The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 325: , advance, attack, retreat or defend

Chapter 325: Advance, attack, retreat or defend

After Sister Ying and her children were discovered, they ran away with smiles.

Those girls were heartless and chased after them with smiles.

 At this moment, the adults were all chatting lively and did not ask them what they were doing.

Everyone was laughing and chatting, while the male table was drinking.

Mr. Chen and Ms. Wang shamelessly came over to chat with the woman, and their tempers were much restrained.

 After the banquet ended in the evening, Jing Shirong came over with red ears to say goodbye to Sister Ying.

Sister Ying saw his ears were red and asked strangely, "Why are his ears so red? Are they frozen?"

As he spoke, he immediately stood up on his tiptoes and touched his ears with his little hands. It was indeed very hot.

 She asked with a concerned look on her face, "Is it cold?"

Jing Shirong shook his head and nodded again, "Cold~"

Qi Yuanming said "cut~" at the side. She wanted to expose him, but Jing Shirong turned around and glared fiercely, "Huh?"

There was a bit of ferocious wolfishness in that hum. Qi Yuanming shrank his neck, knowing that this guy was not a real pretty boy. Only then did he realize that he was a handsome man and left.

When Jing Shirong saw him leaving, he retracted his fangs and looked back with a gentle and harmless expression.

 “I’m cold~I need a hug~”

Sister Ying.

 Brother, I saw the expression on your face when you warned Qi Yuanming just now.

Jing Shirong pretended to be a pig eating a tiger, with an innocent look on his face, "No, you saw it wrong."

 After saying that, he touched her head with his big hand, like a wolf grandmother.

Sister Ying narrowed her eyes and thought to herself that this guy is really a ghost, so it’s better not to be familiar with him.

“Okay, you go back, it’s too late, go back and go to bed early.”

 Since they were not married yet, it was not convenient for the man to stay at the Liang family, so Jing Shirong could only go back to the inn to sleep.

 The cold wind blew slightly, blowing the strands of hair on his forehead.

 After drinking, a man becomes a little more evil than usual.

 He lowered his head and kissed Sister Ying on the nose, with a charming voice, "Happy birthday, my Thumbelina."

 After saying that, he left her nose with his lips, raised the corners of his handsome face with a smile, waved his hand, and turned around to leave.

Sister Ying covered her face in shock and embarrassment, secretly thinking that the guy usually looked serious, but he didn't expect to be so flirtatious.

She covered her face, feeling as if her whole face was burning, and her little heart was beating fast.

Several ladies were watching the fun behind the door, and they all laughed when they saw her ripe red shrimps.

 “Ouch, my little fiancée is blushing~ She’s embarrassed~”

 Other ladies said, "Hahaha, you are so bad. But sister Ying, your face is really red. What did your fiancé whisper to you just now?"

Sister Ying was teased by them and snorted shyly, "I won't tell you." After that, she ran away.

 On the second day.

Jing Shirong just stood up and stroked his upper lip with his fingers, recalling the feeling of kissing a certain Thumbelina last night, and smiled with endless aftertaste on his handsome face.

 Because Sister Ying had told him fairy tales, he still remembered that Thumbelina was small and could be carried around in his pocket, which made him extremely envious.

However, he had important things to do and couldn't take her away, so he could only miss her secretly in his heart.

Qi Yuanming woke up early in the morning and saw his youthful appearance. He was very disgusted and said, "It goes on day by day. Are you tired of it?"

  Like a big wolfdog in spring, as numb as death.

While the two were talking, the sound of an eagle flapping its wings came from the rooftop.

Jing Shirong's brows instantly returned to indifference. He stretched out his hand to open the window, and the flying eagle landed on his shoulder.

 He took off the letter from Feiying's anklet and opened it to read. It was the emperor's order for them to return to the capital.

Qi Yuanming didn’t need to read the news to tell them to go back.

"Let's go, say goodbye to Mrs. Liang and the others and then leave." Jing Shirong hummed, took his sword, and went to Liang's house with Qi Yuanming.

At this moment, Sister Ying and her family are still sleeping. Everyone drank late last night, and since we have a day off today, everyone is asleep.

Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming waited for a while, and couldn't bear to wake them up, so they had no choice but to go find Sister Ying.

He walked through the window with ease and lifted it up with a hairpin. Sure enough, it could still be opened.

It can be seen that Sister Ying often comes to the window to wait for him.

Jing Shirong felt sweet in her heart and raised the corners of her mouth slightly. She went in quietly and walked to the bedside. She lowered her head and looked at Sister Ying who was sleeping soundly. He exhaled with his big hands and waited until she was warm before reaching out to touch the side of her face.

 “Sister Ying?”

 He lowered his head and called her softly in her ear.

 “Sister Ying?”

After calling twice, Sister Ying woke up in a daze, "Who is it?"

Jing Shirong whispered, "It's me. I'm going back to Beijing soon, so I came to tell you."

Sister Ying woke up when she heard that he was leaving.

He rubbed his eyes and looked at him sleepily, "Brother Rong, are you leaving?"

Jing Shirong nodded, sat beside the bed and fixed her hair, "I'll leave in a moment. The next time I come back is when I come to marry you. Then we can be together, don't you look forward to it?"

Sister Ying rubbed her eyes and laughed, "Don't be ashamed, who expected it."

Jing Shirong also smiled, "I'm looking forward to it. There's no need to be ashamed. I've long wanted to take you home."

Sister Ying snorted coquettishly, hugged him, and buried her face in his chest, "Okay, then be careful on the road and don't get hurt next time."

Jing Shirong hummed, kissed the top of her hair, and then stood up, "Then I'm leaving."

Sister Ying lay back and covered her head with the quilt, "Well, let's go, I won't see you off."

 If you don’t look at his back as he leaves, you won’t be reluctant to leave him.

Jing Shirong understood what she meant and left quietly.

When the room was quiet, Sister Ying pulled down the quilt and looked inside the room. Sure enough, she was gone.

She sighed, turned over, covered herself with the quilt, and continued to sleep.

Since everyone is gone, there is no point in her sighing, so just sleep.

 Then I really fell asleep.

  Wu didn’t get up until very late today.

When he woke up, he told the servants that Jing Shirong had just arrived and was going back to Beijing.

Mrs. Wu hummed and asked, "Does Sister Ying know?"

 The servant nodded, "You should know."

Mrs. Wu looked at Sister Ying's house and saw no movement. She was probably still asleep. She really didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

 My daughter’s temperament of advancing, attacking, retreating and defending is something I have definitely learned from her.

 She was happy to have Brother Rong by her side.

 She can play with herself even when no one is around, which is really not something that ordinary girls can learn.

 After Mrs. Liang woke up at noon, she found out that Jing Shirong had returned to Beijing. She said at the dinner table, "Have you given him food? Don't let him starve on the road."

Mrs. Wu said awkwardly, "I got up late. I didn't know he was coming, so I didn't bring him anything to eat."

When Mrs. Liang heard this, she immediately frowned and said, "You are the mother-in-law. You didn't even prepare food for the child when he went out. If you let your in-laws know later, I'm afraid they will blame you."

Mrs. Wu didn't want this either, but Jing Shirong didn't ask anyone to report, so naturally she didn't know.

 If he knew about it, he would definitely prepare something for him.

Sister Ying interrupted, "Don't worry. I'll tell the concierge in advance that if Brother Rong comes to say farewell, I'll bring them dry food. Don't worry."

 (End of this chapter)

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