Chapter 334, Strange Sengol

Sister Ying and Sister Yang both laughed when they heard this.

“Maybe Kang Geer looks like my uncle? Or maybe he looks like his grandfather. You’d better be open-minded.”

 Although Brother Sen doesn't like playing with little girls.

 But I haven’t seen him like playing with boys, so maybe they offset each other.

Mrs. Wu snorted when she heard this, "He is the weirdest in the family. He is not like any of us. I really wonder if he was born in the wrong child."

 The three children in the family are all outgoing, lively and daring to speak.

 Only Seng Geer is a man of few words.

I don’t know if he doesn’t like to talk or is just too lazy to talk.

 Fortunately, this guy is still close to his family. No, when he heard that Kang Geer was back, he also came back from ancient times.

Now Sister Yang is learning herbal medicine from Gutou, and Brother Seng is practicing martial arts there.

 The two of them attended classes all morning during the day and went to Gutou's place in the afternoon.

Mrs. Wu originally didn't agree with them going. After all, she didn't like the children fighting and killing, and the old man's temper seemed quite strange. She was afraid that Sister Yang and Brother Sen would accidentally learn to behave strangely.

Especially Seng Geer, he has a weird temperament to begin with, but after getting along with the old man for a long time, he will become even weirder.

Liang Jin heard her worries and immediately went over to Gutou to check what was going on.

It is strange to say that Gu Gu did not like to socialize with others in his first life, but he liked Liang and Jin's family.

 At first he only accepted a few Kang brothers, but later Liang Jin came over and the two of them got drunk.

Liang Jin went there several times and came back and told Mrs. Wu not to worry. The children were all very good and would not imitate others.

  Wu naturally believed what he said, and then let the two children pass.

However, Brother Sen was still not at ease.

She was afraid that his personality would become more and more eccentric if he stayed with the old man for a long time, so she would drag him to talk to her every day.

After a while I asked him, "Are you hungry? Are you thirsty? Do you want to wash your hair? Mom, can you wipe your hair?"

Every time Brother Sen turned around from practicing his swordplay with Gutou, he would see his mother looking at him with concern, her big eyes so bright that it was hard for him to refuse her.

Especially, his mother heard somewhere that the child didn’t like to talk because the mother didn’t love her enough, so she had to talk to him a lot every day.

Even sweet words came out.

 For example, "Brother Sen, are you good? Mom loves you the most. Can you tie your hair?"

  Or, "Are you hungry? Do you want mom to make dumplings for you?"

 And so on, maternal love is so overflowing that it makes Seng Geer’s head big.

 But that was her own mother, and she couldn't lose her temper. In the end, she could only make a grimace and let her mother do whatever she wanted.

Mrs. Wu saw that although he still didn't like to talk, he was at least obedient, so she let her do whatever she wanted.

Although Junmian looked reluctant, at least he didn’t struggle when she wiped and washed his hair. He was still a good eldest son of his mother.


 He wanted to struggle.

 But does he dare?

Who dares to refuse when his mother's love overflows?

Once she rejects her, she will first feel sad and face you with tears in her eyes, making you feel guilty even if you want to get angry.

 Come again, if he dares to refuse a second time, he will definitely be struck down with the eighteen palms of maternal love. He's so old and doesn't want to be spanked.

 So, just be obedient and let his mother do what you want.


Mrs. Wu sighed when he saw him come back and said, "Your eldest brother just came back, why are you sighing?"

 Seng Ge'er snorted and said, "No, you heard wrong."

Wushi glanced at him suspiciously, but Brother Sen had already walked up to Brother Kang and said hello, "Brother."

 Kang Geer smiled and patted his shoulder, "Are you back?"

 Sen Ge'er hummed and was speechless.

 The two brothers looked at each other and knew tacitly that the other was caring about each other, so they didn't ask any more questions. Mrs. Wu saw that they were so speechless and couldn't help but ask. "Did you two quarrel?"

 The two brothers said in unison, "No."

This made Old Mrs. Liang happy, "Okay, okay, don't ask. The older you get, the more verbose you become, and you are almost catching up with me."

Although the children did not speak, they all nodded in acquiescence.

Seeing this, Mrs. Wu knocked over chestnuts one by one, "You bastard, you dare to call me nagging me? You don't even want to eat dinner?"

As soon as the tigress showed off her power, she said, "Run!" Sister Ying took the lead and ran away, and the remaining brothers and sisters immediately followed her.

 “Sister, wait for me~”

 A group of high-spirited boys and girls ran to the Lu family to play with smiles.

Mrs. Wu had nothing to do with them, so she had to rush to get food and cook for the children herself in the evening.

Sister Ying and her children came to the Lu family and saw Mei Xianer drying sweet potatoes in the courtyard.

 She is very skillful with her hands. She is now better at making snacks and snacks that she could not make in the past.

She is almost the one running and managing Sister Yang’s dim sum shop.

Although the revenue is not as prosperous as Sister Ying’s inn, it is still much better than last year.

 Nowadays, many noble ladies like to go to her shop to buy snacks, either for themselves or as gifts.

 Operating profits are not very high, but they are gradually getting back their money.

Mei Xianer is still very serious about making dim sum and running the shop. She almost stays in the dim sum shop all day during the day.

 Occasionally Mrs. Lu misses her, so she rarely comes back home to stay with Mrs. Lu during the holidays.

Mrs. Lu really wanted to try the dried sweet potatoes from her hometown these days, so she dried them for her old man to eat.

At this moment, Sister Ying and her children came in laughing and called her, "Xianxian~"

Mei Xianer turned around and smiled, "Are you here?"

Kang Ge'er hasn't come back for a long time. Now he is looking at her outside the door, and a strong feeling of longing suddenly comes over him.

 I didn’t feel it when I first went to the capital, and I didn’t feel it either when I was busy studying in the capital.

 At this moment, when I saw her again, I felt like I was in another world.


 Kang Geer looked at Mei Xianer from a distance and couldn't help blurting out.

Mei Xian'er seemed to sense his deep affection, and when she looked back, she realized that he was back.

 “Kang Geer?”

 The originally cold little face suddenly brightened up, and the corner of his mouth smiled sweetly.

"you are back?"

 Kang Geer hummed and walked in like a sunny boy, "Well, I'm back."

 The two of them looked at each other speechlessly. They seemed to have thousands of feelings in their hearts, but they didn't know what to say.

In the end, Sister Ying had the foresight, coughed, and sent them out to chat, "What about that? Brother Kang keeps talking about wanting to eat pickle cakes every day. There should be some in the Xianxian store, right? Why don't you go get some?"

Mei Xianer calmly hummed and called Brother Kang, "Let's go."

As she walked forward, Kang Geer said "oh" and turned around to follow her.

The two of them are one tall and one short. Mei Xianer is small and slender, while Kang Geer is tall and sunny. They seem to be surprisingly well matched.

Sister Yang, Sister Ying, and Brother Sen were lying by the door to peek at them. When they saw that they were far away, they said, "Sister, why don't you let mother come and get engaged?" The second brother from the province misses Sister Renmei every day. "

Sister Ying snickered, "Don't worry, my mother has her own arrangements for this matter."

Even if you want to propose marriage, you have to ask Mrs. Lu first to get a feel for her.

If the Lu family likes Brother Kang, this matter will be simple.

I'm afraid that Mei Xian'er doesn't have that idea, so it won't work.

 (End of this chapter)

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