Chapter 349, The bride goes out

Sister Ying laughed when she described it like this.


Hateful, actually calling her a monkey butt.

Mrs. Liang wiped the tears on her face and smiled.

“Okay, okay, I won’t talk about you, just put on your makeup quickly, it’s almost dawn, I’ll get you something to eat.”

 Otherwise, when the groom’s official comes over later, it’s already dawn and it’s time to get hungry.

Sister Ying didn’t want to be a hungry bride, so she agreed and went to wash her face first, planning to have dinner before applying makeup.

 Old Mrs. Liang brought her a bowl of glutinous rice ball and egg soup and asked her to drink it while it was hot.

Sister Ying said while drinking, "Aren't there any meat buns? I want to eat meat buns."

She has a big appetite, and a bowl of glutinous rice **** will not fill her up.

 Old Mrs. Liang couldn't laugh or cry, so she conjured a meat bun from behind.

“Now, I know you’re not full, so take it and eat it, there’s still not enough.”

 She asked Xiao Zi to bring a bunch of snacks over and asked her to eat them with sweet soup.

Sister Ying was so moved that she raised her head and kissed Old Mrs. Liang, "I knew you were the best."

Mrs. Liang snorted and raised her chin proudly, "That's right, who can love children more than me? I am the grandmother who loves children the most."

These words made Liang Ping and Sister Wu who had just come in laugh for a long time.

“Mom, you are still so immodest.”

When Mrs. Liang saw them coming, she smiled and said, "You are here."

Liang Ping said yes and came over to add a box to Sister Ying.

She took a good book from her sleeve and gave it to Sister Ying, whispering in her ear, "Sister Ying, I asked someone to buy this book. It is said that it contains the art of charioteer, which can make men I don’t know if the secret to being obedient is true.”

“You are so smart, it should be useful after reading it, please keep it.”

Sister Ying was stunned. She didn’t expect that such a book existed nowadays.

But she didn’t refuse and asked Xiao Zi to put it in the box.

Second Sister Wu also came to add to the box. She brought many good things, enough for a box of jewelry.

“It is said that girls in the capital are very rich. Although we are not from a wealthy family, we can’t be too inferior in appearance.”

“When you arrive in the capital, you will represent the face of our family and the Jing family. You should pay more attention to your image and put some thought into your appearance.”

Sister Ying hummed, knowing that her second aunt was right, and nodded, "Okay, I understand."

Bai Ling'er and Chen Xiangxiang also gave her jewelry.

Even Mrs. Chen and Mrs. Wang, who were not liked in the past, gave her small gold earrings for the first time.

  Although it is small, at least it is what they want.

Sister Ying accepted it with a smile and waited until she finished eating before starting to apply makeup.

This time she will do the bridal makeup herself, and is going to have a peach blossom bridal makeup.

 She had bought makeup drawing tools in advance and tried painting several times. She was much more proficient at painting today.

Her eyebrows are already very delicate, and just adding a touch of pink eyeliner at the end of her eyes is very charming.

With a light blush on the cheeks and a little red on the lips, the bride’s beauty and shyness are brought out to the fullest.

Not only Mrs. Liang, but also Sister Yang and Mei Xianer who just came in were shocked.

“Sister, you look really good today.”

Mei Xian'er also said, "She is really beautiful. Sister Ying's appearance is comparable to that of a sunken fish and a geese closing in the moon, which is so enviable."

Sister Ying smiled and said, "No way, the bride is the most beautiful in the whole room, and she will also be the most beautiful on the day you get married."

 The neighbors outside the door also came in one after another to take a look.

They all complimented the bride on her beauty.

Jing Shirong got up early in the morning and dressed up. She still wore the exotic little prince braid that Sister Ying had combed on her head. She was clean shaven and the sloppy uncle turned into a white-faced boy again. He was in a very happy mood and put on the wedding clothes of the groom. The red groom's clothes made him very handsome.

Coupled with his deep-set eyebrows and thick black eyebrows, coupled with his little prairie pigtails, he looks quite handsome like a little prince from an exotic land.

He changed into his wedding clothes, brought red flowers, rode his horse in high spirits, led the wedding procession, and went up to Liang's house while beating gongs and drums.

The Liang family courtyard was full of people, all neighbors from the same street, as well as other officials and ladies.

Even the inn is closed for the day, and everyone comes here to celebrate.

As the sound of gongs and drums approached, a child shouted, "The groom is here~~"

Hearing this, Mrs. Wu hurried over to see if Sister Ying's makeup was done.

As soon as he entered the house, he saw his beautiful daughter sitting there, looking like a bride-to-be.

Mrs. Wu couldn't help but feel a sore nose when she looked at the phoenix crown on Sister Ying's head and the wedding dress on her body.

 “Are you all done?”

Just a simple sentence and my eyes turned red.

Sister Ying's eyes were red when she saw her mother, and her voice was choked with sobs.


Wu Shi sniffed and tried to hold back tears, but she couldn't help but shed tears.

“Okay, okay, when you grow up, you will go to your mother-in-law’s house. You must get along well with your mother-in-law and be more patient with your husband. If you have children in the future, you must set a good example for them. Do you understand?”

As he spoke, the tears fell even more fiercely.

Sister Ying also burst into tears, her tears falling straight down, "Okay, I understand."

 The mother and daughter finally couldn't help crying, and Sister Yang and Brother Kang couldn't help crying either.

Even Seng Geer, who usually has a paralyzed face, couldn't help but sniff, trying to be strong and not cry, but his eyes were still wet.

Liang Jin is even more exaggerated.

 Originally, there were only female relatives in the house, so there were no male elders coming in.

 Sister Ying was his first child, and she grew up pampered as if it hurt her eyes.

Seeing that she was about to get married, the old father could no longer suppress his sadness and came in to hug the mother and daughter and cry bitterly.

“My sister Ying, if you are wronged by your husband’s family in the future, even if you write a letter, my father will rush to the capital to make decisions for you. Don’t let others bully you.”

Sister Ying's makeup was stained from crying. She snuggled into her old father's arms and said with a choked voice, "I know, Dad."

 The family of three could not help but cry.

 Finally, it was Second Sister Wu who came out to persuade.

“Okay, okay, don’t cry. The groom has arrived and is at the door. Sister Ying quickly touched up her makeup, it’s all gone.”

Mrs. Wu then wiped her tears and pushed Liang Jin out.

 “You go out and greet the guests quickly, don’t miss the right time.”

 The ancients still paid great attention to auspicious times. When the bride went out, she was afraid that it would be bad if she was delayed for a quarter of an hour, so she naturally had to stick to the right time.

Liang Jin also knew that he could not miss the auspicious time, so he hurried out to arrange for the wedding team to carry things.

Although the big things have been moved to the boat, the small things are all in boxes and are about to be carried over today, so it looks a little livelier.

Jing Shirong was accompanied by an official media man that his mother had found for him from the capital, and he followed them all the way.

As soon as the matchmaker entered Liang's house, she greeted Mrs. Wu warmly.

 After a while, Mrs. Liang put a red hijab on Sister Ying herself, and the matchmaker came in.

Seeing that the auspicious time has come, the matchmaker shouted happily, "The auspicious time has come, the bride is going out~~"

 Then there were crackling firecrackers outside the door.

 (End of this chapter)

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