Chapter 335, The Annoying Son

Sister Yang asked, "Why is Sister Mei unwilling? Doesn't she really like the second brother?"

Sister Ying hesitated, "I asked her once before, and she said she likes him, but she likes her like a little brother."

 Sister Yang.

 “If that’s the case, that’s not good.”

If the man is affectionate and the concubine is not, then her second brother will be in a terrible situation.

Sister Ying said cheerfully, "What's the matter? Girls have to work hard to chase after her. Even if Mei Xian'er treats him as a younger brother, can't he take the initiative?"

How do you know if you have a chance if you don't take the initiative?

 If you give up so easily, your sweetheart will become someone else's sooner or later.

“So, if you like it, chase it. If you can catch it, it’s best. If you can’t, just pull it down. Anyway, I’ve tried it, and I won’t regret it.”

Sister Yang nodded, "That makes sense. I like to hold the things I like in my hands, so that I won't worry about them every day. Second brother should learn from me."

Seeing her proud look, Sister Ying was dumbfounded.

 “Yes, yes, you are proactive, but also the most impatient.”

Although Sister Yang and Brother Sen are twins, their personalities are indeed completely different.

 If Sister Yang likes something, she should get it immediately. And you have to get it right away, otherwise you will keep thinking about it, and you will be unable to sleep even if you think about it.

 So she liked to learn medicine, so she started learning it right away, and she has been studying it for so long.

 Compared with the heat of the previous three minutes, studying medicine may be the most patient thing she has ever done in her life.

But this girl occasionally takes medicine to vent her anger.

Because she was still a novice, she didn’t know the dosage of some medicines well, and accidentally the life-saving medicine turned into poison. She was so angry that she stepped on the medicine on the ground and jumped around, which made people laugh and cry.

 Seng Geer is different.

He doesn't like to talk about the things he likes, and he doesn't talk about the things he doesn't like either, making it difficult for anyone to guess.

 It’s like he likes to eat fried dumplings, but he just doesn’t say it.

Every time Mr. Wu asked him what he wanted for breakfast, he would always say, "Whatever."

 But when the soy milk and fried dough sticks came, he frowned and obviously wanted to eat fried buns more.

 Wu asked him at this time, "What? You don't like soy milk and fried dough sticks?"

He had an expressionless face, neither saying yes nor saying no, and finished eating the soy milk and fried dough sticks without any expression.

Mrs. Wu has given birth to him for many years, so how can she not understand him? Next time, she will not serve soy milk and fried dough sticks, but continue to ask him, "What do you want to eat for breakfast tomorrow? White rice, millet porridge? Or meat buns?"

“Or pork vermicelli stew? Lamb noodle soup?”

When Brother Sen heard that his favorite fried buns were not on the menu, he frowned. In the end, he didn't say that he wanted to eat fried buns and turned around to practice martial arts.

Mrs. Wu was really fed up with him. She grabbed him angrily and scolded him, "Just tell him what you want to eat. Don't let anyone guess. Do you hear me?"

Brother Sen glanced at his angry mother, and finally said, "Whatever."

 Then he left coolly.

Angry Wu;*&%#@¥@

If it weren't for her biological son, she would beat the child! She was so angry.

Sister Ying still finds it funny when she thinks about it now, and even Sister Yang laughs with her back teeth exposed.

Brother Sen was so embarrassed by their laughter that he snorted and went to compete with Lu Xian for sword practice.

 In the evening, the siblings went home to have dinner together.

 The meal in the evening was very sumptuous, and it was cooked by Mrs. Wu, Mrs. Chen, Mrs. Wang and Mrs. Liang Ping.

 Mr. Chen and his wife were very happy because their son was back, and they were afraid that their son would be angry if they knew they were causing trouble in someone else's house, so they wanted to behave better.

Liang Ping also cooked what her two sons liked because they were in a good mood when they came back. Brother-in-law Chen and the others had already come to Jiangnan to work as errands.

So Liang Ping, Chen and Wang went back early.

I came here now because I thought my sons would be arriving soon, so I came here specifically to wait for them.

Originally they wanted to hear whether their sons had made the cut, but now that they had heard that they had failed, they were disappointed, but there was nothing they could do about it. After all, the children were still young. If they took the exam next spring, they would definitely pass.

 So no one mentioned anything about their grades at this time, and all gathered around to eat together in a lively manner.

Mrs. Liang likes this kind of lively atmosphere the most, and she raised her glass very happily, "Come on, come on, it's rare for us to get together today, let's have a drink together, have a good time, and we will definitely be on the top list of high school in three years."

After hearing this, Brother Hong felt comforted. He smiled and raised his glass to drink with Mrs. Liang.

Sister Ying and Sister Yang also drank a small glass of fruit wine, their faces slightly tipsy.

Even Liang Jin drank a few more drinks, obviously happy.

  Although my son didn’t win, it was still an experience to experience the Spring Festival. In the future, he will be familiar with the roads and will not have to worry about him going out.

 “Come, eat more vegetables.”

 With a fatherly look on his face, he served meat and vegetables to each child.

Mrs. Liang also smiled and served them food, "Eat quickly, there is still more in the pot."

Sister Ying and her children ate with smiles, and the whole family was in a lively mood.

Mei Xianer and Lu Xian also came over.

Lu Xian hadn’t seen Kang Geer for a long time, and wanted to ask him for advice a lot, so much so that Kang Geer didn’t even have a chance to talk to Mei Xianer.

Mei Xianer saw Kang Geer looking like he wanted to beat his cousin, and couldn't help turning his head and snickering.

Kang Geer saw her smile, and then he became happy, and he was no longer as knowledgeable as Lu Xian.

 After drinking until late at night, everyone dispersed.

Kang Geer was also a little drunk, but he still sent Lu Xian and others back in person.

Lu Xian, on the other hand, looked stupid and said, "Brother Kang, don't send me off. We're only a few steps away. You can go back and rest."

 Kang Geer originally wanted to give it to Mei Xian'er, but who wanted to give it to Lu Xian, a fool. She kept talking in his ears, and he didn't even have a chance to talk to Mei Xian'er. He was so angry that he wanted to hit Lu Xian again.

Mei Xianer saw him clenching his fists and said, "You are not allowed to hit him, he is still young."

Lu Xian is actually the same age as Kang Geer, but he is relatively simple-minded and looks like a half-grown child.

Although Kang Geer is also a half-year-old boy, at least he is much more mature than Lu Xian.

Especially when he came back from a long trip this time, the baby fat on his face was no longer there, and his handsome and chiseled face gave him a little more masculinity.

Mei Xianer was not sure how she felt about him, but she vaguely knew that if Kang Geer was so kind to her again, she would be moved, so she pretended intentionally or unintentionally that she had not seen how kind he was to her.

She hasn’t thought about her emotions clearly yet, so she doesn’t dare to speak out easily and wants to observe.

 Let's see if there is any possibility for the two of them in the future, and see if Kang Geer can really take on the responsibility of being the head of the family.

 So she is still investigating.

 Kang Geer didn't understand her thoughts and thought that she only regarded him as his younger brother, so he felt a little disappointed.

 Fortunately, Lost Gui lost, and finally sent them back in person.

 After the Lu family arrived, Kang Geer said, "Go in, the wind is a bit cold at night."

Mei Xian'er hummed, looked back at him, and finally said nothing.

 (End of this chapter)

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