Chapter 343, Little Sweet Baby

 Sen Ge'er lowered his head and saw that her puffy cheeks looked like a little frog, a chubby little frog, and he immediately became happy.

 He twitched the corners of his mouth, but quickly stopped, and backed away again with an expressionless expression.

Seeing him hiding from her, Tianbao thought he was playing hide-and-seek with her. She lost her anger instantly and chased after him with a smile.

 “Hahaha, I caught you.”

 After saying that, the little chubby hand grabbed Seng Geer's sleeve tightly to prevent him from running away.

 Sen Geer clicked his tongue, hesitating whether to pull his sleeves back?

The tofu hasn't come out yet. If he pulls his sleeves back later, this little chubby girl will probably cry.

When she cried, she called the shopkeeper and he had to explain that it was really troublesome, so he suppressed his displeasure and thought that when the tofu was ready, he would go over and get the tofu, and then throw the little fat man away.

But in Tianbao's eyes, he thought that he had finally conquered this expressionless little brother with his cute temperament. He immediately hugged Brother Sen's thigh happily and raised his little head, "Haha, brother wants to eat fried food." Tofu? Our fried tofu is delicious.”

After saying that, he took the initiative to run to the store and took out two pieces of fried tofu. He held the fried tofu in his fleshy little hands and raised it in front of Brother Seng.

 “Brother, eat it, this is delicious.”

 After saying that, he looked at Brother Seng with bright eyes, expecting him to eat it.

Brother Sen glanced at her oily hands and refused without thinking. "I do not want."

 After saying that, he turned his head ruthlessly.

His aloof attitude is something everyone is used to at home, but in front of thousands of sweet babies who love him, it really hurts him a lot.

Normally no one has ever rejected her, she always rejects others, but this time she was confused.

The little fat man held the fried tofu in his hand and didn't know how to end it for a moment.

 In the end, she burst into tears just because she wanted to save face.

 “Wow!! Brother is bullying!”

Her voice was loud, and as soon as she started crying, the landlady immediately came out to see, "What's wrong? What's wrong? Why are you crying?"

Little Tianbao ran over holding fried tofu, threw herself into her mother's arms, and burst into tears.

 “My brother is a bad guy, he won’t eat my fried tofu, wow!”

 Sen Ge'er had never seen such a crying little kid. He frowned and was afraid of being scolded by the boss's wife, so he had to turn around and run away.

 “Hey, don’t run away, I haven’t gotten the tofu yet.”

 But Seng Geer has run far away.

When he got home, Mrs. Wu saw him coming in empty-handed and asked curiously, "Where's the tofu I asked you to buy? I'm going to make your favorite Mapo tofu tonight. I can't make it without tofu."

Once Sen Geer heard that he was going to make his favorite Mapo Tofu, he had no choice but to go back again.

Fortunately, the tofu was still there. He looked inside with wide eyes and saw that the little kid was gone. Then he quickly walked in, took the tofu, put down the money, and ran away in a hurry.

Little Tianbao happened to be comforted inside. He heard some noise and ran out to take a look. Sure enough, he saw a corner of Brother Seng's clothes.

She really doesn’t understand why her little brother doesn’t like her.

 So she asked her mother, "Mom, why didn't that brother like me just now?"

 Obviously everyone likes her.

The landlady couldn't help but laugh at her narcissistic temperament, "You're not a heartthrob, how can everyone like you? Stop trying to imitate your father's stinky behavior."

"Some people like you, and some people don't like you. There's nothing to cry about. Wipe your tears and go back to the courtyard to study."

Little Tianbao said oh, wiped his tears, finished the fried tofu, and then went back.

 But she was still unwilling to do so. She felt that she was kind enough to feed Brother Seng fried tofu, but he didn't appreciate it. Hmph, next time she will definitely catch that stinky brother and let him try their fried tofu. Then he will know that she is kind-hearted to give him such good fried tofu. See if he is ashamed, huh.

 So the beam was formed like this.

So much so that every time Brother Sen was out of school, Xiao Tianbao would go to the roadside to guard him, so as to prevent him from escaping, and would drag him into the store to eat fried tofu at any cost.

 Seng Ge'er doesn't like to talk, but he likes food quite a lot.

Wu once bought fried tofu from Xiao Tianbao's house. He tasted a few pieces and the more he chewed, the more delicious it became, and he fell in love with fried tofu.

 Because I have a good impression of fried tofu and Mapo tofu, I don’t dislike this little sweet baby so much.

Just because he doesn’t hate it doesn’t mean that he is willing to play with that little kid Tianbao.

 Children naturally like to play with older children, but older children naturally hate playing with younger children.

Especially a half-grown brat like Kang Geer, who only wants to play with strong men. He keeps a distance from brats.

It happens that he likes to eat Mapo tofu with rice the most. He can’t help but go to Xiao Tianbao’s house to buy it because their tofu is the best in the whole street.

 It won’t have the same taste if you go to other places.

 So every time Brother Sen wants to eat Mapo Tofu with rice, he can only go to Xiao Tianbao’s house.

Because of this opportunity, Little Sweet Baby knew his home address, and he would run over to his house to play with him from time to time, which gave him a headache.

Little Tianbao grew up on the street and is very familiar with this area.

She talked to Brother Sen several times, but he ignored him. In the end, she simply followed him back to the Liang family. Brother Sen couldn't drive her back even if he wanted to. In the end, he had to reluctantly give her a gift. go back.

   This time, Brother Sen was almost bored to death, but Little Sweet Baby was extremely happy.

I thought this kind of escorting home game was fun, so I started to come to find Brother Seng through familiar routes.

She was also smart. Knowing that Brother Sen was not at home during the day, she came over and asked Mrs. Wu, "Auntie, when will Brother Sen come back?"

Mr. Wu smiled and said, "He will be back for lunch at noon. In the afternoon, he will practice sword practice in the back alley. Come back when he has lunch, and then you will have lunch together."

Little Tianbao was very happy after hearing this and immediately came over.

 Brother Sen came home at noon, and when he was about to relax, he heard a voice, "Brother! You're fat!" He suddenly felt dizzy.

He frowned and glanced at the chubby little sweet baby wearing it, with a speechless face, "Why are you here again?"

This little brat is just sitting around with nothing to do, clinging to him all day long. He still wanted to have a good meal, but he really didn't want to listen to this little kid's noise.

But Xiao Tianbao didn't understand the impatience in his words and watched him eat innocently.

“Brother, I’ll eat with you too. My mother made hairy tofu today. It’s delicious when fried. Do you want to try it?”

 “Hairy tofu?” This was the first time Brother Sen heard about hairy tofu. He lowered his head and asked, “This?” This thing actually has hair?

 This was the first time he saw hair on tofu.

Xiao Tianbao smiled and said, "This is called hairy tofu. It's delicious. It's deep-fried and added with some chili powder. It's super fragrant. Do you want to try it?"

 Sen Ge'er had the chance to eat fried stinky tofu once and it was quite delicious, so he wanted to try it.

So he glanced at Wu, meaning I want to eat.

Mrs. Wu knew what he meant, so she fried the tofu.

 “Okay, you just wait, I’ll blow it up for you.”

 (End of this chapter)

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