Chapter 342, Little Tofu Xishi

Sister Ying was quite surprised when she heard Brother Sen's description.

 “These are all taught to you by the ancients.”

She checked the opening of the bell and found that there was indeed a small secret mechanism. By pressing it, the bell could be opened, and powder or a small pill could indeed be placed inside.

 So, Brother Sen is actually not stupid at all. He is smart, but he is boring.

Sister Ying smiled and asked him, "When did you give your sister the shot? Last year or this year?"

 Kang Geer was teased by her, his face turned red, he snorted and went out, refusing to answer.

Sister Ying laughed for a long time because of his red-faced look that could not be teased.

  "It's true that Brother Seng can't even say a word of sensationalism, so who cares?"

 The children at home are very emotional and easily moved.

  But Brother Sen is not good at it. If you try to flirt with him, he will leave immediately, as if he will feel uncomfortable all over after hearing even a sensational word. It makes people laugh and cry.

However, Seng Geer's temperament is really awkward.

For example, now, although he went out, he did not go far. Instead, he went up to the roof and listened to what was going on below.

Sister Ying, Brother Kang and Sister Yang looked at the roof and looked at each other, knowing that Brother Sen must not have left.

The three siblings couldn't laugh or cry, so they covered their mouths and laughed.

Sister Yang said, "Brother Sen is so awkward. He obviously wants to stay and talk to my eldest sister, but he can't listen to the sensational words, so he can only go to the roof. It's so funny."

"I don't know how he will find a wife in the future. He can't just run away just because he likes him."

Kang Geer laughed loudly after hearing this, "This may be true."

With a coquettish and awkward temperament like Brother Sen, if a girl confessed to him, he might run away immediately.

Sister Yang gloated, "Haha, that would be so fun."

 She really wanted to see that famous scene.

 Sister Yang and Brother Kang think about it too.

Sister Ying gossiped, "If there is such a famous scene, remember to write to me and tell me. I want to know too."

She loves to watch this kind of excitement the most. It’s fun to think about it.

Sister Yang was also very happy, "Okay, if a girl confesses her love to Brother Sen, I will definitely tell you as soon as possible. I just don't know if any girl likes his style, hahaha."

Sister Ying couldn't stop laughing, and complained like a real sister, "Not to mention, Brother Sen is awkward, but his face is still noticeable. There will always be little girls who will be deceived by his face."

I just don’t know if the girls can hold on. If they are beaten away by Brother Seng from the beginning, there will be no consequences.

 Only those who can persist in pursuing him will have a chance.

Sister Yang smiled and said, "I think the little Xishi from the Tofu family is quite slimy. That girl is not very old, and she likes good-looking little brothers every day. Every time she sees Brother Sen passing by the Tofu shop, the little girl looks like Brother Sen. Brother Sen’s shouting makes Brother Sen feel disgusted. He will never walk that tofu shop again, hahaha.”

Sister Ying also knew about this and couldn't stop laughing.

“Little Xishi is still young, and she is at the age where she loves to play, so it’s normal for Brother Seng to bother her.

The little girl from the tofu shop is quite famous on the street in front, just because that little girl has cute snowballs, her skin is as white as tofu, her eyes are big and round, and she is so juicy that she looks like a tofu elf. , so everyone calls her Tofu Xiaoxishi.

 Because the proprietress of the tofu shop is a great beauty, so naturally her daughter is not bad either.

Since ancient times, beauties have been born in the south of the Yangtze River. If you catch a random **** the streets of the south of the Yangtze River, she will be pretty and charming.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            But there are still many beautiful and beautiful women.

That little Xishi was already very beautiful when she was only six years old. There are many people who want to marry her to a baby.

But don’t think that someone is ignorant just because they are young.

That little girl is very quirky. She doesn't like any of the dolls her mother wants to order for her.

What else can I say? In the future, if my husband is to have a rich and handsome little brother, it would be best for him to have someone who is good at both civil and military affairs and can do housework. I wish he could have someone who can take care of children, but it will make the others laugh to death.

Everyone said that she was a brat, and she set such high standards before she was seven years old. She was worried that she would not be able to get married in the future.

 But the little Xi Tzu must be found according to the most perfect standards, and no one can say it.

They have many sons, and she is the only daughter. Naturally, it hurts her so much that they won’t give her a baby to kiss. She will choose one she likes in the future.

 The reason why the little girl fell in love with Brother Seng was mainly because she was attracted by Brother Seng's aura of not liking her.

 Some girls are like this.

 The less you like her, the more she likes you, as if conquering you is her pleasure.

 Sen Geer was first asked by Mrs. Wu to go to the tofu shop to buy tofu.

After he arrived at the tofu shop, he asked the boss for three pieces of tofu, but the boss said that there was no more and told him to wait for a while, and the freshly made tofu would be delivered shortly.

 Sen Geer hummed and stood aside to wait.

As soon as the six-year-old Xishi saw him coming in, he immediately walked over to take a look out of curiosity.

 As soon as she looked up, she saw an expressionless little brother who was quite good-looking.

 Children always like older children inexplicably, so little Xishi also walked over and talked to Brother Seng.

 “Brother? Are you here to buy tofu?”

After hearing this, Brother Sen gave a polite hum and said nothing more. He even took two steps back and stayed away from her.

Little Xishi was surprised for the first time when she saw him retreating.

 Because in the past, when other people saw her, they would take the initiative to pinch her little face without her having to say anything.

Unexpectedly, today this little brother would not only not pinch his face, but also treat him coldly.

So she curiously took a step forward and asked Brother Sen, "Brother, what's your name? My name is Tianbao~" she said in a milky voice.

Brother Sen saw her looking at him with her big eyes, and he simply said "oh" and moved to the side, obviously not wanting to play with the little kid.

Unexpectedly, Tianbao didn't even look at him, and looked like he didn't want to see her. He immediately chased her angrily, "Brother, why don't you look at me?" He kept backing away.

She is obviously very cute and everyone likes her. Why doesn’t this little brother with the sword on his back like her?

 She didn't understand, so she pressed on Brother Seng step by step.

“Little brother, which family are you from? Can I go play with you next time?”

Brother Sen lowered his head and glanced at the little thing that was chasing after him. Why was this little thing so noisy?

He continued to retreat in disgust, he really didn't want to talk to her, and after a while the little fat ball started crying. The parents thought he was bullying the children, so they continued to retreat, not wanting to have contact with Tianbao.

Seeing him retreating again and again, Tianbao angrily chased after him, "Don't move. If you move again, I'll get angry."

 (End of this chapter)

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