Chapter 346, Smart Fox

Sister Ying opened the aqua blue drinking picture. This one is indeed pretty.

 In the painting, she and Sister Yang were having a drink together in the pavilion, their eyes were blurry with drunkenness.

Sister Ying thought he wanted this one, so she handed him the portrait and said, "No, this is for you."

 But Jing Shirong shook his head, "But this one of making dim sum is also pretty."

Sister Ying lowered her head and saw that the painting in his hand was indeed drawn by her when she was making snacks. The side face was charming and the nose was very curved.

 She asked, "So you want this one?"

Jing Shirong continued to shake his head, "I think this one of smelling flowers is also pretty."

Sister Ying.

She finally figured it out, "Do you want every co-author?"

Jing Shirong raised his eyebrows in a cunning manner, "Yeah, every one of them is so beautiful. It's hard for me to choose. Can you give them all to me?"

This was the first time he asked her for something, and it was difficult for Sister Ying to refuse.

But she also wanted to keep these portraits so that she could take them out and look at them when she gets old.

 If this guy takes it away, he may hide it somewhere.

Jing Shirong looked at her with an expression that said, "How can you look at me like this?"

"I'm not that kind of person. Why should I hide your paintings? I just put them in the study and take them out to look at occasionally."

 “If you don’t want to, forget it”

 Forget it, this sentence is very disappointing, very aggrieved, and very pitiful.

Sister Ying doesn’t even know who he learned how to act like a coquettish girl. She knows how to act like a coquettish girl, and she has no tricks at all.

"Okay, okay, I'll give it to you, take it."

  I was really defeated by him.

 It’s just a box of portraits. Is it worth pretending to be pitiful?

Seeing that she agreed, Jing Shirong immediately put the paintings back into the box and locked them with a copper lock. The key hung around his neck.

Sister Ying.

 “You really don’t see anyone outside.”

  Grabbing the keys in front of her.

Jing Shirong raised the corners of his yuppie lips, "What's the matter with seeing my wife outside? What's yours is mine, and what's mine is yours. We're all part of the same family, so don't worry about it."

Sister Ying couldn't talk to him, so she rolled her eyes and didn't bother to pay attention to him.

 The two of them had dinner together and then went to the painter's place to paint.

 In the evening, the whole family had dinner together, and then the wedding team came one after another.

There were not many people here this time, only twenty, but all of them were masters.

These people were trained by Jing Shirong himself, and the emperor did not know about it, so they could only appear as ordinary servants when they went out. Naturally, they could not walk on the roof if they had nothing to do, so they could only walk here normally.

 After everyone in the group arrived, Mr. Wu arranged a place for them and asked them to have a meal.

Jing Shirong asked them to identify him, "The Liang family will also be the ones you have to protect from now on."

 Then he introduced Sister Ying to them, "This is your future young lady, do you remember it all?"

 All the experts nodded in unison, "Remember."

Mrs. Liang smiled and said, "Hahaha, just remember it. Then you go eat first. The big pot rice in the evening is very fragrant. It is full of fragrant barbecue. Go and eat it."

Everyone went to eat, and the courtyard became lively.

 Sister Yang and Brother Sen came back in the evening and saw Jing Shirong at home, and said happily, "Brother-in-law is here?"

Jing Shirong hummed, and like a peacock who loves beauty, he stretched out his hand to touch the braids that Sister Ying made for him, and stretched out the clothes that Sister Ying made for him, as if to show off something.

Kang Geer and others looked at each other and secretly thought that my brother-in-law was too boring.

 I want to show off every piece of clothing.

But Kang Geer and the others were still very supportive, and they immediately complimented her against their will, "Ah, aren't these clothes made by my eldest sister? It turns out they are made for my brother-in-law. It's such an enviable feeling."

These words were spoken as if they were reciting a text, but Jing Shirong listened very usefully. He raised his chin and motioned for them to say more. Brother Kang was really convinced by him, and his eyes adjusted to Sister Yang's.

Sister Yang was speechless, but she also praised her with enthusiasm, "The relationship between brother-in-law and sister is really good. Love is stronger than gold."

 After saying that, the next one is Seng Geer.

   Brother Sen was at a loss for words. After thinking for a long time, he just said in frustration, "It's okay." Then he ran away.


 Brother Kang and Sister Yang were both amused.

Even Sister Ying couldn't laugh or cry, so she pulled Jing Shirong's ear in.

  "You are so bad, why don't you feel ashamed if you force a child to praise you?"

Jing Shirong shook his head and said with a very thick skin, "Being shy can't make people feel happy, so I choose to throw it away."

Sister Ying. "Then you live a very clear life."

 I also know that shyness makes people unhappy, "Did you learn these words from Murong Yun again?"

Jing Shirong shook his head seriously, "No. This is what my grandpa taught me."

Businessmen, how can you save face, let alone be ashamed, and you can’t travel all over the country to discuss business with others.

Otherwise you will be embarrassed if you are rejected once, and the business will definitely not go forward.

 So when you go out, you have to be thick-skinned.

Sister Ying was angry and funny, "You are no longer ordinary thick-skinned, you are super thick-skinned."

Jing Shirong shrugged nonchalantly, "Then you can give me a knife to sharpen it?" I'm afraid you will feel distressed then.

Sister Ying found that his language ability is also very strong, and you can't even reply with every sentence.

“Do you usually talk to people like this?”

 If someone is angry, he will be **** to death.

Jing Shirong thought of some ministers who didn't like him, and it seemed that he was often angry to death.

Even the emperor was choked by him from time to time and couldn't speak for a long time. He wanted to refute, but couldn't find a point. The angry emperor waved his hand and told him to get out with Qi Yuanming.

Sister Ying covered her mouth and laughed when she heard this, "I praised you for being rigorous in your work before, but I didn't expect you to be so irritating. Be careful of Long Yan getting angry."

 Accompanying a king is like accompanying a tiger, yet he dares to be so irritating.

Jing Shirong shrugged and said it was okay, "I know what's appropriate."

He is not a rigid person who can adapt without understanding. On the contrary, he is so smart that he knows when to be flexible and when to be irritating. This is what makes people mad the most.

 If he wants to trouble you, he will really **** you off in a minute.

 Fortunately, he is quite tolerant and usually does not easily anger people. He will only say something like that when he doesn't like people. Otherwise, he is usually very well-behaved.

Sister Ying glanced at him and said, "I think you have a misunderstanding about Weiguai."

 A good child is a well-behaved child, not a child who is pretending to be well-behaved for a purpose.

 “You are obviously a wolf in sheep’s clothing.”

Jing Shirong raised his eyebrows and came closer, "Then you like me pretending?"

He was too close, and the heat on his face blew over, making Sister Ying shudder. She pushed him away with her little hands, "What are you doing? These are all human beings. Please pay attention to your image."

This is not a house, so it is not good for people to see it.

Jing Shirong raised his eyebrows, "Oh? Not outside the house, but inside the house?"

Sister Ying, “Not even in the house!”

Jing Shirong’s handsome face tightened, and he pouted, a little aggrieved, “This doesn’t work, that doesn’t work. Do you really want to be my brother and sister?”

The two of them regarded each other as brothers and sisters from the beginning, and they were very well-behaved. They couldn't even breathe hot air.

Sister Ying.

 (End of this chapter)

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