Chapter 331, Comparing Results

Jing Shirong held the pen and hummed, "It's okay."

 He came over with a notebook and wrote down the results one by one.

When the four hours were over and the heavy snow almost covered the faces of the new soldiers, Qi Yuanming shouted, "Okay, it's time! Rest where you are for a quarter of an hour."

 The new/soldiers then fell down limply. Complaining endlessly.

"This is too much. Can't we go back and take a rest after standing? It's snowing outside and the cold wind is blowing. I'm almost freezing to death."

Jing Shirong came over with his grade book and said with a look of disdain, "You froze to death in just two hours? So what does it mean that General Qi and I stood here with you for two full hours?"

Qi Yuanming spoke up, "That's right. Your immediate boss can stand here with you for two hours, why can't you? Is it possible that you are born sissies and can only be cowards?"

When the soldier heard this, he was ashamed and angry, "No!"

 “You can do it, and so can we.”

 The enemy does not lose the battle. If Qi Yuanming and the others were not here to accompany them, they could still argue with reason.

However, he actually stood with them in the wind and snow for an hour, and he didn’t complain at all, which made them unable to refute even if they wanted to.

Seeing that they were speechless, Qi Yuanming said, "Since we are all men, if we can do it, you can do it too. It's just training, we are not letting you go to the battlefield."

"If you can't even survive the training, you can come over and beg for mercy. I will let you go home to your mother immediately."

 A group of new soldiers looked at each other, naturally they didn’t want to go back.

This year it was rare for the threshold to be relaxed, and they had to delay their connections before they could come here to try. If they went back so easily, they would be embarrassed to see each other again in the future.

Moreover, Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming look young and can be their immediate bosses, so naturally they can too.

 So the new/soldiers all decided, “We won’t go back!”

 “We’re going to stay and pass the training!”

 Qi Yuanming and Jing Shirong looked at each other and nodded with satisfaction. "That's right. Where there's a will, there's a way. I'm optimistic about you."

 Some soldiers asked, "General, will you always stay here with us?"

As immediate bosses, they can stay with them for a while, but they don’t believe they can stay with them for a whole day.

Jing Shirong looked relaxed, "Why not?"

"Since we can train you, we have the capital to train you. If you can survive us, the one who will stand in this position in the future will be yours."

“I just don’t know if you have the ability?”

These words were so exciting that the group of wealthy young masters were still hesitant at first, but now after hearing Jing Shirong's encouragement, they immediately wanted to put Jing Shirong through.

 They said in unison, "We can!"

 “Yes, we can!”

 The soldiers were aroused with passion and became very perseverant immediately.

Qi Yuanming touched his chin with satisfaction, "Okay, let's continue after dinner. I'll see how you perform later."

 After that, let them go in to eat and continue training later.

 In the afternoon, these soldiers were indeed much more honest.

Although I'm still half-assed and can't breathe even after running a few steps, I can get better as long as I train more.

Qi Yuanming was on the side as an instructor, while Jing Shirong was on the side selecting seedlings.

 At the end of the day, all the soldiers were exhausted.

 On the second day, the gongs and drums in the military camp started beating before dawn.

 “Dong dong dong!” Get up!

 The crisp and harsh sound of the gong made the new soldiers get up and get very angry.

 “Who is it? It’s so noisy.”

Qi Yuanming came in with the gong and knocked it three more times.

“Get up quickly, it’s training time. It only takes half a cup of tea for you to pack up and come out. If you exceed the time, you will draw a red line!”

After hearing this, most of the soldiers got up and got dressed consciously. The remaining ones who really didn’t want to get up kept sleeping with their heads covered.

When Qi Yuanming saw this, he didn't call them and went straight outside to wait.


When the time came, most of the soldiers came out, leaving a few who didn't come out. Qi Yuanming didn't wait for them, and ran away with the soldiers.

Jing Shirong came in with a booklet and marked all those who had not gotten up with red lines.

 In the afternoon, during lunch, those who stayed in bed slowly started to relax.

At this moment, everyone was eating, and they felt guilty, so they carefully served the rice and went to the corner to eat.

 In the afternoon, they went to training together.

 On the tenth day of training, the results on the board will come out.

 The names of all the newcomers are on it, and the assessment scores of each subject are also marked.

 Like running, standing, boxing, squatting, all the results are above.

Some soldiers had good grades and were given a small red flower on them.

Those who are unqualified below are also very eye-catching with the big red "X" characters.

 Teenagers who are half-year-old love to compare. When they see that others have more red crosses, they immediately laugh at them.

“I said, you guys are too good at it. You actually failed in every project. You are worse than those poor guys. I really didn’t expect it.”

He also said that he was the son of a military general. He was so bad that he would be eliminated sooner or later.

Although these words were not spoken, the expression was very obvious, making the two teenagers look ashamed and angry.

"What are you talking about? We just haven't adapted. When we adapt, we will definitely have more red flowers than you. You will be less proud!"

The other young masters chuckled and didn't believe it. "It sounds so nice. Look at your row of score boxes. They are all red crosses. You don't need to compare to know that we are better than you."


These two young masters happened to be at odds with each other at home, and they wanted to compete at this meeting.

However, one of the two got good grades and the other got bad grades, but the one who got bad grades was very angry to death.

  "Just wait for me, and I will definitely beat you next time."

Qi Yuanming and Jing Shirong looked on without stopping and went back to eat.

In the afternoon, the training continued. Those who slept in and got up late became more self-conscious and their postures were straighter.

In the afternoon, Qi Yuanming took them to climb a mountain with a 70-degree incline.

 Good guy, those group of soldiers all wanted to save face, so they all climbed up.

Qi Yuanming was very satisfied with what he saw. He will take them to climb the ninety-degree right angle next time to let them know how powerful it is.

 After one month, no matter how good the results are, everyone has made progress.

 At the end of the month, the results will come out and everyone will look at them.

Jing Shirong took advantage of this to praise, "Everyone performed well this time, at least they are not unqualified. Starting next month, the results will be recorded again. If you are unqualified, you will begin to accept punishment. Do you understand?"

 The soldiers responded unanimously, "I understand."

 Qi Yuanming, “Speak louder!”

Soldiers, "I understand!"

 Just understand it.

Qi Yuanming once again took them to the mountains and rivers for training, and they were very busy.

Jing Shirong also followed behind, supervising everyone's safety.

 (End of this chapter)

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