The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 329: , the angry and funny Qi Yuanming

Chapter 329, the angry and funny Qi Yuanming

Jing Shirong knew that Mrs. Jing was also unintentional.

 She thought that the second son’s family would not harm their grandson, and that the two sons were part of the same family, so she talked about these things with the second daughter-in-law.

But Uncle Jing’s family really had no intention of harming them. It was just that Mrs. Sun and Aunt Jing were relatives, so they talked about him.

 Happily, his grandmother didn't know what errand he was doing for the emperor, otherwise it would have been a big mistake.

Jingshi also said, "Next time, you don't have to tell your grandmother what you are doing. As she gets older, she becomes more and more easy to deceive. She is like a child. She will reveal everything after just a few words to coax her."

Jing Shirong also found it funny when faced with her grandmother's childishness.

 “Well, I understand.”

 Old child, old child, she didn’t mean it, it’s not easy to get along with her.

 After eating, Jing Shirong was about to take a rest.

The emperor asked him to go to the military camp in the suburbs with Qi Yuanming tomorrow and ask them to help train the new soldiers. He had to get up early tomorrow.

Jing Shi said yes, indicating that she knew, and told him, "While you are busy this year, Sister Ying will almost get married next year, and our family will finally be lively."

Of the three children in the family, Jing Xin got married first, and the remaining two sons were not yet married, which made Jing family very worried.

 Fortunately, Jing Shirong is also getting married, and finally another marriage has been completed, which makes Jing family feel very relieved.

When Jing Shirong heard that her wedding was approaching, her ears couldn't help but turn red, and she mumbled in a sullen voice, "Then I'll go back and rest."

Jing couldn't help but smile when she saw how cool he was when he walked.

The old lady beside Jing also laughed, "The young master seems to be much more lively since he got engaged to the little girl of the Liang family."

Jing Shi, "Yeah, he was boring before. He only answered one sentence, um, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, he was not interesting anymore. He was not interesting anymore. He was not interesting anymore."

“Now that I’m engaged to Sister Ying, I’m not only more lively, but also talkative and expressive.”

It seems that the little girl of the Liang family is really her son's lucky star.

 On the second day.

Jing Shirong went to the military camp with Qi Yuanming.

  Some of the newly recruited soldiers are children from poor families, and some are the sons of high-ranking officials.

 Since official positions are generally not inherited, sons of officials' families may choose to pursue careers in literature or military service if they want to make a career.

If you are not good at literature, you will come to the military camp to try your hand.

 Generally, those who can stand out in the military camp have an unlimited future.

However, the training in the military camp is too high, and the sons of high-ranking officials may not be able to pass the test.

 When the time comes, it will be brushed off if it is time to brush it off. It is just more offensive to people.

Qi Yuanming was originally very happy to come over to train Danzi, but after looking at the list, he realized that he had been used as a gun again.

He complained to Jing Shirong, "Why do we have to do the job of slandering people? Doesn't that mean we have to offend people?"

There are so many sons of high-ranking officials and nobles on the list. If they are all removed, the bad guys will definitely become them again in the future.

 After all, people did not dare to blame the emperor, so naturally they would only take it out on them.

Qi Yuanming felt bitter in his heart and said angrily, "Your Majesty is too partial. Let the Zhao and Zhou families do all the good things. It is too much to leave such an offending job to us."

Jing Shirong shrugged, "There is no way, who made us ministers." The king and his ministers are defeated in terms of rank, and they have to accept their fate.

Qi Yuan Mingqie let out a cry, but was still unconvinced.

“It was the Zhao and Zhou families who finished the endgame of the Imperial Tomb last time. Now Zhao Guangji and Wu Wuji have become famous. We are the only two who are still unknown.”

 Zhao and Zhou's family are actually not as capable as them, but they are very good at judging people's faces. The emperor was determined to cultivate them, so these two people naturally worked hard to improve themselves. Not only did they finish the work beautifully, but they also knew how to publicize the emperor's good reputation to the outside world. No wonder the emperor would pay attention to them.

 Since ancient times, emperors have also liked to hear good words.

Chao and Zhou knew how to leave a good reputation for the emperor every time they did things for the people, so they were naturally deeply loved by the emperor.

Unlike Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming, every time they do something they do it in obscurity. They don’t leave their name after they finish it, and they just leave quietly. Who knows they did the good deeds.

 The emperor knew that they were capable but not tactful, so he didn't like them that much.

However, the Zhao and Zhou families were very good at getting things done. They made the emperor so happy that he gave them all good errands.

Qi Yuanming felt that the emperor was really superficial, coaxing him around with just a few nice words, which was really speechless.

Jing Shirong looked outside and asked him to be careful what he said.

“Shut up, have you forgotten what happened last time? You’ve been punished once and you still dare to speak so openly.”

You must know that a few years ago, Qi Yuanming accidentally offended the emperor because of his unrestrained speech, so he was sent to the desert to sort out the unruly people.

The desert is very far from Beijing, and the area is also very poor. Not only living conditions, but also food and drink are a problem when you go there.

The climate there is very dry. It doesn’t rain even once a year, and the rivers have dried up. Many officials are most afraid of going there on errands, fearing that they will either starve to death or die of thirst when they get there.

   Qi Yuan Ming was so big-hearted that he didn't say a word when the emperor threw him over.

The emperor originally wanted to scare him. After all, Qi Yuanming was quite capable. As long as he apologized to him and surrendered, this drudgery would not have to fall on him.

Qi Yuanming was so stubborn that he refused to admit his mistakes. The angry emperor waved his hand and told him to go to the desert and suffer.

 Thinking of this, Qi Yuanming was still very unhappy.

 “What I said was right.”

 At that time, the emperor imported a group of horses from the Western Regions. They were all very big and very beautiful.

The emperor thought that Qi Yuanming had been exposed to different horses since he was a child and had a good understanding of horses, so he asked Qi Yuanming to help him comment on the breeds of the horses he selected.

 Originally, if this matter had fallen on other officials, they would have said it beautifully.

Qi Yuanming is a real person, so when he was asked to comment, he told the truth.

“The horses your Majesty has chosen are both strong on the outside and capable on the inside, but they are all just showy.”

  It looks good in appearance, but its practicality is not high. If used in battle, it will definitely die instantly. It is better to buy some war horses.

When the emperor heard that his horse, which he should be proud of, was said to be worthless, he was naturally unhappy.

 Looking at Qi Yuanming from the back, I don’t like it.

 Happily, Qi Yuanming was so powerful that it was difficult for the emperor to remove him, but he was unhappy with his reuse, so he asked him to do some hard work every time, deliberately trying to temper his temper.

However, after so many years, he still looks like this seriously, which makes the emperor very angry.

Qi Yuanming also felt funny when he thought of these things, "Your Majesty has bullied me a lot these years, so what's wrong with him if he's angry?"

 It’s all about being angry anyway, so it’s better to get angry back and feel better.

Jing Shirong saw him like this and commented, "You don't look stupid either."

If you are really stupid, you still understand that the emperor can still be safe after being angry. It can be seen that he is also smart.

Qi Yuanming chuckled, "That's right, your brother and I are smart. Don't offend me, or I'll **** you off too."

Jing Shirong was angry and funny, "Come on, let's see how these young men are dealt with first."

 (End of this chapter)

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