu smiled and came over to help her hold the child. She hugged her grandnephew and gave her a rare kiss.

“He’s grown a little taller, look at his round face.”

Second Sister Wu smiled and said, "I want to eat meat every day, but that's not enough."

Mrs. Wu smiled and said, "Children are like this. They are picky eaters. Please sit in the house."

The group of people went to the main room to sit and talk in a lively manner. Sister Ying and Sister Yang were still asleep.

Mrs. Wu went to call them up, "Sister Ying, Sister Yang, get up quickly. Your second aunt is here. Xiangxiang and the others are also here. Get up quickly."

Hearing this, Sister Ying became happy and said, "Really?"

 She has a good relationship with her two cousins ​​​​and they get along like best friends.

So she stopped sleeping and got up to wash herself.

Mrs. Wu woke her up and then went to call Sister Yang. It was really hard to get the child up in the winter.

Sister Ying was dressed neatly, and then she ran out to find Second Sister Wu and the others.

 “Second aunt~~”

 She ran into the main room with a smile and hung on Sister Wu like a little monkey.

Second Sister Wu smiled and caught her, "You are about to get married, and you still act like a child. Be careful that your two nephews laugh at you."

Sister Ying looked up and saw her two little nephews staring at her with smiles.

 “Auntie is so shy~”

 The two little guys are almost three years old and they already recognize Sister Ying.

Sister Ying ran over to hug them with a smile, kissing one and hugging the other, which made the two little nephews giggle.

Mrs. Liang felt warm when she saw this scene.

“When you give birth to a baby in the future, you can hold it every day.”

Sister Ying did not expect to have a child so early, so she declined with a smile, "She is still young."

She hasn't had enough of a relationship with Jing Shirong yet, so there's no rush to have a baby. We'll do it in two years.

But the old man wouldn't listen to this, so she didn't say anything, she just complained in her heart.

After Sister Yang got up, she also ran over to hang on Second Sister Wu.

 “Second aunt~”

Second Sister Wu smiled and hugged her, "Little girl, I heard that you know how to make herbal medicine? Are you talented?"

Sister Yang said proudly, "That's right. Now I can prescribe medicine for minor ailments. In a few years, I can be a miracle doctor."

Second Sister Wu thought she was bragging, but she still cheered her up, "Yes, yes, you are the best. If someone in the family has a minor pain in the future, I will just look for you."

Sister Yang said proudly, "That's right."

Second Sister Wu asked, "By the way, didn't you say that your sister-in-law came to your house? Where are they?"

Second Sister Wu came here to buy things before, and she met Mr. Wu on the street. The two started chatting, and then they realized that there were some strange relatives in the house.

 Second Sister Wu has a jealous temper and is afraid that Mr. Wu will suffer a loss at home.

 When she came to the Liang family today, she also wanted to meet those two strange relatives.

Mrs. Wu looked outside with a smile and whispered, "Don't be surprised. Those two are just minor characters. There is no need for you to take action. You can just eat melon seeds here."

The Chen family and the Wang family can be regarded as little cannon fodder at best, and they cannot make any waves at all.

Mrs. Wu didn't even bother to deal with them. She looked at them as if they were watching a opera and didn't feel at ease at all.

Second Sister Wu saw her indifferent expression and believed that the two people would not be able to cause trouble, so she felt relieved.

“Okay, go ahead and get busy, I’ll talk to my wife here.”

Mrs. Liang also liked to talk to her. She brought Liang Ping and Mrs. Chen together, and the four of them chatted and laughed. As soon as Jing Shirong got up early in the morning, he tidied himself up and changed into a unique robe.

 After shaving his beard, he put on his Yueqing robe and returned to the gentle look of a white-faced scholar.

 He gave Qi Yuanming a new set of clothes and asked him to change into them, but Qi Yuanming didn't want them.

“I won’t wear your clothes and look like a pretty boy. I don’t want them.”

Old men should be tougher, wear moonlight-colored robes, and look effeminate.

 Jing Shi Rong.

“You know nothing, this is called temperament! Our sister Ying likes my clean and fresh temperament.” You, a single person, will not understand.

 Qi Yuanming.…

"Just brag. Sister Ying is young and has never seen much of the world, so she would be deceived by a pretty boy like you. If she had ever seen a Kham man, she would know that men like me are the most manly ones. I will be deceived by a pretty boy like you.”

Jing Shirong was not angry when he said he was a pretty boy, so he retorted, "What's the use of being a man? If you smell the stench of sweat, anyone would throw up. Why don't you return it to a man?"

“Didn’t you see Sister Yang and Aunt Wu wrinkle their noses when they came near you yesterday?”

How can I return this to a man who stinks like this?

It’s almost like a smelly man!

Qi Yuanming hurriedly smelled his own scent, "Is it that exaggerated?"

Jing Shirong said, “Raise your arm and smell it.”

 Qi Yuanming raised his arm, sniffed, "vomit"

 “Don’t tell me, it really stinks.”

Jing Shirong, “It’s not a little bit, it’s really smelly!!”

Had it not been for a good friend, he decided that he would not tolerate this guy coming to sleep in the same room with him.

Qi Yuanming knew that today was Sister Ying's birthday, and was embarrassed to go there in such a smelly way, so he had to take a shower.

After taking a shower, she put on the dark robe Jing Shirong gave her, which made her look better.

Although he has a square face, his facial features are still good.

Qi Yuanming looked in the mirror with great satisfaction, and felt more and more that he was the most handsome in the world.

 Jing Shi Rong.

 “That’s almost it, let’s go.”

Qi Yuanming said "oh" and went to Liang's house with him.

As soon as the two of them arrived, they heard lively chatter and laughter in the room.

Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming came in together. Mrs. Liang saw them and greeted them with a smile.

“Brothers Rong and Ming are here? Come and sit down, your second aunt and her family have just arrived.”

Jing Shirong smiled and went over to greet Second Sister Wu and her family, "Second aunt."

Second Sister Wu nodded and asked them to sit down, "Have you eaten?"

Jing Shirong shook his head, "Not yet. Has Second Aunt eaten?"

Second Sister Wu smiled and said, "Eat, I'll come over after eating in the morning." After saying that, she asked the servants to serve breakfast quickly, giving Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming one portion each.

Qi Yuanming saw that Second Sister Wu was quite kind, so he came over to say hello with a smile.

“Hello, second aunt, I am A Jing’s friend.”

Second Sister Wu saw his talent and was pleased with him. She smiled and said, "Okay, okay, you are all good boys. Sit down and have a sip of hot tea."

Qi Yuanming said yes with a smile and sat aside to drink tea.

  The servant brought them sweet meatballs, and a group of people drank a bowl together.

I didn’t originally want to invite many people to today’s birthday banquet. However, Wu and Liang Jin are both very good people of this generation, so there were actually quite a lot of guests.

 Fortunately, Mrs. Wu had prepared more dishes, so she asked her servants to set up more tables.

 At night, guests came one after another, and the courtyard was brightly lit and very lively.

 (End of this chapter)

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