The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 326: , the Sun family came to force marriage

Chapter 326: The Sun family comes to force marriage

 “What? Did you prepare it for him? When did you prepare it?”

  Isn’t everyone awake in the morning? Is this girl preparing food for Jing Shirong?

Sister Ying smiled and said, "I prepared it in advance."

  She understood the nature of Jing Shirong’s work, which was a walking and talking industry. So she told the concierge in advance that if Jing Shirong came to say goodbye, she would go to the kitchen cabinet and bring him the dry food she had prepared in advance, so that he would not miss it no matter when he came.

In the morning, the concierge brought him the pork jerky, beef jerky, and meat pancakes that Sister Ying had prepared in advance.

Old Mrs. Liang groaned and praised, "Not bad, the thought is quite delicate."

“But haven’t you always been reluctant to eat beef jerky? Last time I asked you for a can, you picked it up, but this time you gave it all to Brother Rong?”

 Girls are really outgoing.

Sister Ying felt shy and said, "No way. That beef jerky is too dry. Your teeth can't chew it. Only the old men can chew it. So don't make fun of me."

 Beef is not easy to buy in the market.

 First, cattle cannot be killed casually, as they are protected animals by the imperial court.

 Second, beef is expensive. Even cattle that fall to death are sold at a very high price.

Sister Ying happened to come across a cow that had fallen to death before. Seeing that others were selling it, she bought a large portion of it and turned it all into beef jerky for Jing Shirong to eat on the road.

Mrs. Liang looked at her caring attitude and joked, "It's different when you have a sweetheart. He's so considerate and delicate, who can compare to him~"

Everyone also laughed after hearing this.

Mr. Chen and Ms. Wang were afraid of being ignored by them in the past two days, so they behaved themselves and sat aside to listen to them. They did not dare to catch monsters anymore.

 After Jing Shirong left, life returned to normal.

Sister Ying's dowry is almost ready. Mrs. Wu went to check it out. The finished product is very luxurious and very eye-catching.

The dowry cabinets and dressing tables alone were all very ornately decorated, and it looked like they had been spent a lot of money.

 This head.

Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming hurriedly returned to Beijing and then went to the palace to resume their duties.

 The emperor gave them tasks and asked them to train a group of new soldiers in the army.

Qi Yuanming was good at this, so he didn't refuse and just ignored it.

Jing Shirong followed closely behind and waited until he finished his work before returning to Jing's house to see his parents.

Jing was very happy to see him back, making soup and roasting meat.

“I heard that you injured your arm before. Have you recovered now?”

Jing Shirong replied, "Okay, everything is okay, it's okay, don't worry."

He didn’t want to tell his family at first, but Qi Yuanming’s big mouth couldn’t hide any hurt.

Jing sat down to eat with him. She cared about him for a few words before suddenly thinking of business.

“By the way, I forgot to tell you that the Sun family came here once before when you were not at home.”

Jing Shirong was stunned, "Sun family? Which Sun family?"

Jing family, "It's the Sun family who came to propose marriage to your grandmother last year. They are your second aunt's natal family."

Jing Shirong said, "What are the Suns doing here?"

Isn’t he already engaged? What are you doing again?

Jing became angry when he mentioned this.

“You don’t know that we kept a low profile when we went to Jiangnan to propose marriage, but our relatives and friends also knew about it.”

"The Sun family probably found out late. Later they found out that you were going to the south of the Yangtze River to propose marriage, so they were holding back." At that time, Jing Shirong went to the imperial mausoleum and didn't know about the family affairs.

The marriage between the Sun family and Jing Shirong was originally proposed unilaterally by the Sun family and Mrs. Jing, and was not considered a marriage contract at all.

When they learned that Jing Shirong went to Jiangnan to propose marriage, the Sun family was also angry, but they had no evidence of the marriage between the two families, so they could only hold their anger in their hearts.

 When Jing Shirong was injured in the imperial mausoleum, Sun Jialai took advantage of the situation.

The first person they went to find was Mrs. Jing. They had agreed to get engaged to their two children that day, so why did they regret going to Jiangnan to propose marriage to an unknown girl? Isn't this just a joke?

After hearing this, Mrs. Jing looked confused, "What do you mean I got engaged to my two children? When did it happen? Why didn't I know?"

At that time, she only said that she would help ask the Jing family, but she did not agree to marry the Sun family.

 Could these two people have heard wrongly?

Sun was very unhappy after hearing this, and was still angry, "I said, old madam, you can't behave like this, but you personally held my daughter's hand that day and said she was a perfect match for Brother Rong."

“We agreed on the marriage of our two children that day, how could you go back on your word just because you said you did?”

"All the relatives in our family know that my daughter is going to marry Brother Rong. Now Brother Rong changes his mind and asks her to marry whom? No, you have to be responsible for this matter to the end. You can't just let it go."

Mrs. Jing was given a headache by what she said, and she was no match for Sun.

Coupled with Sun's loud voice and her appearance as if the Jing family regretted their marriage and their daughter couldn't get married, the neighbors came out to watch.

 Mrs. Jing saw that the matter was getting bigger and bigger, so she had no choice but to call Mrs. Jing quickly.

Jing had gone to the temple to burn incense, so he failed to come back in time, which allowed Sun to take advantage of the situation.

Sun is very cunning. He found out early in the morning that Jing was going out today and Mrs. Jing was the only one at home, so she hurried over and tried to tell the Jing family about regretting the marriage.

As long as Mrs. Jing doesn't come back in time, Mrs. Jing can't quarrel with her. In the end, the reputation of Jing Shirong regretting the marriage will spread, which will not be good for the Jing family.

 At that time, the Jing family will have to marry her daughter into the family.

Even if she is not a regular wife, she must still be an equal wife.

You ask why the Sun family wanted to go to the Jing family? That's because the Sun family knew that Jing Shirong was working hard for the emperor and was the emperor's right-hand man, so they naturally wanted to fawn over him.

The Sun family was originally a family of eunuchs, with a big family and a big business.

However, there are many daughters in the family, and Mr. Sun only had a son when he was forty years old.

 But the son was a man of no talent, incompetent in literature and martial arts, and made trouble every day.

The Sun family is willing to wipe their son's **** every day, but in the past two years, the emperor has looked down on the Sun family, and the Sun family has fallen into decline.

  When their son got into trouble before, they didn’t have enough rights, so they had to stuff money.

 But the family’s money doesn’t have to be spent like this, so they want to find a big backer to rely on.

 The Jing family was in decline before, so the Sun family stopped interacting with them.

In recent years, the Jing family has become more and more prosperous, and the Sun family has learned that Jing Shirong not only has hundreds of shops now, but is also a low-key champion with both civil and military skills, so they naturally want to come to curry favor with him.

 Marriage has been the most win-win situation since ancient times, so the Sun family wanted to marry their daughter to the Jing family.

As long as you marry your daughter to Jing Shirong, won’t the Jing family’s money and the Jing family’s power be able to be used by them in the future?

Especially if you marry your daughter to Jing Shirong before he is famous, you will have a better chance.

 Otherwise, one day he suddenly rises from the ground, and he won't be able to climb as high as he wants.

 But the Sun family also knew that Jing was difficult to deal with, so they had no choice but to come to Mrs. Jing.

 After all, Mrs. Jing is old and easy to coax.

Who knew that the Jing family would suddenly go to Jiangnan to propose marriage to an unknown girl, which made the Sun family anxious.

 (End of this chapter)

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