Chapter 324, Confession of the Beauty

 After all the guests have arrived, the table is opened.

 Everyone was sitting lively, eating melon seeds and chatting.

 As soon as the dishes are ready, they will be served one after another.

Most of the women who came here today were ladies and gentlemen, and they were from the families who were usually close to Mrs. Wu and Mrs. Liang.

The rest were some of Liang Jin's colleagues, a few grown men at the same table, and they drank after just a few mouthfuls.

Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming also sat at the men's table.

The women in the group couldn't help but take a second look when they saw that they were both tall and talented, and they had daughters at home.

Jing Shirong had no hope, so they looked at Qi Yuanming.

One of the women asked Mrs. Wu, "Sister Wu, who is the young man next to your uncle? He looks familiar."

Mrs. Wu covered her mouth and smiled, "He, he is a friend of Brother Rong. I don't know exactly what he does at home."

The woman laughed after hearing this, "Are you afraid that we will inquire?"

 “Don’t worry, we are all old women, we don’t dare to take other people’s ideas.”

Mrs. Wu laughed when she heard this, "Go, go, I really am not. The child has only been here a few times and I didn't have time to ask."

Qi Yuanming did come to the Liang family a few times, and she came and went in a hurry every time. How could she be so gossipy as to ask what other people do at home?

 The other women all laughed after hearing this, and secretly looked at Qi Yuanming. The more they looked at him, the more they liked him.

They whispered, "This is not because my daughter is about to have haircuts, and I want to tell her about her husband's family. As a result, I can't help but look at any better young man I see now."

 Other women all said yes, "Me too. I used to not look at other people's faces, but now whenever I see a young man with a good face, I can't help but look at him and wonder if he is worthy of my daughter."

 Wu felt the same way as them.

“It’s the same as being a mother.”

Those ladies who followed also secretly glanced at Qi Yuanming in the front yard. Seeing his muscular body, their little faces couldn't help but blush.

Sister Ying saw this and joked, "What do you think, do you like Brother Qi?"

Several ladies blushed and neither shook their heads nor nodded.

One of them boldly said, "I quite like his physique. It's different from the men in Jiangnan like us."

Men from Jiangnan are also more delicate, which is completely opposite to Qi Yuanming's figure.

Qi Yuanming looks like a model of northern men, tall and strong, and most importantly good-looking.

His eyes are big, thick eyebrows and bright, but the beard makes him look a bit older.

The more courageous lady liked this kind of northern man, so she asked Sister Ying, "Does he have a family? Or is he engaged?"

 Sister Ying doesn’t know.

 Shaked his head, "I don't know. I didn't ask."

After hearing this, the lady felt a little regretful. After a moment of embarrassment, she said to Sister Ying, "Sister Ying, can you help me inquire to see if he is engaged? If not, ask him for me and see. Let’s see if this can happen.”

Her parents were rather old-fashioned, and they followed their parents' orders and followed the advice of a matchmaker to marry blindly.

This time she was told about an uncle who was ten years older than her. He said that the older man was more stable and could take care of others.

She had secretly met the uncle once. He was clearly a dull and boring man. She didn't want to marry him as a mute bride. He was so boring that she wanted to find one by herself.

 She liked Qi Yuanming very much when she saw him. She thought the man was really good-looking. He seemed to be good at martial arts and could protect her in the future.

Sister Ying saw her unusual attitude and said with a smile, "Brother Qi is from the capital. If you choose him, he will marry far away. Does your mother agree?"

 Many parents are still not happy with marrying far away, for fear that their daughter will be wronged if she marries away, so this daughter's wish is probably unlikely.

As expected, the little girl felt a little pity when she heard that the capital was so far away. But still want to try.

"But I quite like him. I have seen so many men before, but I didn't like him. This time, I really like him." "No, I'm going to give it a try."

 After saying that, he stood up.

Sister Ying said "Huh?" and wanted to stop her, but she walked straight to the men's table and even walked behind Qi Yuanming.

 All the ladies were dumbfounded. "Oh my God, she really went."

Although Jiangnan girls are bold, it is really rare to be bold in front of so many elders.

I saw the lady standing behind Qi Yuanming, reaching out and patting Qi Yuanming's shoulder, "I have something to tell you, come out." After that, he walked outside.

Qi Yuanming was drinking well, but he was suddenly called out by a beautiful girl. Was he still a little confused?

 “What’s going on?”

Although he was confused, he followed others out obediently.

Sister Ying and the ladies at the table were all astonished. They didn't expect that girl to be so bold.

Then the ladies looked at each other and immediately followed quietly to take a peek.

 The man didn't pay much attention, he was just punching his fists and didn't notice it at all.

The girl called Qi Yuanming to talk in the alley and asked him, "Well, my name is Shanshan, what is your name?"

Qi Yuanming scratched his head and looked confused, but he replied, "Just call me Qi Yuanming."

 Shanshan nodded, "Qi Yuanming, do you have a family or a fiancée?"

Qi Yuanming shook his head, "No, what's wrong? What do you want from me?"

This girl was from Sister Ying's table. Qi Yuanming thought she had something to do with him so he followed her out, so he waited for what the girl would say next.

Shanshan's face suddenly turned red and she said shyly, "Well, I haven't gotten engaged yet, what do you think of me?"


Qi Yuanming looked confused when asked.

Looked at the girl up and down, "You, you're pretty good."

But what does it have to do with him that she is not engaged? Is it possible that this girl likes him?

Qi Yuanming thought of this idea and immediately took a step back in fear.

“What, a man and a woman alone are not suitable for walking in alleys, so I’d better go back first.”

 After saying this, he ran away with oil on his feet.

Although he has been saying that he wants to get married in one place. But it was just words, but if he was really asked to get married, he would run faster than a horse.

 There is no other reason, the main reason is that he feels that he is still a child and has not grown up yet, so he is not suitable to be a biological child.

Unlike Jing Shirong, he can take care of others and be considerate. He is a perfect husband.

At present, he is still a carefree little wild horse, suitable only for galloping on the grassland, not suitable for raising a wife and raising children at home.

 In addition, it was the first time that a girl confessed his love to him, and he was frightened to death. He had all the image of a fierce man and ran away.

The girl saw how cowardly he was, and immediately stamped her feet in frustration.

"why is it like this…"

Obviously he looks very manly, but why is he so timid at the critical moment? Fortunately, she is still looking forward to it.

When Sister Yang passed by them, she couldn't help but let out a sigh and smiled.

The girl saw her smiling and laughed too.

“Sister Xiaoyang, you are not allowed to tell anyone about this.”

Sister Yang pointed to the sisters peeking by the door, "I don't need to say anything, everyone has seen it."

I went for a run in the evening and passed by the snack street when I came back. I couldn’t help but drink a cup of milk tea and eat barbecue, so my run was in vain...(///▽///)



 (End of this chapter)

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