Chapter 348, Getting married soon

Jing Shirong hummed, "Everything is ready."

“When the ship docks, Qi Yuanming will come with the wedding team to carry the dowry. These have been prepared in advance, don’t worry.”

Seeing that he had taken care of everything, Mr. Wu really had nothing to worry about.

 As for his marriage leave, she still asked.

 “As a newlywed, do you have a few days off?”

You can't go to the military camp just after getting married and let the bride stay alone in the empty room.

Jing Shirong frowned, "It's hard to talk about this. If I go to the military camp, I will go home to eat every day."

Or you can buy a small yard near the military camp and let Sister Ying live there, so that he can go back to see her every day.

 Otherwise, the military camp was still far away from his home, and he would have no time to get together as he was rushing around every day.

  Wu nodded, feeling that this idea was not a bad idea.

 After explaining these things, she explained others.

Mrs. Wu sighed and said seriously, "Sister Ying has never been away from us since she was a child. This time she is suddenly so far away from home. If she quarrels with you or gets angry in the future, just think that she is missing us." Please be more tolerant and tolerant of her.”

Liang Jin didn't like hearing this.

It seemed that he had imagined a scene in his mind where Jing Shirong would bully Sister Ying and make Sister Ying cry. He suddenly became angry and glared at Jing Shirong.

“If you kid makes my daughter cry in the future, I will go to your house and beat you!”

 If things don’t work out, I’ll take my daughter back and won’t let her stay any longer!

These words shocked even Mrs. Wu.

"Tsk, tell me, we are discussing, why did you suddenly lose your temper?"

 But Liang Jin was very disappointed and aggrieved.

“I blame you for what I promised him. The capital is so far away, so I might as well marry next door.”

"If she is wronged in the future, I wonder if it will be uncomfortable for you."

 After saying that, he turned around angrily, not wanting to see them.

Mrs. Wu was laughed at what he said. She didn't know whether to laugh or cry. She quickly advised him, "Okay, okay, don't be sad. It's a good thing for your daughter to get married. Don't do this. There are so many bad things. Look at what you are doing." "

“It’s not like I’ll never come back. It’s very close now by water. Next time they have a chance, they’ll come back to see you.”

Liang Jin snorted, still sad, "You said it lightly. How can you be so free when you are someone's daughter-in-law? If she has a child in the future, how can she get away if you ask her to take care of the child alone."

Mrs. Wu knew that he was reluctant to part with his daughter, so she sighed, not getting angry with him, and coaxed him, "Why don't we let her get married? Anyway, the wedding is only two days away. It's still too late for you to regret it now."

Liang Jin choked, "Me."

 He just said it casually, he didn't really want Sister Ying not to get married.

 After all, this marriage is quite good.

Brother Jing and his wife are trustworthy in their character. In addition, Jing Shirong, who is both civil and military, is quite good to Sister Ying.

There was nothing wrong with this marriage except the distance. Liang Jin was quite satisfied, so he stopped talking, fearing that he would be embarrassed if he said the wrong thing later.

Mr. Wu had been married to him for many years, so how could he not understand him? She knew that he only talked harshly, so she ignored him.

She asked Jing Shirong, "Okay, you go back and rest first, and tomorrow you can ask the servants to come over and help with the decoration. The bride will go out the day after tomorrow."

Jing Shirong hummed, "Okay."

 Wait until the next day.

The Liang family’s yard began to be decorated with lanterns and colorful decorations, and the decoration was joyful. It looked like a happy event was being held.

The neighbors nearby had received wedding candies and had known for a long time that their daughter was getting married, so they all came over to help.

In the evening, the helpers ate together in the yard, chatting and laughing in a lively manner.

 In the past, some neighbors thought that Sister Ying was marrying a young businessman.

  Unexpectedly, the person she married was the son of a high official. Although they didn't know what rank Jing's father was, as long as he was the son of an official, he was a good match for Sister Ying.

So everyone stopped gossiping.

 On the third day.

 It is a good day for the bride to go out.

Neighbors came over to help one after another. Sister Wu and Liang Ping's family also came early to add makeup to Sister Ying.

When the sky was still gray, Sister Ying was pulled up to comb her hair.

The bride's hairstyle was relatively complicated, and with the makeup, it took a long time to change into a phoenix crown and harem. She was so sleepy that she couldn't open her eyes, so she was pulled up.

Mrs. Wu went to work at the front, where Mrs. Liang and Second Sister Wu were watching.

Old Mrs. Liang pulled Sister Ying out of the quilt and pinched her little face lovingly.

“Mrs. Jing, it’s time for you to get up.”

Sister Ying was half asleep and couldn't help but laugh when she heard her calling her Mrs. Jing.

 “Grandma? Are you sleepy~”

 Of course Mrs. Liang knew she was sleepy.

“You get up first, comb your hair and change clothes, and then go back to sleep after you get on the sedan chair.”

Sister Ying hummed, but still couldn't open her eyes, so she simply closed her eyes and let the hairdresser comb her hair.

 After combing your hair, you have to put on red bridal clothes one after another.

 Luckily she is slim, otherwise after wearing four or five pieces, she would have become as fat as a pig.

I have to say that this set of phoenix crown harem not only looks exquisite, but the effect is really amazing when worn on Sister Ying.

Especially the phoenix crown full of jewels, paired with the red custom-made bridal dress, it looks very noble at first glance.

The originally charming beauty is even more stunning now, with a hint of domineering ladylikeness in her beauty.

Mrs. Liang couldn't help but praise, "In this outfit, I really feel like a lady from a rich family. You really get what you pay for. There is something amazing about advanced customization."

Sister Ying opened her eyes and looked in the mirror. She saw the beautifully crafted red phoenix crown, which was indeed very noble. It was a unique bridal outfit for wealthy families.

 With a complete set of phoenix crowns, the whole feeling is indeed very different.

After the hairstyle was done, Mrs. Liang came over to give her the last three combs and said, "If you comb your hair all the way, you will have more children and a longer life."

  “Two combs are combed to the end, and the eyebrows are straightened when the case is raised.”

“Three combs have a head and a tail, and they will be rich and noble together in this life.”

As she combed her hair, Mrs. Liang's eyes turned red.

Sister Ying was still sleepy. When she heard her groaning, she immediately looked up.


Mrs. Liang sniffed and said, "It's okay, I just have a runny nose, I'm not crying."

 She said she was not crying, but tears were streaming down from the corners of her eyes.

Sister Ying felt distressed when she saw it, and quickly turned around to wipe her tears, "Grandma, don't cry. If you cry, I want to cry too."

 Her eyes turned red, she sniffed, and hugged Mrs. Liang reluctantly.

Mrs. Liang saw that her eyes were red, her mouth was holding back, and she looked like she was about to speak out, so she pinched her face to calm her down.

“Okay, okay, don’t cry. Grandma is joking with you. Don’t cry yet. She will have to put on makeup later.”

Sister Ying sniffed, buried her head in Mrs. Liang's arms, and said coquettishly, "I don't want to paint anymore. The carmine red one looks like a monkey's butt. I don't want to be a monkey-butt bride."

Mrs. Liang couldn't laugh or cry when she heard this. She stretched out her hand and pinched her cheek, "Then you paint it yourself? I think your makeup skills are much better than others, so you'd better paint it yourself." Otherwise, the two big girls will look like monkey butts. The blush is on her cheeks, it looks funny.

 (End of this chapter)

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