Chapter 337, maternal love

This will make you cram for a while, and those chapped and rough spots on your face will not be so easy to soften.

 But Jing Shirong was very confident.

"Just because you can't come back fresh, doesn't mean I can't."

He was born with fair skin. Even if he is exposed to the sun, it will only turn red. If he is exposed to wheat color, he will not get tanned. "

 As soon as winter comes, the skin automatically turns white, making many Air China envious.

Qi Yuanming no longer envied him, but looked disgusted.

 “You’re not a little girl, why are you doing so much for nothing? What a bitch.”

“Before, you were too fair, so people called you a pretty boy. Now you want to go back to being white, are you stupid?”

As a man, of course you need to be darker and taller to be manly enough.

It's so white, I don't know, I thought it was a noodle boy.

Jing Shirong was not annoyed by him and continued to apply moisturizer.

 After wiping your face, wipe your hands again. Apply a thick layer to your rough hands to moisturize them.

He said while painting, "Tomorrow I will go down to Jiangnan to pick up the sedan chair. When we get to the capital, you will come over to lead the dowry team. Remember?"

Qi Yuanming hummed and said, "I know." When the brothers got married, of course he would be able to help. "I will also have time to take a vacation by then. I haven't been back for a long time."

Every time he comes to the military camp, he has to stay for more than half a year. He hasn't gone back to see his parents for a long time.

Jing Shirong said, "My uncle and aunt will definitely come on the wedding day, so you can take the opportunity to get together."

Qi Yuanming hummed, "I understand."

He will definitely go there early that day to help lead the dowry procession.

This time the Wu family gave a large dowry, and Jing Shirong also sent a boatload of betrothal gifts.

By the time Jing Shirong gets married, Chang'an Street will be covered with red makeup, and many talented and beautiful women will be envied by him.

Jing Shirong didn't care about this, just packed up and went back.

 On the second day, he dressed up and set off for the team.

The Wu family is also making preparations.

Seeing that the wedding day is approaching, many things have to start getting busy.

For example, Sister Ying's dowry maids and stewards, as well as some workers trained in the inn, all have to be brought there together.

 These people were selected by Mr. Wu three years ago, and most of them are orphans without fathers or mothers.

They were grateful to Mrs. Wu for providing them with food and work, so they were naturally willing to follow Sister Ying.

Mrs. Wu recorded all the maids and dowry in the register, and worked hard every day without touching the ground.

Sister Ying wanted to help her, but Mrs. Wu said that the bride should take good care of herself and not go out to tan, otherwise she would not look good on the wedding day.

The Jing family also has many relatives and friends. When they go to the capital, how can Hei Qiuqiu do it? Mrs. Wu will not be happy if someone talks about it.

Sister Ying was very happy to hear this, "You are too protective of yourself. You have your mouth on other people. Let them go as they please. We just don't listen."

Mrs. Wu tapped her forehead with her hand, "You just stand and talk without pain in your back. Of course it doesn't matter if others say something about you. What if others say something about me? Aren't you angry?"

Sister Ying snorted, as if she might be angry.

It seems that people are like this. It’s okay to be criticized by others, but you don’t allow others to hurt the people closest to you. You are really protective.

Mrs. Wu finished checking the dowry list and chatted with Sister Ying, "Originally, the rule in our hometown is that when a girl's family gets married, her mother's family will go with her to give the wedding. Do you think we want your second aunt and eldest aunt to come with you? ?   Sister Ying thought for a moment, "No? It's quite far. I've been going back and forth for several months."

 Second aunt and the others are not that old, but they are not young either, so it is not easy to go through such trouble.

Especially Bai Ling'er and the others all have children, so it would be too inconvenient to get married.

Wu thought about it, so he just let it go.

She sighed, "Then now you will be the only one left to go over there alone." She couldn't bear to think about it.

With such a big daughter, Mrs. Wu would be very worried if she had to travel far alone.

“How about asking your younger brother and sister to come and stay with you for a few days?”

Wait until Sister Ying has adapted to life in the capital before Brother Kang and the others come back?

Seeing her worried look, Sister Ying felt warm in her heart. She leaned her head over and buried it in Mrs. Wu's chest, "Mother~~"

 From the time she was born to now, she has never left the Wu family. Mother and daughter have a deep love, and Sister Ying is also very reluctant to leave her mother.

Mrs. Wu's eyes turned red when she heard her shouting like this.

He touched her head with his big hand and said with a motherly heart, "I didn't expect you to be so big in the blink of an eye."

“I still remember when you were just born, you were so little and you wanted to be held by me every day.”

I didn’t expect that time would fly by so fast.

Sister Ying buried her head in Wu's arms, reluctant to let go, "Why don't I get married?"

These words were said so suddenly that Wu was startled.

"You kid, what are you talking about? The wedding is approaching, how can you not get married?"

Sister Ying stuck out her tongue and said, "Aren't you worried about me? Otherwise I won't go. Anyway, you don't have to live together to get married, long-distance relationships are also okay."

Mrs. Wu pinched her little face and scolded her, "You can't say that. Now that your marriage has arrived, you should manage it well. Brother Rong will be your support in the future, and you will also be the children's support, but You can’t just separate the two families, otherwise the family will break up.”

Mrs. Wu clearly understood that it was one thing to be reluctant to leave her daughter, but it was also not good to leave her daughter at home.

The girl will eventually get married when she gets older, and she also wants Sister Ying to experience the feeling of getting married once and the satisfaction of having children in the future.

He stretched out his hand to touch her little face and comforted her, "It's okay. Your stepmother will be the same when you leave. Besides, Brother Rong also said that his job is unstable and he may go to other places at any time. Maybe you can still be together in the future. Come to Jiangnan so we can meet."

 Jing Shirong did talk about this.

The nature of his job is unstable. If he travels all over the country, there is no guarantee that he will come back to Jiangnan in the future.

 The Liang family will basically not leave in Jiangnan, and it will be easier to find their parents at home in the future.

Mrs. Wu hummed and said to her, "You're right to think so. It's very convenient to travel by boat now. The journey that used to take more than half a year now takes about two or three months. We can still meet in the future."

Sister Ying calculated the water route and it seemed that it was indeed a lot more convenient, so she didn’t worry about it.

 “Okay, then I’ll go pack my things.”

This time I am getting married, and I have to bring too many things.

Even though they were also sold in the capital, she didn’t want to change anything she had handy, so she took them with her.

Mrs. Liang came after a while. She pulled Sister Ying aside, took something out of her sleeve, and quietly stuffed it into Sister Ying.

“Now, my grandma doesn’t have much private money in her treasury. This is the jewelry your great-grandmother gave me back then. But gold is very expensive and has been passed down for four or five generations. It’s worth at least this amount.”

 Hands up five fingers.

Sister Ying took the thing and took it up to take a look. It's actually a gold-encrusted white magnolia hairpin, which looks very substantial as soon as you pick it up.

 (End of this chapter)

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