The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 347: , the woman whom I liked when I was young

 Chapter 347, the woman he likes when he is young

 “Go, go, go, eat your food.”

Sister Ying saw his shameless look and knew that she was still too naive.

In the past, the two of them only regarded each other as brother and sister, and there was no relationship between men and women at all, so they didn't have so much fun.

Now the relationship between the two is sweet, and Jing Shirong is much more open-minded than before. He dares to say anything and is really very flirtatious.

 Speaking of flirting, Sister Ying suddenly remembered, "Before me, you never liked other young ladies, right?"

Jing Shirong snorted.

 “Why do you ask this suddenly?”

Sister Ying saw that he didn't answer immediately, and she immediately became jealous.

"What do you mean? Is it possible that you have liked other girls besides me?"

Jing Shirong coughed and pretended to be hungry, "Let's eat first and we'll talk later."

 It would have been fine if he had answered immediately, but this vague attitude instantly made Sister Ying unhappy.

 “What do you mean? Is it true?”

 Although it is normal for people to have their first love, as a bride-to-be, she will still be particularly angry when she hears that her husband has liked another woman before.

This kind of emotion comes quickly and is not rational.

So Sister Ying stopped talking to him, turned away, ate her own food, and didn't want to talk to him anymore.

Jing Shirong looked back and saw how angry she was, and wanted to explain, but since everyone was here, he was afraid that he couldn't explain clearly, so he thought about going back to tell her at night.

 But after dinner, Sister Ying rolled her eyes at him and went back to her room directly.

Jing Shirong hurriedly chased after him, but he slammed the door shut, making him feel miserable.

 “Sister Ying?”

 He knocked on the door, but no one answered.

Jing Shirong had no choice but to go through the window. But the window is also locked, so you can't get in at all.

 “Sister Ying??”

Jing Shirong looked at the locked window and felt as if he had gotten into trouble.

“Sister Ying? Open the window and let me explain to you.”

Sister Ying didn't listen. She felt jealous for the first time and just didn't want to talk to him.

Jing Shirong waited for a long time, but didn't get a response from her.

All I can say is, "Open the window first and let me explain to you in detail."

Sister Ying was jealous for a while and wanted to hear his explanation, so she opened the window and turned her head away with a groan.

Jing Shirong saw the window open and jumped in quickly, fearing that she would regret it.

 He walked in, scratched his head, thought about it, and explained, "Things are not what you think."

Sister Ying crossed her arms like a little tigress, "What is that? Please tell me clearly."

Jing Shirong frowned in distress, "How should I say this?"

 To sum up, he doesn't like other women. But I barely like it.

  Well, how should I put it? He was young and ignorant, and he couldn't tell what kind of emotion he felt towards the woman, so he didn't know how to speak.

Seeing the way he recalled the past, Sister Ying suddenly felt sour and jealous, "If you don't want to say anything, just go out. I'm going to sleep."

Jing Shirong hurriedly coaxed, "I'll tell you, I'll tell you. Listen to me and I'll tell you slowly."

"The thing is like this. In fact, when I was training in the military camp, I happened to meet Princess Hengyang of the dynasty."

 Princess Hengyang was still born to the late empress, and was of the same mother as the current crown prince.

Princess Hengyang is strong, capable of literary and military skills, and has even killed enemies on the battlefield. She is considered a female warrior by many people.

Jing Shirong was sent to the military camp for training when he was still young.

 Young men who are still young always admire the strong.

Princess Hengyang, Dajing Shirong was nine years old. Jing Shirong admired her for her demeanor, means, and resourcefulness. He was personally trained by Princess Hengyang. After seeing Princess Hengyang's abilities and methods, he admired him even more.

 The fifteen-year-old boy had an idol for the first time, a heroine, whom Jing Shirong admired for many years.

 Now that I think about it, I still admire her.

After hearing this, Sister Ying asked, "Huh?" "So, when you were fifteen, you fell in love with Princess Hengyang?"

This shouldn’t be considered liking, right? It should be called worship.

However, there is also affection in worship, but it is different from the love between men and women.

Thinking about it this way, Sister Ying felt relieved.

“I didn’t expect that the imperial court would have such a beautiful princess. I would like to meet her if I have the chance.”

 She also likes strong people, especially strong women, who make people admire her just by looking at them.

Jing Shirong nodded, "She is indeed excellent."

 Because the late queen fell, she and the prince's two siblings were left with no one to rely on.

If she is not strong, whether the prince can live safely until he is weak is a big problem, so she must be strong.

For the sake of the prince, Princess Hengyang put on her military uniform and went to the outside of the Great Wall.

 She wanted to earn a group of powerful forces for the prince so that he could successfully ascend to the throne in the future.

 Otherwise there were so many princes vying for the throne, and the prince would have no power and power, and there would be no way to climb up.

But these are royal matters, and Jing Shirong doesn’t want to get involved.

Sister Ying nodded, "As long as you can protect yourself wisely."

 Emperors have been troubled since ancient times. Just let your brothers fight to the death for the throne, let alone other things.

They are just ordinary people, working as small officials and living a small life.

Jing Shirong saw how unambitious she was, so he petted her head lovingly.

"I know you like a peaceful life. Wait for me to work for a few more years. Then our whole family will move here and let you live a free life, okay?"

 Sister Ying was certainly touched that he had such a heart.

Hang your hands around his neck and cling to him, "Okay, I'm looking forward to that day too."

 She does not have the high IQ of the heroine in the novel, nor the frustrations of the heroine in the torture novel. Among the heroines in the novel, she is the most ordinary and ordinary one.

 But ordinary people have their own ways of living, and Sister Ying still likes this kind of peaceful and warm life.

Jing Shirong also liked this kind of warm and ordinary life. She rubbed her head and planned in her mind how to escape in the future.

 The prince’s wings are not yet full, and the emperor’s ambition is still very great. It is impossible for him to escape at present, and he can only continue to work hard for the emperor.

As for the future, let’s look at the timing first, and then we’ll see what happens as we go.

 After a while, Mrs. Wu came to call for someone.

 Let Jing Shirong go out to discuss the matter of welcoming the bride.

Jing Shirong hummed, followed, and sat down to discuss matters concerning the wedding with Mrs. Wu and Liang Jin.

Mrs. Wu said, "You have brought a total of twenty people here this time. Is the boat enough?"

Those two big ships almost bought large items. In addition to the 20 people brought by Jing Shirong and the number of people brought by Sister Ying's dowry, there were also 20 people.

So many people put together that the ship would not be able to carry them.

Jing Shirong reassured her, "I have brought a big boat here, which can put all the things and people together. Then we will go to another big river, so don't worry."

 He had planned everything before coming, and people had already been prepared for this meeting.

Mrs. Wu was relieved to see that he had thought so carefully.

"The ship is still a long way from the streets of the capital when it docks. Have you prepared the carriages for this distance?"

 (End of this chapter)

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