Chapter 344, Hairy Tofu

 Wu went to fry the edamame tofu, and after a while the aroma filled the room, especially when adding chili noodles, the smell was really amazing.

 Seng Geer's appetite was whetted by the smell, so he got up and went to the kitchen to take a look.

Little Tianbao also followed him with tears streaming down his face.

Mrs. Wu turned around and saw the two of them standing aside, knowing that they were greedy, so she smiled and said, "It will be ready soon, I will serve it for you."

Brother Sen was waiting aside, and Mrs. Wu fried two plates for them, and also got dry plates for them to eat with dipping.

 “Okay, let’s take it and eat it.”

 Sen Geer hummed, took the fried tofu to the main room, and put it on the table to eat.

Little Tianbao followed suit.

 Sen Ge'er was protecting the food. He looked at two plates of fried tofu, which totaled fifteen yuan, so he gave himself ten yuan and gave the remaining five yuan to Tianbao.

But after thinking about it, five pieces was still too much, so I picked up two more pieces with my chopsticks. In the end, there were only three pieces of deep-fried tofu left on the sweet treasure plate.

 Little sweet baby.

 “Brother Sen, why do I only have three yuan??”

 Obviously she is a child, so she wants to eat more.

 “I want to eat ten pieces!”

She looked at Brother Seng angrily, her big eyes filled with accusations.

Brother Sen frowned when he heard this, "Ten yuan?" Why would a child eat so much?

 Two yuan is enough.

 But Tianbao didn't listen, "I want ten yuan. I've finished eating! Give it to me."

 Having said that, it’s time to grab it.

As soon as Brother Sen saw that she was about to grab it with his hands, he immediately raised the plate to protect the food, ran out, and jumped to the roof, so that the little sweet baby could catch up, haha.

 He sat on the roof triumphantly, watching the little sweetie jumping up and down in anger.

 “Brother, the big bad guy!”

Brother Sen saw that she was getting fatter than a frog, and he was in a good mood. He opened his mouth and took one bite, then ate two pieces of fried tofu, which made Tianbao very angry.

"I want to eat too!"

 Seng Geer ignored him and continued to eat his own food proudly.

In the end, Tianbao burst into tears and ran home crying.

 Sen Ge'er sat on the roof, watching her fat figure running home. It wasn't until her mother came to pick her up that he turned away and continued eating with his head down.

Everyone in the family knew about this, and Sister Ying and her children also laughed for a long time.

But the little sweet baby is also fun. He obviously hates Brother Seng, but he keeps coming to play with him. No one can tell it.

  Every time I come here, I get angry and cry, and then I run home.

 The next time she healed her scar and forgot about the pain, she kept coming again. It was really annoying and funny.

But Mrs. Wu didn't take it to heart. There were children on both sides, and they just went to play.

 Another month has passed.

Jing Shirong has already taken a boat to the south of the Yangtze River.

As soon as he reached the shore, he hurriedly took the small road and rushed to Liang's house.

Just as I was about to enter the house, I felt that I was covered in dust and a little slovenly.

He wanted to go to Yipinzhai to freshen up, but he felt that this miserable look should make Sister Ying a little distressed, so he simply didn't go to freshen up and went in miserable.

So he walked through the main door and came in. The concierge was startled when he saw the dusty man coming back, "Aunt, uncle?"

"you are back?"

Jing Shirong hummed, "Is your eldest lady at home?"

 The porter responded, "If you are at home, please come in and talk."

Jing Shirong hummed and came in with messy hair.

 He went straight to the backyard and saw Sister Ying squatting on the ground combing the big fat cat.

The orange cat is a little thinner now, but it still looks round and furry and very happy.

  “Meow?”    Perhaps smelling a familiar smell, the fat cat meowed.

Sister Ying turned around and saw a pair of black men's boots on the ground.

 She looked up and saw that handsome face that she had not seen for a long time.

 “Brother Rong??”

 She stood up in surprise, threw away the fat cat, and ran over happily.

 “You are here~~”

She jumped onto Jing Shirong, who followed him with a smile.

 The two happily walked around in circles twice.

Sister Ying smiled happily, "Hahaha, long time no see, brother~~"

 Jing Shi Rong? He made a sound, stopped circling, and asked her, "Brother? Aren't we almost married? Why are we still brothers?"

Sister Ying smiled and said, "Slip of the tongue, slip of the tongue."

This is not boring recently. I read some picture books. The heroine in the book disguised herself as a man and went to the boys' academy. Then she got close to the hero, and the two became like brothers.

That storybook was quite beautiful. Sister Ying was so fascinated by it that she opened her mouth to read it.

And Jing Shirong did treat her as a brother or a brother and sister before, so it was quite easy to call her that way.

Jing Shirong frowned, not happy.

“Who is your brother and sister? We are husband and wife.”

Although I really didn’t understand my love for her before, but now I understand, it’s naturally impossible to be her brother and sister, don’t even think about it.

Seeing his angry look, Sister Ying smiled and tugged at the beard that grew on his face.

“Why did you come back so dirty again? Did you go on your way again?”

This man is very impatient. He works hard every time he comes back. He must have never rested all the way, which is why he is so dirty.

Jing Shirong took advantage of the situation and said, "The beard is fine, but the hand is a little cracked."

 After saying that, he stretched out his calloused hand to show her.

Sister Ying opened his palm and saw that it was covered with calluses and some cracks. It looked like he was injured while practicing swordsmanship, or was cracked by frost due to lack of protection in winter.

No matter what kind of situation, Sister Ying feels very distressed.

Peach-blossom eyes glared at him angrily, "I sent you some ointment, why don't you use it?"

She knew that it would be dry in the winter in the capital, so she sent him a large jar of lubricant specially to prevent chapping.

 But looking at his hands, it seemed that they were not properly lubricated, which made her really angry.

Jing Shirong saw that her little face was filled with anger and she lowered her head in a pitiful manner, "I'm busy training those brats every day, and I don't even have time to wipe it off."

 This batch of new soldiers/soldiers was personally assessed by the emperor, so their training was very intensive. They left early and came back late every day, leaving little time for anything else.

 As soon as he has free time, he basically closes his eyes and sleeps, and rests as soon as possible, otherwise he will be in low spirits, so he won't have time to take care of his skin.

Seeing how hard he was working in the military camp, Sister Ying sighed and took him to the room to talk.

 “Xiao Zi, prepare some hot water.”

“Wash your messy hair first. It’s dirty. There won’t be any bird **** on it, right?”

Jing Shirong hurriedly explained, "That's definitely not the case. I guarantee that."

Originally, he was going to take a boat down with the wedding team to be more safe.

But he was eager to return home, and finally when he docked, he didn’t want to take the boat anymore, so he hurried over on the small road.

Sister Ying was happy to see that he still had the same temperament, so she asked him to sit down while she stood combing his hair and washing it at the same time.

Jing Shirong was very obedient when she was being served by her. She would lie down as she was told, and she didn't say anything even when her hair hurt when she combed it. She also had a silly smile on her face.

Sister Ying saw him grinning in pain while smiling stupidly. He looked like a fool, not at all shrewd as usual.

"What are you laughing at?"

How did you spend your Saturday? (▽`)



 (End of this chapter)

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