Chapter 330: Trainers

 In addition to the son of a military general's family, the new soldiers who came in this time also had some young masters from noble families.

 There are still some sons of civil servants left. Each has a background.

This year, although the total score for the scientific examination has been relaxed, there is only one civil and military champion. It is still difficult to stand out among tens of millions of people.

Like these young men who came to the military camp to apply for recruitment this time, they are generally incompetent in culture and military affairs.

You can barely start as a soldier. If you can persevere, you will be able to get a good military position as you move up level by level in the future.

If you can go to the border for a few years, you will have a greater chance of coming back and becoming a general.

Jing Shirong looked at the list and said, "That's all, let's take the assessment for three months first."

Even if he is a pampered young master, whether he has the talent to be a general or not will take more tests to know.

 It’s too early to say which one will be fired.

Qi Yuanming hummed and called him, "Let's go meet the new recruits."

Jing Shirong said, "Yeah." Follow him.

As soon as the two of them arrived at the training ground, they saw that the new soldiers were not standing still and looked carefree.

When Qi Yuanming saw the crooked formation, he was very impatient and immediately went over to teach them.

 “Stand still for me!”

"This is a military camp, not your mother's arms. When you come here, you must have the air of a soldier! Don't let my mother-in-law sit there chattering, or you will feel discouraged just by looking at her!"

Those normal soldiers were scolded by Qi Yuanming in a loud voice and immediately stood up obediently, with a more upright posture than before.

 Qi Yuanming nodded with satisfaction.

The rest of the pampered young masters still look like they are carefree.

Qi Yuanming was not used to their bad habits, so he whipped them and said, "Stand still for me!"

The rich and powerful young man Qi Yuanming was startled by the whip and immediately came out to question, "You are so brave. Do you know who I am and you dare to whip me?"

 “Be careful, I won’t make it possible for you to survive in the capital!”

Jing Shirong snorted coldly, "What a loud tone. I have never heard of a soldier with the lowest rank having the right to tell his immediate superior to get out."

 “May I ask in what capacity you tell him to get out?”

Jing Shirong usually likes to bully Qi Yuanming, but he won't be happy if some unknown bullies bully him.

Seeing his support, Qi Yuanming immediately sang along with him, "What is your official rank now? You dare to boss me around."

"Oh, no, I'm afraid you haven't even passed the registration. You are still a little shrimp who has not entered. We forgot that you don't even have a level. We really think highly of you."


The rich young man was so angry that he was humiliated, "Do you know who my father is? How dare you humiliate me like this."

Jing Shi Rongjun looked at him with a cold face, "Who is your father? What does it have to do with you? You are you, and your father is your father. Is it possible that you have no ability and your father's face is so glorious?"

“Besides, this is a military camp, and what matters is your ability to speak. If you don’t have that ability, just shut up.”

Qi Yuanming came over to help, "That's right. If your fists are harder than mine, I will obey you. But you don't stand well and look like a bitch, who can obey you?"

“And I’m right, you haven’t entered the register yet, and those who fail the examination are all unqualified.”

"Since you have not entered the stream, you are the lowest."

“The lowest level of people have no right to speak. If they don’t accept it, they will fight.”

His words were provocative, but he told the truth. The young men who heard him were very embarrassed and wanted to pass the test immediately.

Even the rich young master who took the lead in stirring up trouble remained silent.

 Muttered, "Who knows if you will deliberately mess with us?"

Qi Yuanming responded generously, "You are not worthy of being punished by me. Just for two hours under the cold winter moon, you can stand and cry. If I don't use anyone to punish you, you will be finished."

Those young people didn't believe it after hearing this, and retorted angrily, "Who said it, it's only two hours? We can withstand it." Qi Yuanming then laughed, "Okay, a gentleman's words are hard to catch up with, you can't follow them. Don’t let me look down on you.”

 Having said that, start forming the team.

 “Everyone stand still!”

 “Keep your head up and your chest up! Look straight ahead.”

"From now on, each of your daily results will be recorded on the board. Anyone who fails will be given a red line."

“If you don’t do it well, do it again until you pass the test. If you don’t do it, just draw a red line. It will be you and your family who will be embarrassed. You can figure it out yourself.”

 Having said that, they began to strictly train their stance.

“Today I will simply stand for two hours and the timer will start.”

 Having said that, we started to patrol one by one to see if their positions were standard.

Jing Shirong was watching from above, taking a pen to write down one by one.

The soldiers saw that he was really taking notes in the book, so they quickly stood up.

 They are all young men of sixteen or seventeen years old, each of them is high-spirited and very concerned about face.

Especially those achievements will be listed on the board so that everyone can see them, but they can’t embarrass the family.

So everyone cheered up and no longer acted carelessly.

Qi Yuanming saw that the effect was good and nodded with satisfaction.

 After half an hour, a few people could not hold on and started to sway.

When Qi Yuanming saw this, he whipped him.


 The young man screamed in pain.

 “Why are you still beating people?”

Qi Yuanming grinned and said, "I forgot to tell you that when you come here, we are in charge. If your grades are unqualified and you cheat or cheat, you will all be punished."

"There are no crowds of slaves here, and there are no elders who care for you. It's useless for me to act coquettishly and cry here."

“Of course, if you can’t stand the baby bump who wants to go back and be a parent, you can go back, no one will stop you.”

 “But as long as you take one step out of here, don’t even think about coming in again!”

These words made the spoiled young masters dare not speak out in anger.

 After all, Qi Yuanming gave them a choice. If they couldn't bear it, they could go back.

But if we just go back like this, we won’t be able to survive in terms of face.

Once back in the capital, relatives and friends will wonder why they came back so quickly.

 At that time, everyone will know that they can't bear the hardship and so they run home. It's embarrassing to think about it.

So all the new soldiers stood in an orderly manner, and they were all too strong not to go back.

 Qi Yuanming nodded with satisfaction and continued training.

 Standing in the heavy snow in the cold winter for two hours is indeed not easy.

  Some of the soldiers who couldn't bear it had fainted.

Qi Yuanming asked people to carry them away, and continued to say, "If you can't bear it anymore, just say that you want to go back and be my mother's darling, and I will let you go back."

 But those teenagers were humiliated by them for a day, and they wanted to fight harder and gritted their teeth and continued to endure.

Qi Yuanming said hey and said to Jing Shirong, "Hey, don't tell me, these people are quite stubborn this year."

 (End of this chapter)

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