The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 341: , the old father’s poverty

Chapter 341, Old Father’s Poverty

Seeing her muttering, Mrs. Wu looked reluctant and said to her, "You are an adult now. You have to be patient and don't keep looking. Do you understand that curiosity can kill a cat?"

“Also, when you go to someone’s house, you need to know how to look at them, don’t be stupid and just do whatever you want, you know?”

Sister Ying said, "I know, you've said it so many times in the past few days that my ears have become calloused."

Seeing that she still dared to be impatient, Mr. Wu immediately tugged on her ear, "I just complimented you a few times, and you're already in trouble, right? You still dare to think I'm verbose?"

Sister Ying’s ear was pulled, and she quickly begged for mercy, “It hurts, it hurts, I don’t dare to do it anymore.”

Wushi snorted and then let go.

"From now on, when your elders talk to you, you should listen carefully. Whether you do it or not is one thing, but you can't let others take advantage of you, remember?"

Sister Ying nodded, "I know, it's just one thing on the surface and another behind the scenes. The legendary principle of doing one thing at a time and doing it against the other? Haha~"

Mrs. Wu laughed angrily at her, and nodded her head with his hand, "I'm asking you to be obedient to unfriendly people, but I'm not asking you to be obedient to everyone. Look at what you said, it seems like I want to teach you to be a dishonest person. Just like everyone else, they really deserve a beating!"

Sister Ying laughed and said, "I know, I know, why did mother let me be a bad guy? You must be doing it for my own good, I know it."

The mother and daughter were playing and playing, and the day passed.

At night, Liang Jin came back and brought in his treasures.



Sister Ying raised her head and saw her father coming in. She knew without guessing that the old father must also be here to add some boxes.

Liang Jin gave her a small box and said, "Take a look and see if you like it."

Sister Ying opened the box and saw a hand-carved fruit knife inside? It looks very delicate, and the blade is very sharp, making it easy to peel the fruit at a glance.


Sister Ying didn't expect Liang Jin to give her this, so she was quite surprised.

Liang Jin touched his beard, coughed, and explained, "What, didn't dad's money go to your mother? Dad doesn't have much money, so he can't give you a gold knife, so he can only get you this fruit knife." ”

"Didn't you complain before that the fruit knife at home was too heavy to cut? This one is very light. Dad made it for you personally. It has been two or three years and it has been unable to cut well. Don't be dissatisfied."

Sister Ying held the fruit knife made by her father. She was very moved and said with tears in her eyes, "Dad~"

I still remember that Liang Jin loved her the most when he was a child, and he was reluctant to let her suffer at all.

Even if she is a girl, Liang Jin does not favor boys over girls. He is really a rare good father under feudal ideas.

Now that she has grown up, Liang Jin still treats her as he did when he was a child. As long as she wants something, he will basically try his best to satisfy her.

  Earlier, she just complained that the fruit knife at home was too heavy, but Liang Jin took it to heart, and went to ask the knife maker for advice. After learning from him for a whole year, he was able to make one himself.

 Because he was busy every day, he took the time to learn it, and it took him so long to get good at it.

 But this feeling is really touching.

Maybe father's love is in actions, not words, and he wants to realize it for you.

Sister Ying sniffed, leaned over, and hugged Liang Jin's arm. "Dad~"

Seeing that she was moved, Liang Jin smiled and touched her head. His kind father said, "Don't be moved, it's just a fruit knife. If you like it, dad will give you a beating in the future."

Sister Ying picked up his palm, which was covered with knife calluses, and immediately said she didn't want it anymore, "Just this one, don't fight anymore. If your opponent is not good, you still have to handle the case."

Liang Jin said, "Okay, I won't fight anymore. I'll just ask your mother for money next time."


These words directly made Sister Ying laugh, "You are still so poor." The Wu family was in charge of the family's money, so Liang Jin naturally had no money.

 In addition, he doesn’t care about money, and he has almost no money. If he wants to buy anything, he can just ask Wu. She will buy it for him without him having to buy it, which is convenient and affordable.

Liang Jin also taught Sister Ying, "When you come to the capital in the future, you will also ask Brother Rong for financial power and ask him to take care of the money for you, so that you can be like your mother and enjoy the blessings of being a tigress at home."

 “Tiger? Tigress? You really dare to say that.”

 Father and daughter looked at each other and smiled at each other.

 “Be careful if your mother hears you.”

Liang Jin quickly looked outside and said, "You can't tell your mother this, otherwise I will sleep on the floor at night."

 The couple have been married for more than ten years and are still very much in love.

Liang Jin has been under the control of the Wu family for so many years, and has long been obedient. If he dares to talk about Wu's tigress to his face, he will do so in private.

Sister Ying didn’t dare to say anything, so she agreed with a smile.

"I know, it's late at night, you should go back and have a rest. You have to go to the Yamen tomorrow."

Liang Jin said yes and went back.

 After Liang Jin left, Sister Yang, Brother Kang, and Brother Sen also came.

 Good guy, what's going on today? The whole family came to give her gifts.

Brother Kang came first, "Sister, I don't have anything good to give you, so I'll just give you a peace charm. Xianxian and I went to Longshan Temple to ask for it. It's said to be very effective. You can take it with you." "

Sister Ying hummed, took it and hung it on her body, "Thank you, second brother."

Sister Yang also gave her a gift, which was a box of small medicine bottles, filled with pills that could be used daily.

“Sister, here are pills for colds and fever, dizziness and vomiting, and some things you can take when your skin feels uncomfortable. You can use them all.”

"If you don't have enough medicine one day, just write to me and I will send it to you."

Sister Yang’s gift was considered very practical. Sister Ying thanked her with a smile.

“Yes, yes, your progress is getting better and better, but are you sure it’s okay to take these medicines?”

Sister Yang is becoming more and more proficient in dispensing medicine, but occasionally there will be some mistakes. Last time I took her whitening pills, I had diarrhea.

Sister Yang coughed and explained, "Don't all doctors start out as apprentices? I didn't get the dosage of those medicines before. I have tried them several times. If there is no problem, you can use them without worry. ”

Sister Ying knew that she was kind-hearted, so she accepted it, "Okay, I will see to it and use it."

 Next is Seng Geer.

It’s a pity that this awkward younger brother stayed there and refused to come over. Sister Ying could only take the initiative to ask him, “Fourth brother, where is your gift?”

 Brother Sen made a sound, took out a silver bell from his sleeve, and handed it over silently.

Seeing this stuffy look, Sister Ying couldn't help but laugh or cry. She took the bell from his hand and asked, "Did you ring this yourself?"

 Sen Ge'er hummed, "You can put medicinal powder in it."

 This is what the old man taught him, saying that it is essential to be on guard against others and to bring something for self-defense when going out.

For example, medicinal powder can be placed in a special bell, which can be used to save oneself, or to give medicine to others.

 (End of this chapter)

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