Chapter 336, Jing Shirong’s thief

 Kang Geer looked at Mei Xianer's leaving figure and finally sighed helplessly.


 I have accomplished nothing and have no fame, so I dare not confess it.

It would be great if he could win the first prize in civil and military affairs, so that he would have the confidence to come to the Lu family to propose marriage.

Now that he is still relying on his family, he must be looked down upon by the immortals. What can he do now?

 Kang Geer took a breath and turned back, thinking about his next move along the way.

 After returning home, Liang Jin was still awake. When he saw him coming back sighing, he asked him, "What are you thinking about? You have a sad face."

 Kang Geer knows everything about his family members. Seeing his father waiting for him here, he simply sat down and complained to Liang Jin.

"Dad, I didn't win the Jinshi this time. I don't know if I will win in the next three years. I'm a little worried."

Liang Jin smiled when he heard his successor, "What? Are you afraid that if you don't win, you won't be able to marry a girl from the Lu family?"

 Kang Geer scratched his head and smiled shyly, "Yes. Xianxian is so good, I want to achieve something before marrying her, so that her uncle's family can rest assured."

 Otherwise, if a half-year-old boy has only a lot of love and no abilities, people will not feel comfortable marrying their niece to him.

Liang Jin saw that he still had some ideas, so he comforted him, "Then you are just like your fourth brother, studying in the morning and practicing swordsmanship in the afternoon. The number one scholar in civil and military affairs can always get the same."

Even if you can't get the top prize, you still have the second place, the top prize, or something else.

  It doesn’t have to be the top three.

 Kang Geer scratched his head. Is it because of his age that he cares about face, or he thinks the top three are more face-saving.

Liang Jin couldn't laugh or cry after hearing this, "I was only a small Jinshi among the 300 Jinshi in your father's time, haven't I made it to this day?"

“Who said that to become a high official, you have to start from the top position?”

There are only three champions in total. Tens of thousands of candidates took the exam together, and finally only 300 Jinshi were admitted, and they were divided into first, second and third. This shows that the Jinshi exam is not that easy.

 So it’s already good to be a Jinshi, so don’t expect too much about the top spot.

 Kang Geer knows this, but young people always want the best, so he still wants to set out to become the number one scholar.

Liang Jin saw the stubborn look on his face and knew that he was on a par with the number one scholar. He didn't want to hurt his self-confidence, so he said, "Then you work hard. If you can't do it this year, there will be three years left."

 In three years, I have been able to learn a lot of things again.

Kang Geer thought the same thing, so he regained his confidence and said, "Then I'll go to bed and continue working hard tomorrow."

Liang Jin sighed and went back to rest.

 This head.

Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming have been in the military camp for four or five months.

Jing Shirong will go to Jiangnan to pick up the sedan chair next month.

Although the groom’s official does not necessarily have to go to Jiangnan to pick him up in person, he must come in person because of Jing Sheng Rong’s temperament.

 Otherwise, it would be the first time for Sister Ying to travel far alone, and he would not be at ease at all.

No, at this moment he was holding the grade book and seemed to be writing down the grades, but he was thinking in his mind, "I have been so tanned in the past few months, and the skin on my face is chapped. I don't know how beautiful this ugly face is." Will sister like it?"

 In the past, he didn't feel anything if he was exposed to the wind and sun outside. If his skin was broken, it would be broken, and if he was tanned, he would be tanned.

 Anyway, when he returns home, or in winter, he comes back in vain.

It happened that this time I stayed in the military camp for half a year. I had to supervise those brats every day, otherwise the training level would not improve.

This sparring spirit made the group of unconvinced soldiers surrender.

Everyone is now able to endure hardships and dare to fight and run, thanks to the hard work of Qi Yuanming and Jing Shirong.

The emperor came once for inspection and saw that the effect was good, so he agreed to let Shi Rong go down to the south of the Yangtze River to pick up the sedan chair.

 At first the emperor disagreed, but Jing Shirong did not refute after hearing this.

 He is not Qi Yuanming, who would loudly refute and anger the emperor.

When he resisted, he always did it secretly. If you don’t agree, forget it. Then I will fall to the ground and show you.

 So the person fell ill the next day. The thickening started on the third day.

 On the fourth day, I couldn’t eat anymore.

 On the fifth day, I started to lose weight day by day.

 The emperor was so angry when he saw his dead look that he couldn't say anything.

 After all, they didn’t refute him in front of him, let alone show any dissatisfaction with him, and they complied obediently.

Who would have known that this brat could be one thing on the outside but another behind the scenes, and he was still playing tricks on him.

When he clearly refused to allow him to go to Jiangnan, the boy looked harmless and there was no trace of dissatisfaction in his eyes.

 But in the blink of an eye, someone falls down for you, or they just faint, so what else can you say?

 You can’t question him, “Did you do it on purpose?”

If you really ask, people will say "no". Then wouldn't he be even more angry?

The emperor was really afraid of him, so he waved his hand and gave him a holiday, telling him to go and get his bride back quickly. This would save him from having to fight silently with him, which would shorten his life by ten years.

Qi Yuanming didn't expect that this guy would fall down as soon as he said it.

It was obviously alive and kicking one second, but fell into coma the next second. It's scary, okay?

Jing Shirong smiled, a rare smile on his face, "It's okay, I'm just pretending."

 In recent years, he and Emperor Dou have also been on the same road.

 He is tolerant and accepting of small things.

 But when it comes to big things, such as getting married and picking up a bride, he can't bear it.

 People have a bottom line, even subordinates.

But he still had to serve as an errand under the emperor. He could not bring trouble to the family by force, but could only do it in a negative way.

He knows the imperial doctor in the palace, and he is very talkative even if he pretends to be dizzy.

So the marriage leave will be made up for?

  Earlier, we agreed to give him a year's leave, but it's not all gone anymore.

Now that the day of welcoming the bride has really arrived, it is natural to pay attention to it and do not be late for anything.

 Qi Yuanming was really convinced by him.

"I said you are too bad, why didn't you teach me this trick earlier?"

Jing Shirong looked contemptuous, "I'll teach you, will it apply to you?"

 He generally does not speak against the emperor, and does so in a soft tone.

This trick makes the emperor eat to death every time.

 But Qi Yuanming can't do it.

 Qi Yuanming has a scolding temperament. If you make him faint suddenly, he won't even act like it.

 If the secret is exposed in a moment, it will be a lie.

Qi Yuanming chuckled and scratched his head, "That's true. But do you want me to help you when you pick up the bride?"

 He hasn’t had a holiday for a long time.

I was carried around in the military camp every day, and I lost weight.

Although I eat a lot of fat every day, the amount of training is so high, no matter how much meat I eat, it will only build muscles, not fat. He also wanted to go home and have some good meals.

Jing Shirong took the time to put some ointment on his face, trying to save some of his chapped handsome face.

Seeing this, Qi Yuanming shouted, "It's useless. You caused it by over-exposing yourself. If you take care of it now, it won't be restored to its original state for a while. You are just improvising."

 It’s also my fault that they didn’t pay attention to taking care of themselves in the winter, so their skin dried out in the sun.

 (End of this chapter)

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