The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 350: , the matchmaker sent by the Queen

Chapter 350, The Matchmaker Sent by the Queen

Sister Ying was helped out by Sister Yang. As soon as she arrived at the yard, the matchmaker presided over the wedding and said, "The bride is going out to say goodbye to her parents. I wish them good health, wealth and longevity."

Jing Shirong came over and knelt down with her, and kowtowed to Liang Jin, Mrs. Wu, and Mrs. Liang.

 After bidding farewell, the bride praises the brazier.

The matchmaker shouted, "The auspicious time has come, the bride is stepping over the brazier and going out~"

In Lingxi Town, the bride is carried out by her elder brother and younger brother.

 Kang Geer knelt down and asked Sister Ying to get on his back.

Sister Ying climbed onto Brother Kang's back, feeling filled with emotion. She didn't expect that her little brother, who was just a naughty and mischievous boy back then, would actually grow so big.

Now he can play his part as a little boy.

 Kang Geer carried her out and turned around to tell her, "Sister, I will study hard in the future and strive to become the number one scholar. Then I can be your protective shield."

 He has this intention, and Sister Ying is naturally moved.

 “Okay then keep working hard.”

Once out of the gate, the groom’s official took over.

Jing Shirong was very excited when he got up early in the morning. When he saw his sweetheart standing in front of him in a red phoenix crown and harem, he felt extremely excited.

At this moment, his heart was beating very fast.

Kang Geer handed Sister Ying into Jing Shirong's hands and told him, "Take good care of my sister."

Jing Shirong nodded solemnly, "I will."

After saying that, he went to hold Sister Ying's hand, but the matchmaker smiled and said, "Hold the red rope and get on the sedan chair."

This place is still some distance from the pier. Mrs. Wu arranged for them to go out in a sedan chair and get on the boat when they arrived at the pier.

The matchmaker put Sister Ying into the sedan chair, and then shouted, "Get up the sedan chair~~"

Jing Shirong went to ride a red horse.

Liang Jin, Mrs. Wu, and Mrs. Liang and others were watching at the door.

As the matchmaker shouted to set off, the band immediately started beating gongs and drums, and firecrackers also went off non-stop.

  Wu Shi and Liang Jin watched their figures fading away, wiped away their tears, and leaned on each other.

The neighbors comforted her, saying, "This is a good thing. The girl has a home. You should be happy. Wipe your tears quickly."

Mrs. Wu listened and wiped her tears, "That's right, you guys should sit down in the room. You've been busy all day. Sit down and have something hot."

Liang Jin also wiped his tears and was rushed to greet the guests by Mrs. Wu.

They temporarily forgot the sadness of parting and went to greet the guests one after another.

 This head.

 The wedding team beat gongs and drums and happily sent the sedan to the pier.

When the children came to watch the fun on the road, the matchmaker grabbed a handful of candies for them to eat, so that everyone could feel happy together.

After arriving at the dock, the matchmaker asked people to carry all the dowry boxes onto the boat, and the maids and servants also got on board.

As for the bride, Jing Shirong carried her to the boat.

The matchmaker followed them closely and asked Jing Shirong with a smile to put the bride down.

“Master, let the young lady stay with us. You can go to the next room to rest for a while. The boat will start in a while.

Jing Shirong saw her driving him away and was reluctant, "I'll stay with her here."

How could the matchmaker let him stay here? She smiled and said, "It's not appropriate. Besides, the bride is still sleepy. Otherwise, why don't you let her rest for a while? Let's have dinner together in the evening?"

  Anyway, the matchmaker would not let them stay in the same room until they arrived in the capital.

Jing Shirong frowned, but he also knew that the matchmaker would not let him stay with Sister Ying today, so he could only go to the next door room.

Even though she was wearing a red hijab, Sister Ying could hear Jing Shirong's reluctant voice and couldn't help but laugh. She cried all day today and her makeup was all gone. She didn’t want to lift her hijab and let him see the mottled makeup on her face. She might as well let him leave so she could take the opportunity to wash her face.

 “Xiao Zi, I want to wash my face.”

Xiao Zi sighed and immediately went to get her water.

After washing her face and taking off her phoenix crown, Sister Ying asked the matchmaker, "How about taking off all the phoenix crown and harem? Otherwise, it will take more than two months to get to the capital, and it will be wrinkled by then."

The matchmaker thought about it and agreed.

"Okay, then you should wear red clothes when you go. Be festive."

Sister Ying hummed and asked Xiao Zi to get her a red skirt.

After changing her clothes, she breathed a sigh of relief and started eating.

 The meals were arranged by Wu in advance.

Knowing that they had to walk by water, Wu made a lot of delicious dry food. As long as they were grilled over charcoal fire, they could eat a lot of delicious dry food.

A lot of meat buns, meat buns, barbecued meats, and dried fruits are prepared.

Even a large box of dried fruits and snacks for the road was prepared.

Now that we have had a full meal, Sister Ying wants to go to bed and lie down.

Seeing this, the matchmaker hurriedly said, "Young madam, take it with you as soon as you are full. Be careful of the fat on your belly."

Sister Ying huffed, "I'm so sleepy that I can hardly open my eyes."

 If she hadn't been afraid of waking up from hunger, she would have fallen asleep just now.

But the matchmaker is a very disciplined person, and this person was sent by the queen, saying that he was here to pick up the bride.

Jing family had already found a matchmaker, who would have thought that the Queen would send her an official matchmaker.

The official media looks very kind, greets everyone with a smile, and seems to be easy to get along with.

Moreover, she has entered the palace and served as a ceremonial nun, and the rules are very strict, giving Jing no excuse to refuse.

Sister Ying also heard Jing Shirong mention that this matchmaker came from the palace and was very particular about rules. She was asked to be careful when she spoke, so as not to leak anything that could be used as a clue.

Sister Ying originally thought that she would have little chance of getting along with the other party, but she didn’t expect that the matchmaker would not only have to wait for her to eat, but also watch her sleep, which was really a headache.

  She was very sleepy now, but the matchmaker wouldn't let her sleep immediately. She asked her to sit quietly for a while and read a book, and asked her to continue reading.

Xiao Zi, who is so naive, saw that the matchmaker was taking care of Sister Ying, and immediately became unhappy.

“Well, I said, you are a matchmaker and not a housekeeper, why are you still taking care of our young lady?”

 “Didn’t you see that my lady is very sleepy?”

Sister Ying hurriedly grabbed Xiao Zi and pretended to reprimand, "Shut up, don't be too big or too small." Then she apologized to the matchmaker, "Our maid has been stupid since she was a child, and she speaks outright. Don't be as knowledgeable as her. Look back." I'll train her for you."

The matchmaker didn't expect that Xiao Zi, a maid, was so aggressive, so she immediately smiled awkwardly.

I think she was in the palace, and she had no idea how many maids she was in charge of. Who would dare to yell at her like the one in front of her?

The queen called her here because she wanted to see the bride's personality and to find out whether the bride was smart.

If she was smart, the queen would also like to bribe Sister Ying and let her work for her.

So the matchmaker wants to take advantage of the fact that she is still unfamiliar with the situation and try to get her to listen to her.

So the matchmaker said very forcefully, "Young madam, you should listen to my advice. You are still young and don't know the rules of the capital. If you make a mistake, you will be laughed at."

"Besides, I was sent by the Queen. When the Queen asks you about it later, I can't lie. Will you let the Queen know about your disgrace?"

These words actually meant to threaten her.

The college entrance examination is coming soon. Good luck to those who have passed the college entrance examination~



 (End of this chapter)

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