Chapter 332, Kang Geer is back

 Training new soldiers is a hard job.

 In just three months, Qi Yuanming and Jing Shirong have lost a lot of weight.

 The two of them are training alternately. One morning and one afternoon, training takes turns.

   They had to climb the mountain when the new soldiers climbed the mountain, and they had to climb the first one in front in order to monitor them.

 It’s okay to climb mountains in heavy snow, your body will feel warm.

 But getting into the water is very difficult.

 The water temperature at the beginning of spring is too cold. Qi Yuanming and Jing Shirong would not go into the water unless necessary.

It’s not that they can’t bear the hardship, they just don’t want to get wet and stop going down.

 Some soldiers asked, "General, why don't you go down?"

Qi Yuanming was very smart at this moment, "How can I keep an eye on you and how can I get down? Just let me slide down, and I will watch from the shore to see who dares to cheat and slip into the water!"

The soldiers were also simple. After hearing this, they believed it and jumped into the water.

Jing Shirong stood there dumbfounded, taking a note and writing it down.

Qi Yuanming came over to talk to him, "Ajing, you are still a thief. Who dares to let you go down with a booklet in your hand? Why don't you give me the booklet?"

Jing Shirong didn't care and gave him the booklet.

"If you can remember everyone in detail, I will let you remember them all in the future."

After Qi Yuanming heard this, he asked him to write this. He stretched out his hand and then took it back.

"Forget it, we are brothers after all, how can I let you suffer. You better take it, I will give you this kind of delicate work, I am a rough man and it is not suitable."

  He is willing to write one or two words, but if he keeps writing, he doesn't have the patience.

Jing Shirong still doesn’t understand him?

Humoured and took the book back.

 After returning home in the evening, Jing Shirong said, “Let’s have hot pot soup tonight.”

When the soldiers heard this, they were all very happy, "Okay, thank you General Jing."

Usually, they only eat dry food or rice, and the accompanying dishes are stewed in large pots. They haven't had a good meal for a long time.

Although there is meat, it is very greasy and very different from what we eat at home, so I really can’t eat it.

  But I was hungry, and I ate all the greasy and fatty meat happily, but it seemed like something was missing.

 At night, the soldiers felt happy when they heard that Jing Shirong wanted to eat hot pot soup.

 It’s so satisfying to be able to drink a bowl of hot hot pot soup in the cool breeze.

Speaking of food, Qi Yuanming also thought about the food at Sister Ying’s house.

He came over to talk to Jing Shirong and said nostalgically, "I really miss the food at Aunt Wu's house, especially the soy sauce elbow is my favorite. The spicy stir-fried noodles are also good, and the roujiamo is also delicious. And the loofah meatball soup. , really delicious.”

 The more I talk, the more I want to eat. The more I talk, the more I want to eat.

Jing Shirong didn’t say anything on his face, but he swallowed hard.

Last time, Sister Ying wrote to him and sent him pork jerky. She had almost finished eating it, and only half a can was left. He couldn't bear to eat it.

Even if Qi Yuanming wanted to eat, he wouldn't even give it to him.

Fortunately, after the New Year, in the summer, he will go to Jiangnan to marry her back, and then he will be able to see her every now and then.

Qi Yuanming also said, "I haven't had a wedding banquet for a long time. I will have a good drink on your wedding day."

 You can't drink big drinks in the military camp. He hasn't had a drink in a long time and he's already hungry.

 In other words, they have extremely high endurance. If they only dream of drinking a small cup from a bucket, they really only drink one cup. What a **** willpower.

 This head.

Sister Ying’s dowry is almost gone.

Mrs. Wu went to test the results and was very satisfied, so she asked people to carry the dowry to Jing Shi Rongbao's ship.

Because the dowry given by the Wu family was large, Jing Shirong left two large ships at the Wu family's disposal.

At this moment, Mrs. Wu asked people to move the dressing cabinet and the high-profile and luxurious Qiangong bed to the boat and put them away. The Jing family would have bumped the hurriedly moving when they came to pick them up.

Wu Shi has moved everything to the boat and put it away in advance, so that it will be lighter when the time comes to set off.

 All that's left is to count the days. Seeing that more than half a year has passed, summer is here, and the day when the Jing family comes to pick someone up is getting closer.

Sister Ying seems to be fine. She goes to Gutou with Sister Yang every day to learn some herbal medicine and medical skills.

 She has always been a good student and learns everything quickly.

Although she is not as gifted in medicine as Sister Yang, she can cure all minor ailments and pains.

 She knows everything about them, including some herbal poison powders.

The two sisters have very sensitive noses and can basically remember the smell they have smelled.

 The old man taught them how to make and refine medicine every day. His originally eccentric temper was now much gentler.

Perhaps I have been around children for a long time, and my temper has been infected to some extent.

But the old man also values ​​girls over boys.

 When dealing with Sister Ying and Sister Yang, he will be angry, but he will not scold them.

 But when it comes to Seng Ge'er and Kang Ge'er, they can curse loudly.

Maybe he will take action in the end.

If Kang Ge'er and Seng Ge'er hadn't run so fast, their skin would have been opened.

Speaking of Kang Geer, he really failed the spring exam and was kicked out.

However, my family was not disappointed. After all, it was my first time to take the exam, so it was normal for me to fail.

 Plus he is young and has plenty of opportunities, so there is nothing to regret.

 Kang Ge'er came back with Hong Ge'er and others. The cousins ​​met by chance in the capital and got along quite happily.

Boys don’t have so many calculations and they mature quickly.

 They take care of each other in the capital and have developed a brotherly relationship.

Several people returned to Jiangnan together and came to Liang's house to visit Mrs. Liang.

 Old Mrs. Liang was extremely happy when she saw that they were all back.

“Oh, dear grandma, you’re back. You miss me so much. Let me see if I’ve lost weight.”

 Kang Geer left his family for the first time and walked alone. He didn't feel it at first, but later he began to miss his family.

At this moment, he saw Old Mrs. Liang, whom she hadn’t seen for a long time, and hugged her, "Grandma~~"


Grandparents and grandson hugged each other for a while, missing each other.

 Brother Hong and Brother Hu also came over to say hello, "Grandma~"

They all still remember Old Mrs. Liang, because Old Mrs. Liang loved them very much when she was a child, so they all came over to be intimate with Old Mrs. Liang.

Mrs. Liang was very moved when she saw how old her two grandsons were.

“Brother Hong, you are back too, and you miss me so much.”

The three sons of my daughter-in-law all looked very much like Liang Ping. Mrs. Liang was very moved when she saw them and hugged them immediately, "You have all grown so big."

“Remember when you left, you were still a child.”

Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, they were already upright men.

 Brother Hong and Brother Hu kowtowed to her respectfully, showing great respect.

“Grandma, we have grown up, but you are still so young.”

 “You must continue to do so in the future.”

 The two brothers were still so good at talking, which made Mrs. Liang happy.

“Okay, okay, grandma will continue to stay young. Get up quickly. Your mother went out to buy groceries and will be back in a while.”

 The remaining two are the sons of Chen and Wang.

Mrs. Liang had never seen these two people before, but she did not ignore them. She smiled and asked them to rest in the room.

 (End of this chapter)

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