The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 340: , passed down from generation to generation

Chapter 340, passed down from generation to generation

This is the first time Sister Ying heard Mrs. Liang mention the past. She didn’t expect that her grandmother was also in love when she was young.

 She thought that most ancient people married blindly and dumbly, without love at all. She didn't expect that the older generation also had love.

Mrs. Liang hummed, "That's natural. Your grandfather was so kind to me that your great-grandmother didn't even dare to bully me."

 After all, my son is protecting his daughter-in-law, so I have to be a little cautious about it, so naturally I don’t dare to mess around.

Mrs. Liang taught Sister Ying her experience, "When you arrive in the capital in the future, remember to cultivate a relationship with Brother Rong. As long as you hold him firmly both physically and mentally, you will not be bullied in the Jing family in the future. ”

As long as a man supports you and stands on your side, anyone who wants to bully you must think carefully first.

Sister Ying naturally knew this truth, but she also said, "Brother Rong said that his relatives are all very good, so he told me not to worry."

“He also bought a courtyard next to the Jing family. When the time comes, we can live in the Jing family’s mansion or in another courtyard.”

 Sister Ying got along with the Jing family when she was a child. The Jing family are very nice. I think there won't be too many conflicts even if they live together.

 Besides, the Jing family’s courtyard must be very big, unlike in later generations where it was basically a three-bedroom house. The whole family could not see each other when they looked up, and there were many conflicts.

  The Jing family’s courtyard is not necessarily big or luxurious, but at least the son and daughter-in-law have their own courtyards.

Even if you walk to your mother-in-law’s yard, it’s still a long way. This is the advantage of having a big yard.

Mrs. Liang felt relieved when she heard what she said, "Aunt Jing and I have gotten along before. She is quite open-minded and I don't think she will make things difficult for you."

“And since her brother-in-law and his family don’t live with you, there’s nothing to worry about.”

As for the other relatives of the Jing family, Mrs. Liang didn’t know.

“But your Aunt Jing seems to be a protector of calves. I don’t think she will let your relatives and sisters-in-law bully you, so I feel relieved.”

Sister Ying naturally doesn't worry about that, "I have Brother Rong to protect me, I'm not afraid."

 Besides, she is not a soft persimmon and can be manipulated at will.

Mrs. Liang sighed and said, "They say there are many rules in the capital. They often kneel and kowtow. I don't know if you are comfortable going there."

 Unlike here in Jiangnan, who can kowtow except for serious crimes?

Of course, Mrs. Liang knew all this from chatting with other old ladies, and she was not sure whether it was true or false.

Moreover, Jing Shirong is on an errand for the emperor. When the time comes, the palace empress will invite Sister Ying into the palace. It will be expensive for one person and another for that one. Her knees must not be ruined in the snowy weather.

Sister Ying couldn't laugh or cry when she heard this, and Mrs. Liang had been listening to dramas in the palace these past few days, in order to understand the affairs of the capital.

“Grandma, don’t think too much. We have to go there to know what the capital is like. What others say may not be true.”

Even if it is true, just adapt to it in the past. People always have to adapt to the surrounding environment.

But at this moment, Sister Ying also deeply realized that the mentality of marrying a daughter is completely different from that of marrying a wife.

 The daughter comes to be someone’s daughter-in-law, and her natal family is worried about all kinds of things.

 It’s not like a man marrying a wife. There is just an extra pair of chopsticks in the house, and life goes on as usual.

Of course this is not an absolute statement, but it is the case for most families.

Mrs. Liang gave the jade hairpin inlaid with gold and mutton fat to Sister Ying and asked her to put it away. "Then you put this away and give it to your daughter and your granddaughter in the future. Pass it on from generation to generation."

 Originally, this hairpin was passed down to the daughter of the Liang family.

 Unfortunately, Grandpa Liang’s generation had no daughters, so in the end it had to be passed down to Mrs. Liang.

As for why it was not passed on to Liang Ping and Liang Qing, the main reason was that Mrs. Liang was afraid that they would quarrel because the things were not divided enough, so she did not pass it on.

Mrs. Liang thought that since Sister Ying has the ability, she should give her the things.

Anyway, Sister Ying is not short of money and will definitely not sell this hairpin in the future, so she can rest assured.

Sister Ying.

"Are you worried that the aunts will sell the hairpins?" Mrs. Liang pouted and snorted, "That's not a good idea."

"The Chen family is so poor, and we have poor relatives. Maybe one day your aunt will sell your grandfather's things. Then how will I explain to your grandfather when I go underground?"

This is something that has been passed down from generation to generation in the Liang family. It cannot be lost and must be passed on. Otherwise, she will be scolded by her mother-in-law when it goes underground in the future.

Sister Ying was amused and helpless when she heard this.

“Okay, okay, I know you want to keep this thing, don’t worry, I will let it be passed down for thousands of years.”

 As long as her descendants are capable, this thing will never be sold.

 Old Mrs. Liang felt relieved after getting her guarantee.

“Okay, I’ll be relieved then. Just pack it up and don’t leave anything behind. It won’t be easy to come back to find it when you get to the capital.”

Sister Ying hummed and continued to collect things.

After Mrs. Liang went out, Mrs. Wu also sneaked in.

 She looked outside, furtively, with the same expression as Mrs. Liang had just come in.

When Sister Ying saw her mother like this, she knew that her mother would also stuff her under the box.

 “Here, this is for you, take it.”

Sister Ying glanced at the thing in her hand. It was actually a wad of banknotes? ?

 She took it and counted it, "So many?"

There are tens of thousands of taels, right?

 It seems that her mother has indeed made a lot of money in the past few years.

Mrs. Wu smiled and said, "Hey, this is all what you earned in the inn over the years. Mom has saved it for you."

 Excluding the expenses required by the inn, the Wu family saved the remaining income for Sister Ying.

“From now on, when you go to the capital, the innkeeper will help you keep an eye on it. You have all the money. You need money when you go out. If a woman’s family has money, she will have the confidence in her husband’s family. You can keep it.”

Sister Ying knows this. She really needs money when she goes out, and she can't borrow money from her husband's family for everything. Naturally, she needs some money.

But Brother Rong should not be so poor that she is.

Mrs. Wu laughed when she heard this and said, "That's right. Brother Rong is a generous person. You don't even know it. The betrothal gifts he gave you filled the whole boat. It scared me."

Wu only knew how much Jing Shirong's monthly salary was, but she didn't know how wealthy the Jing family was.

When Jing Shirong came to Jiangnan to pretend to be a wealthy businessman, she only thought that he was pretending to be a rich man because of his mission.

 Who knew he was really rich?

  Just looking at the list of betrothal gifts, Mrs. Wu was quite surprised.

I dare not say that wealth can rival the country, but generosity is truly generosity.

Mrs. Wu put all the banknotes for Sister Ying, then looked outside and secretly placed a booklet for her.

“Take this and look at it on the wedding day.”

 After saying that, he hurriedly stuffed the booklet into Sister Ying's box and told her not to read it in a hurry.

 Sister Ying? He asked, "Can't you see it now?" He stretched out his hand to get it.

Mrs. Wu slapped her hand away and said, "Not now. We can wait until the wedding day to see it, or after the wedding. You are not allowed to see it now, do you hear me?"

Seeing her mother's serious face, Sister Ying could only stretch her hand back and said, "Okay, I got it. I just won't look at it." Why was it so mysterious?

   Thank you for your votes, okay(///▽///)



 (End of this chapter)

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